Harnessing Influence for Environmental Change | Shubh Mehta & Akshat Shah | TEDxATLAS University | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
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Harnessing Influence for Environmental Change | Shubh Mehta & Akshat Shah | TEDxATLAS University


Real vs. virtual influence debated with examples and insights leading to the importance of social influence.

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Key Insights

  • ⚾ Real influence is based on genuine actions and credibility, while virtual influence relies on storytelling and branding.
  • 🔉 Social media influencers can create significant impacts and behavioral changes in society.
  • 🥺 Overcoming challenges and pivoting strategies during obstacles can lead to positive change through social influence.
  • 💱 The journey of creating change involves personal growth, adapting to circumstances, and consistent action.
  • 🥺 Your influence is your superpower, and using it wisely can lead to impactful changes in the world.
  • ✊ Influence is a responsibility, an opportunity, and a power that should be wielded with intention and purpose.
  • 🌱 Planting the "seeds of change" symbolizes taking action and initiating positive transformations through influence.


foreign foreign ERS of changes us a social and environmental initiative started by the both of us back in 2019 after working for nearly four years together and you know being on the same page on countless times you always stand today with a conflict between us and after several conversations and a heated debate later we come here and this conflict ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the difference between real influence and virtual influence?

Real influence is grounded in real-life actions, achievements, and credibility, whereas virtual influence stems from online storytelling and branding which impacts the outside world.

Q: How did a reality TV show showcase the power of social influence?

The reality TV show demonstrated how online and offline actions by influencers could create significant impacts and behavioral changes in society.

Q: How did the journey of social and real influence to create change unfold?

The journey involved overcoming challenges like lack of volunteers and pivoting online during COVID-19 to engage the community and make a positive impact through actions and social influence.

Q: What lessons were learned about influence during the journey of creating change?

The vital lessons included setting purposeful intentions, taking consistent action, and using social influence to create a meaningful impact in society.


The video discusses the concept of influence and its impact on society. The speakers present their arguments on whether real influence or social media influence is more powerful. They share personal experiences and examples to support their viewpoints. Ultimately, they conclude that both forms of influence are important and can be used together to create a significant impact on society. The video also highlights the importance of using influence responsibly and taking action to bring about change.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the difference between real influence and social media influence?

Real influence refers to the impact someone makes in the real world, based on genuine actions, achievements, credibility, consistency, and tangible impact. On the other hand, social media influence is a product of virtual storytelling and branding that leaves an impact outside the virtual realm.

Q: How does real influence affect our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and life decisions?

Real influence occurs when we get influenced by people in a virtual or online avatar, such as online personalities or celebrities. Their actions and content can shape our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and ultimately, our life decisions.

Q: Why is real influence important in creating change?

Real influence is grounded in real-life achievements, credibility, and expertise. It allows individuals to make a tangible impact in the world through their actions. Real influence is crucial in bringing about meaningful change in society.

Q: How can social media influence be used to create a positive impact?

With the advent of social media, individuals can reach a wide audience and easily spread messages. Social media influencers can leverage their online presence to raise awareness, advocate for causes, and inspire others to take action for the greater good.

Q: Can real influence and social media influence be seen as two sides of the same coin?

Yes, both real influence and social media influence are forms of social influence. They complement each other and have the power to create a significant impact when used together. Real influence is grounded in real-life actions, achievements, and credibility, while social media influence leverages virtual storytelling and branding to leave an impact in the real world.

Q: How can one be a true social influencer?

Being a true social influencer does not require a huge social media following or past achievements. It is about starting with an intention to create a positive change and taking action. One can become a true social influencer by using their influence to inspire and mobilize others for the betterment of society.

Q: What challenges did the speakers face in their journey of creating change?

The speakers faced challenges such as a lack of volunteers, the COVID-19 lockdown, and the plight of migrant laborers. However, they adapted to circumstances, used social media and word-of-mouth marketing, and pivoted to online activities to overcome these challenges and continue making a difference.

Q: How did the speakers measure their impact?

The speakers measured their impact in terms of numbers, statistics, data points, and figures, which helped them analyze their social influence. However, they considered the love, support, and influence they received from people as the real measure of impact.

Q: What three vital lessons did the speakers learn on their journey?

Firstly, one's influence is their superpower and should be used with a purposeful intention. Secondly, consistent action is essential to make a meaningful impact in the world. And thirdly, social influence should be wielded to create positive change in society.

Q: What message do the speakers leave the audience with?

The speakers emphasize that one's influence is their responsibility, opportunity, and power. They encourage the audience to use their influence wisely and take action to create a massive impact on society.


The video highlights the power of influence, both real and social media-based, in shaping society. It emphasizes the importance of using influence responsibly and taking action to bring about change. The speakers showcase their personal journey and experiences to illustrate how influence can create a significant impact. They conclude that true social influence happens when both real influence and social media influence are combined. Ultimately, the audience is encouraged to recognize their own influence and use it to make a positive difference in the world.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The debate between real and virtual influence is explored with examples and insights.

  • The impact of social media influencers is discussed through a reality TV show example.

  • The journey of creating change through real and social influence is highlighted with personal experiences.

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