Power of the people | Bhavani Fonseka | TEDxColombo | Summary and Q&A

September 27, 2023
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Power of the people | Bhavani Fonseka | TEDxColombo


Sri Lanka has a history of successful citizen mobilization, as seen in protests against enforced disappearances and a constitutional crisis. People's voices have shown the potential to bring about change and hold those in power accountable.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ฐ Sri Lanka has a history of successful citizen mobilization, as seen in protests against enforced disappearances and a constitutional crisis.
  • ๐Ÿฅบ Protests and advocacy have led to the establishment of the Office on Missing Persons and resolutions to constitutional crises.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Citizen mobilization can start small but has the potential to transform into something bigger.
  • ๐Ÿคจ Different strategies, such as peaceful protests, petitions, and creative expressions, can be used to raise awareness and drive change.
  • ๐Ÿ’€ It is important to find a balance between anger, hope, and belief to sustain efforts for change.
  • โ“ Allies and unity among activists are crucial in the journey towards social and political transformation.
  • โœŒ๏ธ Despite setbacks and challenges, celebrating small victories can keep the momentum of the movement alive.


Transcriber: Cam VDB Reviewer: Arwa Mohamed upbeat music Sri Lanka has had a rich history of activism where the power of the people has defined the direction of this country and shaped the future. Just recently, last year, we saw a massive citizen mobilization where tens and thousands of citizens came out to the streets, demanding for a system ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What examples of citizen mobilization have been seen in Sri Lanka?

Enforced disappearances and a constitutional crisis have sparked protests and demands for justice and accountability in Sri Lanka. Families of the victims have tirelessly protested for answers regarding their missing loved ones, while a constitutional crisis led to widespread protests and legal challenges.

Q: What led to the formation of the Office on Missing Persons in Sri Lanka?

Decades of protests and advocacy by families of victims of enforced disappearances in Sri Lanka led to the recognition of the crime by the government. In 2018, the government criminalized enforced disappearances and established the Office on Missing Persons to investigate and inquire into missing and disappeared persons.

Q: How did protests and legal challenges impact the constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka?

People mobilized for 52 days, organizing vigils, debates, and discussions to challenge the president's move in the constitutional crisis. Legal challenges were brought to the Supreme Court, which ultimately ruled the president's actions unconstitutional, resolving the crisis.

Q: What does the history of citizen mobilization in Sri Lanka show?

The history of citizen protests in Sri Lanka demonstrates the power of people's voices and their ability to bring about change. From small neighborhood protests to national movements, Sri Lankans have shown resilience, perseverance, and the potential to hold those in power accountable.


This video discusses the power of the people and the impact of social movements in bringing about change and challenging injustices. It highlights examples of activism in Sri Lanka, including protests against enforced disappearances and a constitutional crisis. The video emphasizes the importance of unity, perseverance, and resilience in mobilizing for change, as well as the various strategies and tools that can be employed.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the power of the people?

The power of the people is a broad definition of a social movement that unites individuals in challenging unjust and undemocratic actions. It has been seen across the world in different forms and has brought about significant change, such as the Arab Springs, protests in South Africa and Latin America, the Hong Kong protests, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Q: Can you provide an example of people's power in Sri Lanka?

One example is the protests against enforced disappearances in Sri Lanka. The country has one of the highest caseloads of enforced disappearances globally, affecting communities across the country. In the 1980s, mothers mobilized protests to uncover the truth about their missing loved ones. These protests led to the government recognizing enforced disappearances as a crime and establishing an independent office to investigate such cases. However, families continue to protest and demand answers, highlighting the persistent nature of their activism.

Q: What was the impact of protests during the constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka?

The constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka, triggered by the president's firing of the prime minister and appointment of a new prime minister, led to 52 days of protests and uncertainty. People organized vigils, meetings, debates, and discussions to question the constitutionality of these actions. Several individuals also challenged the president's move in the Supreme Court, which ruled it unconstitutional. This resulted in the restoration of stability and the end of the constitutional crisis.

Q: How did smaller protests in Sri Lanka gain momentum?

Small protests, such as neighborhood protests against power cuts and corruption, can grow into larger movements. The economic crisis in Sri Lanka led to widespread dissatisfaction, and people in various communities began organizing protests to demand change. These neighborhood protests spread across the country, showing that the voices of the people cannot be ignored.

Q: What role does unity play in the power of the people?

Unity is crucial in mobilizing for change. The examples in Sri Lanka demonstrate how different communities, including mothers, farmers, fisher communities, teachers, trade unions, and students, have come together to demand their rights and question injustices. By standing united, these groups have shown the potential for collective action and the impact it can have in challenging the status quo.

Q: How does resilience play a role in people's power?

Change is never easy or immediate, and activists often face obstacles, threats, and violence. However, these challenges have not deterred people from asking for change. Over the years, individuals in various social movements have shown perseverance and resilience in their activism. Despite setbacks, they continue to mobilize and agitate for their demands, proving that resilience is a crucial element in sustaining the power of the people.

Q: Can change be achieved through methods other than protesting?

Yes, protesting is not the only approach to agitate for change. Public petitions, filing legal cases, creativity, and effective communication are also important strategies. Artwork, movies, and visual symbols have the power to convey strong messages and capture people's imagination. Additionally, clear and resonating communication methods, such as social media hashtags, can help connect with the public and raise awareness about specific issues.

Q: What qualities does it take to bring about change?

According to Professor Catherine Sicking, a combination of anger, hope, and belief is required to bring about change. Anger can be the driving force for action, but action alone is not enough. Hope and belief are needed to sustain change and provide the stamina and motivation to persevere through obstacles. It is essential to have hope that even small actions can make a difference and the belief that collective effort can lead to significant change.

Q: What are some important elements for those seeking to mobilize for change?

Five important elements for those seeking to mobilize for change include finding a balance between anger, hope, and belief, using peaceful and creative strategies, recognizing the significance of alliances and unity, persevering despite setbacks and challenges, and celebrating small victories. These elements contribute to the effectiveness and sustainability of movements, allowing the power of the people to have a lasting impact.

Q: What gives hope and belief in the potential of the people's voices?

The potential of the people's voices is evident in the transformative power of small protests and the resilience of activists. Examples from Sri Lanka and around the world show that even localized movements can grow into larger ones, challenging injustices and bringing about change. Despite uncertainties and challenges, the fact that people continue to mobilize, agitate, and demand change gives hope and belief in the potential of the people's voices to make a difference.

Takeaways (in one paragraph)

The video emphasizes the power of the people in challenging injustices and bringing about change. It highlights several examples from Sri Lanka, where activism has led to significant developments, such as the recognition of enforced disappearances as a crime and the restoration of constitutional order. The video underscores the importance of unity, perseverance, and resilience in mobilizing for change, while also recognizing the diverse strategies and tools that can be employed. Ultimately, the video encourages individuals to find a balance between anger, hope, and belief, and to recognize the potential of their voices in making a difference.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Sri Lanka has a history of successful citizen mobilization, as seen in protests demanding answers about enforced disappearances and a constitutional crisis.

  • Enforced disappearances have affected communities across Sri Lanka, leading to protests demanding justice and answers for the victims' families.

  • A constitutional crisis in 2018 sparked protests and legal challenges, ultimately leading to a court ruling that deemed the president's actions unconstitutional.

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