How to deliver a pay per appointment offer (SMMA) | Summary and Q&A

November 11, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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How to deliver a pay per appointment offer (SMMA)


Learn how to implement a comprehensive follow-up system for client lead nurturing, increasing conversion rates and client satisfaction.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Lead nurturing systems are crucial for marketing agencies to convert leads into customers and achieve better results.
  • 🤩 Automation plays a key role in streamlining the follow-up process and increasing the value of the agency's services.
  • 🥺 Consistency and persistence in follow-up are important for maximizing the conversion of leads.
  • 🥺 Providing clients with scripts and resources can help them effectively nurture leads and improve overall conversion rates.
  • 🥺 Scheduling appointments quickly and efficiently is essential for maintaining momentum and increasing the chances of leads showing up.
  • 🛀 Continuing to follow up even after scheduling an appointment can help recover potential no-shows or cancellations.
  • 💌 Automation of appointment reminders, texts, and emails can save time and improve efficiency for both the agency and the client.


hey everyone how's it going I have got a really cool video for you today uh it's called our golden follow-up process for clients when we were running a done few marketing agency which was northflow consulting which we scaled seven figures we had a problem initially when we had around 30 clients that we would generate leads for our clients but then ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is lead nurturing important for marketing agencies?

Lead nurturing is crucial for converting leads into customers by establishing a personal connection and communicating the value of the solution being offered.

Q: How can automation improve the follow-up process?

By automating appointment reminders, texts, and emails, the process becomes more efficient and ensures consistent communication with leads.

Q: Should clients continue following up with leads even after they schedule an appointment?

Yes, clients should still follow up with leads until there is direct confirmation from the lead to stop following up. This helps to maximize the conversion of leads into customers.

Q: How can marketing agencies automate the lead nurturing process?

Marketing agencies can utilize software like High Level or Calendly to automate appointment reminders, texts, and emails. Outsourcing calling can also be considered as the agency grows.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Many marketing agencies struggle with generating leads and getting them to book appointments and show up.

  • By implementing a golden follow-up system, one agency was able to improve show rates for their clients and scale their business.

  • The key to success is automating the follow-up process and providing clients with scripts and resources to effectively nurture leads.

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