Robert Greene ON: The Laws of Mastery, Power and Human Nature & Harnessing Your Dark Side For Good | Summary and Q&A

November 8, 2021
On Purpose Podcast - Full Episodes
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Robert Greene ON: The Laws of Mastery, Power and Human Nature & Harnessing Your Dark Side For Good

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In this video, Jay Shetty interviews Robert Greene, the author of books such as "The 48 Laws of Power" and "The Laws of Human Nature." They discuss the concept of power, how it is perceived, the role of intention, and the importance of planning and timing.

Questions & Answers

Q: Where did Robert Greene's obsession with power come from?

Robert Greene relates his fascination with power to his childhood experiences. As a sensitive child, he observed his parents and developed strategies to protect himself from negative reactions. This observation continued as he entered the workforce and witnessed power dynamics in various jobs, including the power games in Hollywood. His desire to understand and unveil these power dynamics inspired his book "The 48 Laws of Power."

Q: How does Robert Greene define power?

According to Robert Greene, power is not limited to CEOs and presidents. He views power as the ability to have some control over your relationships and environment. This includes having influence over others and exerting self-mastery. Feeling helpless and lacking power over one's circumstances can lead to anxiety and unhappiness. Therefore, having some degree of control over oneself and others can provide a sense of power and satisfaction.

Q: Why do many underdogs have a negative view of power?

Robert Greene suggests that the negative perception of power can be influenced by cultural tropes and media portrayals. In movies and television shows, power-hungry individuals are often depicted as evil and manipulative. This creates a misconception that power is inherently negative. However, Greene argues that power can be used for positive purposes, such as fighting for justice, as exemplified by figures like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

Q: Does intention play a role in the effectiveness of the laws of power?

Robert Greene acknowledges that intention can have an impact on the effectiveness of using the laws of power. While some individuals with negative intentions may initially succeed in using these laws, they often lack self-control and face long-term consequences. On the other hand, those with positive intentions and a strategic approach to power may feel more satisfied and fulfilled.

Q: How can one plan to the end when circumstances are uncertain?

Robert Greene emphasizes the importance of planning to the end while acknowledging that unforeseen circumstances may arise. He believes that having a vision and concrete goals can provide a roadmap for success. It is essential to break down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps. By focusing on short-term goals, such as accomplishing specific tasks by certain dates, individuals can avoid feeling overwhelmed and maintain motivation.

Q: How does one master the art of timing?

According to Robert Greene, time is subjective and can be influenced by one's mindset and level of excitement. To master the art of timing, individuals should take action slightly before they feel completely ready. This approach, known as "forcing time," can lead individuals to rise to the occasion and accomplish great things. Numerous historical examples, such as Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon and Barack Obama running for president, demonstrate the power of forcing time.


The concept of power is often misunderstood and viewed negatively in society. However, power can be a tool for positive impact and personal fulfillment. It is crucial to have self-mastery and a degree of control over one's relationships and environment. Planning to the end and mastering the art of timing are essential in achieving success. By understanding these principles and applying them with positive intentions, individuals can navigate power dynamics and lead more fulfilling lives.

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