Scott O’Neil ON: Quality Time Over Quantity Time & Why Presence is the Key to Deeper Relationships | Summary and Q&A

December 27, 2021
Inspiring Entrepreneurs
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Scott O’Neil ON: Quality Time Over Quantity Time & Why Presence is the Key to Deeper Relationships

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In this podcast episode, the host Jay Shetty interviews Scott O'Neill, the author of the book "Be Where Your Feet Are: Seven Principles to Keep You Present, Grounded, and Thriving." They discuss various topics including mental health, toxic positivity, finding perspective, and creating presence. Scott shares personal stories and lessons he learned from his own experiences, including the loss of his best friend. He also talks about the importance of assuming positive intent, surrounding ourselves with honest people, and practicing gratitude.

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Scott O'Neill learn the importance of assuming positive intent?

Scott learned the importance of assuming positive intent from his own experiences and the need to focus on our own intentions rather than blaming others. He believes in focusing on personal growth and learning from our own mistakes and shortcomings. He mentions having a common language in his household, such as using the phrase "assume positive intent" and "palms up" to foster a mindset of openness, understanding, and love.

Q: How does Scott O'Neill create presence in his daily life?

Scott shares the four steps he follows to create presence. The first step is finding perspective, which involves recognizing the humbling moments and gaining a broader outlook on life. Scott finds perspective in his role as a father, as well as through experiences like volunteering in Mozambique and witnessing the struggles of others. He emphasizes the importance of humility in understanding our place in the world.

Q: How does Scott O'Neill deal with toxic positivity and the pressure to always be happy?

Scott reflects on his own experience of telling his best friend to "just be happy" when he was going through depression. He acknowledges the lack of understanding he had about mental illness and how his words were dismissive and harmful. Scott encourages honest conversations and the need to address the deeper issues rather than masking them with superficial positivity. He highlights the significance of seeking professional help and support when dealing with mental health challenges.

Q: How does Scott O'Neill find moments of gratitude and maintain a grateful mindset?

Scott emphasizes the power of gratitude in his life. He suggests the practice of sending a note of gratitude, love, or appreciation to someone every day for just 60 seconds. Through this practice, he has found that expressing gratitude lifts him up and helps him shift from grief to gratitude. Scott also mentions the importance of having a strong faith and finding stillness as ways to nourish the soul and cultivate gratitude.

Q: How does Scott O'Neill find opportunities for learning and personal growth outside of traditional education?

Scott believes in lifelong learning and actively seeking opportunities to grow beyond traditional education. He shares that his curiosity and desire to learn were influenced by his parents, who were both entrepreneurs and educators. Scott mentions the importance of having diverse interests and finding ways to stretch the mind, whether through reading books, listening to podcasts, attending lectures, or engaging in conversations with thought leaders.

Q: What are Scott O'Neill's thoughts on the challenges faced by the younger generation and their impact on the world?

Scott expresses admiration for the younger generation, specifically Generation Z, and their unique outlook on the world. He believes they possess a global citizen mentality and a strong social contract that emphasizes love, service, and making a positive impact. Scott appreciates their expectation for change and their willingness to question the status quo. He points out that understanding and learning from younger generations can lead to personal growth and the opportunity to create a better world together.

Q: How does Scott O'Neill find balance between his personal and professional life?

Scott shares that finding balance between personal and professional life is an ongoing challenge. He mentions the importance of being present and fully engaged in each area of life when needed. Scott believes in setting boundaries, such as not allowing electronic devices in certain areas of the house and implementing rules regarding social media usage. He emphasizes the need to prioritize self-care, including physical exercise, sleep, and making time for personal interests.

Q: How does Scott O'Neill find moments of humility and maintain a grounded mindset despite his accomplishments?

Scott finds humility through various experiences, including being a father and witnessing the struggles of others. He highlights the importance of perspective and recognizing the privileges and blessings in his life. Scott also talks about his faith in keeping him grounded and finding strength in moments of prayer and meditation.

Q: How did Scott O'Neill handle the loss of his best friend and what lessons did he learn from that experience?

Scott shares the deep impact and grief he felt after losing his best friend to suicide. He reflects on his initial lack of understanding about mental illness and the harmful advice he gave to his friend. Scott emphasizes the importance of seeking help and support, as well as the need for open conversations about mental health. He found healing through writing and sharing stories of his own mistakes and personal growth.

Q: How does Scott O'Neill deal with setbacks and moments of failure in his life?

Scott acknowledges that setbacks and failures are part of life, particularly in his career. He emphasizes the importance of learning from those moments, taking responsibility for his own actions, and staying focused on personal growth and development. Scott shares stories of resilience and perseverance, both in his own journey and in the inspiring stories of others he has encountered.


Scott O'Neill's conversation with Jay Shetty offers powerful insights and lessons for creating presence, finding perspective, and maintaining a grounded mindset. Scott emphasizes the importance of assuming positive intent, surrounding oneself with honest individuals, and practicing gratitude. He believes in the power of lifelong learning and the need to seek opportunities for growth beyond traditional education. Scott also addresses the challenges faced by the younger generation and the importance of their impact on the world. Finally, he shares personal stories of dealing with loss, setbacks, and moments of failure, highlighting the importance of resilience and self-reflection.

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