Grow Your Youtube Channel From 0 - What To Focus On In Order Of Importance | Summary and Q&A

March 23, 2020
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Grow Your Youtube Channel From 0 - What To Focus On In Order Of Importance


Learn how to improve your YouTube channel and gain more viewership by focusing on thumbnails and titles, audience retention, watch time, viewer engagement, and collaboration with other content creators.

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Key Insights

  • 🫵 Thumbnails and titles are crucial for attracting viewers and getting them to click on your videos, making them the top priority for a content creator.
  • 🤩 Audience retention is a key metric for YouTube, and content creators should analyze their audience retention reports to understand how viewers respond to their videos.
  • ⌚ Maintaining audience interest and increasing watch time are essential for long-term success on YouTube.
  • 🫵 Encouraging viewer engagement through comments, likes, shares, and playlists can help foster a community and attract more viewers.
  • ❓ Collaborating with other content creators provides support, networking opportunities, and a more enjoyable experience as a YouTuber.
  • 🎮 Content creators should focus on creating and improving their content before incorporating various YouTube-specific elements into their videos.
  • 🫵 Balancing promotion with quality content is crucial to maintaining viewer interest and satisfaction.


  • I'm gonna tell you five things that you need to focus on as a YouTuber, to grow your channel, and we're starting right now. This video is brought to you by Placeit. Placeit has easy to edit YouTube intros, channel banners, end screens and more, for YouTubers, and the best part is, you don't have to have any additional software to use Placeit, you... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why are thumbnails and titles so important for the growth of a YouTube channel?

Thumbnails and titles are the first things viewers see, and if they don't find them compelling enough, they won't click on your video. Without clicks, your content won't reach an audience and won't have the opportunity to gain views and subscribers.

Q: How can audience retention affect the success of a YouTube channel?

Audience retention is crucial because if people quickly leave your video, it indicates to YouTube that your content is not engaging or valuable. As a result, YouTube may stop suggesting your video to others, limiting your channel's growth potential.

Q: What is watch time, and why is it significant on YouTube?

Watch time refers to the total amount of time people spend watching your content. It is important because it demonstrates to YouTube that viewers find your content enjoyable or informative. Higher watch time signals that your videos are of quality and can result in more visibility on the platform.

Q: How can a content creator encourage viewer engagement?

Content creators can ask viewers questions, invite them to leave comments, share their videos, or give them a reason to like the content. By actively engaging with your audience and making it easy for them to participate, you create a sense of community and show that people are interested in your videos.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Thumbnails and titles are crucial as they are the first point of contact with viewers and determine whether they click on your video or not.

  • Audience retention is important because if people leave your video quickly, YouTube will stop suggesting it to others.

  • Watch time is essential for accumulating engagement and demonstrating the quality of your content to YouTube.

  • Encouraging viewer engagement through comments, likes, shares, and playlists shows that people are actively interested in your content.

  • Collaborating with other content creators can provide support, networking opportunities, and a more enjoyable experience as a YouTuber.

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