Art Piece Molded Through the Twists and Turns of Fate | Angelic Gerona | TEDxYouth@UWCDilijan | Summary and Q&A

September 25, 2023
TEDx Talks
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Art Piece Molded Through the Twists and Turns of Fate | Angelic Gerona | TEDxYouth@UWCDilijan

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This video is a speech given by Angela Exchange Hirona, where she shares her personal story of how her life was molded by chaos and the challenges she has faced. She talks about her experiences with domestic violence, sexual assault, family struggles, and personal growth. Through her story, she emphasizes the importance of resilience, faith, and perseverance in overcoming obstacles and finding confidence.

Questions & Answers

Q: What challenges did Angela face in her childhood?

Angela shares that she grew up in an environment of domestic violence, where her parents would fight and she had to witness their struggles on a daily basis. She also mentions financial difficulties and the need to pretend to be asleep to hide the fact that there was not enough food to eat.

Q: How did Angela find freedom and independence at a young age?

When Angela was 8 years old, her father was arrested and sent to jail, and she and her sister had to live with their grandparents. Despite the difficult circumstances, Angela felt a sense of freedom and relief from the pressure of academics. She was able to make her own decisions, hang out with other children, and explore life beyond school and education.

Q: How did Angela find strength and hope after experiencing sexual assault?

Angela shares that when she was 10 years old, she was sexually assaulted by someone she thought she could trust. The experience left her scared and hopeless, but through her faith and belief that everything happens for a reason, she found light in her life. When her father was finally released from jail and their family reunited, Angela felt genuinely happy and accomplished.

Q: How did Angela's experiences shape her confidence and self-esteem?

Throughout her life, Angela faced various challenges and struggles, but she also had moments of success and personal growth. From winning her first monologue and public speaking events at the age of 14, to being surrounded by supportive teachers and friends who believed in her, Angela slowly started to trust herself and recognize her talents. This helped to build her confidence and remove insecurities.

Q: How did Angela find resilience and support during difficult times?

Angela emphasizes the importance of having a support system that uplifts and encourages you. She talks about her best friend who reminded her of her strength and capabilities during a low point in her life. Angela also mentions the teachers and friends who provided her with a real home and helped her discover her skills and talents. She believes that having people who believe in you can make a huge difference in overcoming challenges.

Q: How did Angela cope with her mother's illness and other ongoing challenges?

When Angela's mother was diagnosed with an illness and they had to admit her to a private hospital, Angela and her sister found themselves begging and crying for help from anyone who could assist them. Despite feeling overwhelmed and asking why life was so unfair, Angela decided to take control of her life and pursue personal growth. She studied hard, joined NGOs, and became an active member of her community, which opened up opportunities for her.

Q: How did Angela's experiences lead her to pursue education?

Angela's perseverance and hard work paid off when she was admitted to an international school in Armenia at the age of 18. She started studying the international baccalaureate degree program, and at the age of 20, she had received admission offers from eight universities. Angela credits her faith, confidence, and determination for reaching this point in her life.

Q: How does Angela maintain a positive outlook despite ongoing struggles?

Angela describes herself as bubbly, energetic, and optimistic, and she attributes these qualities to her ability to find the silver lining in every situation. She acknowledges that life can be discouraging, but she believes that taking the time to appreciate the good things and being surrounded by supportive people can keep her motivated and resilient.

Q: What message does Angela want to convey through her story?

Through her story, Angela wants to inspire others to never give up, no matter how challenging life may become. She encourages people to appreciate the great things in life, reflect on their blessings, and find strength in their own experiences. She believes that creativity can emerge from chaos, and that success can be achieved through hard work, confidence, faith, and perseverance.


Angela's story is a testament to the power of resilience and perseverance in overcoming life's struggles. Despite facing traumatic experiences from a young age, Angela found strength and hope through her faith and the support of others. She encourages everyone to appreciate the good things in life, find motivation in their own experiences, and never give up when faced with challenges. Angela's story serves as a reminder that setbacks and obstacles can ultimately lead to personal growth and success.

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