How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White | Summary and Q&A

July 4, 2022
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How To Change The World & Make An Impact! | Matt Damon & Gary White

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In this video, hosts Jay Shetty, Gary White, and Matt Damon discuss the global water crisis and the work being done by and water equity. They delve into topics such as the impact of the water crisis on individuals, particularly women and girls, and the importance of market-driven solutions like water credit. Both Gary and Matt share stories of their personal experiences with the water crisis and how it motivated them to take action. They also discuss the partnership between and water equity, highlighting the effectiveness of their approach.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the water crisis and why is it important?

The water crisis refers to the lack of access to clean and safe water for millions of people around the world. It is a pressing issue that has far-reaching consequences, affecting health, education, and economic opportunities. While some may see it as a distant problem, for millions of people, it is an immediate struggle for survival.

Q: How does the water crisis impact girls and women differently?

Girls and women are disproportionately affected by the water crisis. They are often responsible for collecting water for their households, which can be a time-consuming and physically demanding task. This takes away valuable time that could have been spent on education, work, or personal development. Lack of access to water also contributes to health issues, further limiting opportunities for girls and women.

Q: How does water credit work and why is it effective?

Water credit is a market-driven solution that provides small loans to individuals who cannot afford the upfront costs of accessing clean water and sanitation facilities. Rather than relying solely on philanthropy, water credit taps into the existing microfinance infrastructure to provide these loans. The repayment rate for these loans has been over 99%, and it empowers individuals to take charge of their own water solutions, fostering dignity and sustainability.

Q: How did Matt Damon change his mind about water credit?

Initially skeptical, Matt had concerns about making the poorest people pay for the water services they desperately need. However, as he learned more about the impact of water credit and its empowering nature, he came to see it as a brilliant solution. The focus on dignity, agency, and market-driven solutions resonated with him, leading him to fully support and champion water credit as a sustainable solution.

Q: How did Matt and Gary find each other as partners for change?

Matt was looking for an expert in the water crisis space and came across Gary's name. Recognizing Gary's brilliance and the significance of water credit, Matt saw him as the logical partner to bring about effective change. Their partnership was built on humility, shared values, and a common goal of making a positive difference in the world.

Q: How can others find a partner for change?

When seeking a partner for change, it's important to look for someone with expertise and a deep understanding of the issue at hand. Humility, shared values, and a willingness to collaborate are also key characteristics to consider. Building a partnership for change requires patience, openness, and a shared vision for a better future.

Q: How do water vendors fit into the water credit model?

Water vendors, who often sell water at inflated prices, were initially part of the water credit problem. However, as water credit developed and provided affordable solutions to individuals, the reliance on water vendors decreased. The market-driven nature of water credit encouraged competition and the development of more affordable water solutions, ultimately leading to the displacement of water vendors as people gained access to clean water through other means.

Q: What impact does access to clean water have on individuals and communities?

Access to clean water has significant positive impacts on individuals and communities. It improves overall health, reduces the risk of waterborne diseases, and fosters economic opportunities. With clean water, individuals have more time to focus on education, work, and personal development, leading to improved quality of life and increased potential for growth.

Q: How has the work of and water equity evolved over time? and water equity have continuously evolved to address the global water crisis in innovative ways. From initially focusing on building wells, the organizations recognized the limitations of philanthropy alone and sought market-driven solutions. The development of water credit and partnerships with microfinance institutions allowed for the scaling of impact and sustainable long-term solutions.

Q: What are some of the challenges in tackling the water crisis?

Tackling the water crisis presents numerous challenges, including the vast scale of the problem and the complexity of underlying issues. Philanthropy alone is insufficient as a solution, requiring a holistic approach that combines market-driven solutions, innovative financing models, and active engagement with local communities. Overcoming these challenges requires perseverance, innovation, and collaboration.


The global water crisis is a pressing issue that affects millions of people, particularly women and girls who bear the burden of water collection. Water credit provides a market-driven solution that enables individuals to access clean water and sanitation facilities through small loans. This approach empowers individuals, fosters dignity, and promotes sustainable change. The partnership between and water equity exemplifies the impact of collaboration and the importance of innovation in addressing the complex challenges of the water crisis. Change-makers should seek partners with expertise, humility, shared values, and a vision for positive change. Overcoming the water crisis requires a multi-faceted approach and a commitment to finding practical, sustainable solutions.

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