Foreseeable accidents--a brand new concept of “SOS” | Xinyan Xu | TEDxYouth@GHCIS | Summary and Q&A

September 27, 2023
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Foreseeable accidents--a brand new concept of “SOS” | Xinyan Xu | TEDxYouth@GHCIS


Learn how to better prepare for accidents by developing sensitivity, using operation techniques, and employing strategic approaches.

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Key Insights

  • 💀 Sensitivity to danger can help prevent accidents, as demonstrated by Queen Victoria's survival of multiple assassination attempts.
  • ❓ Operation techniques, like earthquake prediction, contribute to early detection and prevention of natural disasters.
  • 🎮 Effective strategies, such as Apple's marketing tactics, help maintain control and anticipation, reducing the chances of accidents.
  • 🤨 Enriching our knowledge and raising awareness can better prepare us for unforeseen accidents.
  • 👻 Embracing the possibility of accidents while remaining curious and courageous allows for continuous growth and resilience.
  • 🛰️ Accidents can be classified as natural or artificial, and different approaches may be required to prevent or mitigate each type.
  • 🥺 Seismicity monitoring can aid in earthquake prediction, leading to more accurate forecasts and better preparation.


foreign [Applause] took place one of us was forced to get a rabies shot while another accidentally loves her for a lot of way to a pet hospital to me is that all process of foreseeing accidents are accomplished by people who are prepared and alert I summarize my ideas of various meetings related to forcing certain accidents or rather the ideas of g... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is sensitivity important in accident prevention?

Sensitivity allows us to detect danger and take necessary precautions. For example, Queen Victoria's ability to sense assassination attempts helped her survive multiple attacks.

Q: How can earthquake prediction be helpful in preventing accidents?

Seismologists Max West and Robert Oberkor predicted an earthquake along the San Andreas Fault based on a drop in the seismicity of the area. This successful prediction can help save lives and minimize damage.

Q: How does Apple's marketing strategy relate to accident prevention?

Apple's secretive and controlled release of product information creates anticipation and prevents leaks. This strategy helps avoid accidents caused by premature information disclosure.

Q: How can we prepare ourselves for potential accidents?

By raising awareness and broadening our knowledge, we can better anticipate and cope with accidents. Enriching ourselves with knowledge allows us to adapt to various situations.


This video discusses the concept of preparing and coping with potential accidents, using the acronym SOS (Sensitivity, Operation, Strategy). The speaker emphasizes the importance of being alert and prepared, rather than relying on others for help. They provide examples of accidents from history and how sensitivity, operation, and strategy played a role in preventing or minimizing their impact. They also mention the hunger marketing strategy of Apple and how it creates anticipation and curiosity among consumers. The overall message is to encourage everyone to enrich their knowledge, be curious, and have the courage to start again when accidents happen.

Questions & Answers

Q: How can sensitivity help us cope with potential accidents?

Sensitivity plays a crucial role in anticipating and preventing accidents. For example, Queen Victoria survived multiple assassination attempts because she was sensitive to the danger and took precautions. Sensitivity allows us to notice potential danger and take necessary actions to avoid accidents.

Q: Can operation help mitigate the impact of natural disasters?

Yes, operation can be used to predict and mitigate the impact of natural disasters. In the case of seismologists Max West and Robert Oberkor, they successfully predicted an earthquake by observing a drop in the specificity of the area. This prediction allowed people to take necessary precautions and minimize the damage caused by the earthquake.

Q: How does strategy play a role in coping with accidents?

Strategy helps in managing and controlling information related to accidents. For example, Apple's hunger marketing strategy for their mobile phones involves controlling the release of product details and creating anticipation among consumers. This strategy keeps consumers hooked and eager to learn more, ultimately leading to a successful product launch.

Q: Are accidents always avoidable?

Accidents may not always be avoidable, but their impact can be minimized. Some accidents, like natural disasters, are beyond our control. However, by being prepared and raising awareness, we can minimize their consequences. It is impossible to prevent all accidents, but we can enhance our knowledge and readiness to cope with them.

Q: What is the message of the SOS concept?

The message of the SOS concept is to encourage individuals to continuously enrich their knowledge and be curious about the world. By monitoring historical events and applying their lessons, we can better prepare ourselves for accidents. The key is to not be deterred by accidents but to embrace them as opportunities for growth and to have the courage to start again when needed.

Q: How does Apple's secrecy contribute to their marketing strategy?

Apple's secrecy is a key component of their marketing strategy. By keeping product details under wraps before release, they create a sense of mystery and anticipation for consumers. The lack of official information leads to speculation and buzz on social media, further generating interest. This secrecy strategy has been successful in getting consumers excited about Apple's products.

Q: Can accidents in a relatively stable company be fatal?

Accidents in a relatively stable company may not always have fatal consequences. This is because such companies are well-prepared and have safeguards in place. While accidents can still occur, they are typically minor and can be managed without significant harm. However, it is important for individuals to remain prepared and vigilant, even in seemingly stable situations.

Q: Is it possible to anticipate all accidents?

It is not possible to anticipate and prevent all accidents. Accidents are unpredictable by nature. However, individuals can raise their level of awareness and broaden their perspective to spot foreseeable accidents. By being proactive and prepared, we can increase our chances of mitigating or recovering from accidents.

Q: How can we enrich ourselves to cope with accidents?

Enriching ourselves through continuous learning and exploration is essential to cope with accidents. By gaining knowledge from various sources, we expand our understanding of history and its lessons. This enriched knowledge equips us with the tools to face accidents and make informed decisions. We should embrace curiosity, evaluate the world around us, and apply historical teachings to our own lives.

Q: What is the overall message of the video?

The video's overall message is that accidents are inevitable, but it is possible to prepare and cope with them. Through sensitivity, operation, and strategy, individuals can increase their readiness and minimize the impact of accidents. The video encourages everyone to embrace curiosity, continually enrich their knowledge, and have the courage to overcome accidents and start again.


Accidents are a part of life, but our response to them can make all the difference. By being sensitive to potential dangers, utilizing strategic operations, and continuously enriching our knowledge, we can better prepare ourselves for accidents. Apple's marketing strategy showcases the power of secrecy and anticipation. While we may not be able to prevent all accidents, we can be proactive in mitigating their impact. It is crucial to remain curious, evaluate the world, and have the courage to start again when accidents happen.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Accidents can be categorized as natural or artificial, and developing sensitivity to danger can help prevent them.

  • Operation techniques, such as earthquake prediction, can also aid in accident prevention.

  • Employing strategies, like Apple's marketing tactics, can control the flow of information and create anticipation for products.

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