"Use This ONE MINDSET To Overcome REJECTION TODAY!" | Francia Raisa & Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

March 5, 2021
Building Confidence & Overcoming Fears
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"Use This ONE MINDSET To Overcome REJECTION TODAY!" | Francia Raisa & Jay Shetty

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In this video, Francia Raisa, an American actress and activist, joins a conversation where she talks about her personal journey, her experiences in the entertainment industry, and the importance of representation.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Francia Raisa describe pain and addiction?

According to Francia, pain can be addicting, making it difficult for individuals to break free from darkness and embrace the light. The familiar darkness can be comforting, even when stepping into the light may be a better choice.

Q: How does Francia Raisa explain her interest in producing and her involvement in a historical film?

Francia found a story about a Mexican-American family that desegregated schools in the 1940s through Mendez vs. Westminster. She explains that not many people know about this story, and she felt a strong connection to it due to her personal experiences. She brought the idea to her producing partner and eventually gained the family's support to bring the story to life.

Q: How did Francia Raisa discover the story she is producing?

Francia's boyfriend stumbled upon the story while she was exploring opportunities to produce her own work. Intrigued by the historical significance, she delved deeper into the topic and decided to pursue it.

Q: How did Francia Raisa's personal experience influence her decision to produce a film on the Mendez vs. Westminster case?

Francia faced rejection from school as a child for being unable to speak English. This personal experience resonated with the story of the Mendez family and their fight against school segregation. Francia saw the opportunity to bring awareness to this issue through a film and incorporate it into the curriculum.

Q: What role did the "gut feeling" play in convincing the Mendez family to work with Francia Raisa on the film?

The Mendez family, being of Latino heritage, strongly believes in the power of gut feelings, which they call "presentimiento" or intuition. Francia's passion for her culture, her prior personal experiences, and her dedication to bringing their story to light convinced the family to collaborate with her on the project.

Q: What led Francia Raisa to pursue producing as a career?

Francia had been working in the entertainment industry as an actor for many years and wanted to expand her involvement beyond acting. With the support of her boyfriend and her managing partner, she decided to explore producing as a way to have a greater impact and tell stories that were important to her.

Q: How did Francia Raisa's upbringing in a conservative household influence her journey towards self-growth and pursuing her passions?

Francia's conservative upbringing limited open conversations within her family, making it challenging for her to understand certain aspects of her life. However, through therapy and her involvement with the church, she found the tools and support she needed to heal, grow, and pursue her dreams.

Q: How did Francia Raisa develop her mindset of being open to communication and embracing change?

Francia credits therapy and her involvement with the church for her growth and ability to embrace open conversations. The #MeToo movement, along with the changing cultural landscape, showed her the power of speaking out and being open about personal experiences. She also learned the value of communicating and expressing oneself honestly without confrontation.

Q: How has Francia Raisa's view on representation and challenging typecasting evolved throughout her career?

At the beginning of her career, Francia was willing to take any role to get work. However, as she matured and became more aware of the importance of representation and cultural sensitivity, she became more selective about the roles she took on. She now stands up for her culture and speaks out against stereotypes.

Q: What role has age and experience played in Francia Raisa's confidence to have difficult conversations and challenge the norm within the industry?

Turning 30 and witnessing the impact of the #MeToo movement gave Francia the confidence and inspiration to speak up and challenge the norms within the industry. The support and open-mindedness of the people she works with also contribute to her ability to have these conversations.


Francia Raisa's journey showcases the importance of individual growth, self-awareness, and open communication. Pain can be addictive, but embracing change and stepping into the light can lead to personal development. The power of representation and challenging typecasting is crucial in shifting cultural perspectives. Age and experience can provide the confidence to have difficult conversations and stand up for what one believes in. Overall, open communication, compromise, and giving relationships the time needed to develop are key to building strong connections.

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