How to get clients with no case studies or results (SMMA) | Summary and Q&A

November 26, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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How to get clients with no case studies or results (SMMA)


Learn how to attract clients to your social media marketing agency even if you don't have any social proof or testimonials.

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Key Insights

  • 🤘 The more clients you sign, the easier it becomes to attract new clients.
  • 🖐️ Confidence plays a crucial role in convincing potential clients to choose your services.
  • 🤝 Partnering with businesses in your niche can provide credibility and assist with closing deals.
  • ❓ Creating an offer that is incredibly valuable can compensate for the absence of social proof or testimonials.
  • 👨‍💼 Leveraging the success of a business in your niche can help build confidence in potential clients.
  • 🥶 Offering to do marketing for free in exchange for being a growth partner can establish trust and credibility.
  • 🥶 Cold calling and reaching out to businesses in your niche is an effective strategy to attract clients.


hey everyone Charlie Morgan here in today's video I'm going to be explaining how to get social media marketing agency clients without any clients a lot of people says it takes money to make money it's similar to the fact that it takes clients to make clients but I figured out a way and a little idea to make signed clients really easy when you haven... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can you attract clients to your social media marketing agency without any social proof or testimonials?

You can build confidence in yourself and create an offer that is so amazing that it compensates for your lack of social proof. Additionally, partnering with a business in your niche and offering to do their marketing for free can help establish credibility.

Q: What is the difference between force and power when it comes to getting clients?

Force is when you have to exert effort to convince someone to choose your services, while power is when you have leverage or something that helps you attract clients. Building confidence and creating an offer that screams confidence can be sources of power.

Q: How can partnering with a business in your niche help you attract clients?

By partnering with a business in your niche and offering to do their marketing for free, you can leverage their success and reputation to establish credibility. They can vouch for your abilities and provide testimonials or case studies.

Q: How can you create an offer that compensates for your lack of social proof or testimonials?

You can offer a results-based or pay-per-appointment basis. By having a strong conviction in your abilities and presenting your offer with confidence, potential clients may not question your lack of social proof.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The more clients you sign, the easier it becomes to sign more clients.

  • Partnering with a business in your niche and offering to do their marketing for free in exchange for them being your growth partner can help establish credibility.

  • Creating an offer that is incredibly valuable can compensate for your lack of social proof and testimonials.

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