FASTEST Way To Build a SMMA and ACTUALLY Get Clients | Summary and Q&A

October 16, 2023
Charlie Morgan
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FASTEST Way To Build a SMMA and ACTUALLY Get Clients


Learn how to quickly and effectively start a social media marketing agency by implementing the best business models and pricing strategies to attract clients and minimize risk.

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Key Insights

  • 👨‍💼 Incentive alignment is essential in designing business models to satisfy both the agency and client.
  • 😘 The best business model for social media marketing agency depends on balancing high rewards and low risk for both parties.
  • 🔁 The value provided by an agency increases as it progresses from awareness to repeat purchase stages for clients.
  • 🐕‍🦺 The Upfront Result and Discrepancy Guarantee Model, Trojan Horse Retainer Model, and Market Pays Model offer unique approaches to pricing and presenting services.


I'm going to show you the fastest way to build a social media marketing agency in a way that will actually get you clients now over the last 6 years I have built multiple agencies to multiple seven figures and I have made a lot of mistakes probably every mistake you could make and I've bought all the courses I've watched all the YouTube tutorials a... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the importance of incentive alignment in running a successful social media marketing agency?

Incentive alignment is crucial because both the agency and the client want high rewards and low risk. Aligning incentives ensures that both parties are motivated to work towards the same goals and fosters a long-term relationship.

Q: How can the Trojan Horse Retainer Model benefit agency owners?

The Trojan Horse Retainer Model allows agency owners to sign clients by offering a setup fee initially and gradually introducing the retainer after delivering results. It helps build trust and demonstrates the agency's value before committing to a long-term retainer.

Q: What is the Market Pays Model and who is it suitable for?

The Market Pays Model is a unique approach where the agency enters a niche with an abundance of lead magnets that businesses can provide in exchange for leads. It is suitable for experienced agency owners with market knowledge and expertise in identifying lead magnet opportunities.

Q: What is the significance of choosing the right business model and pricing strategy?

The right business model and pricing strategy can attract clients, ensure incentive alignment, and lead to long-term success. It is crucial to consider both the client's needs and the agency's profitability when designing the offer.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content discusses the best business models and pricing strategies for starting a successful social media marketing agency.

  • It emphasizes the importance of incentive alignment between the agency and the client, focusing on high rewards and low risk.

  • The content introduces three unique models: the Upfront Result and Discrepancy Guarantee Model, the Trojan Horse Retainer Model, and the Market Pays Model.

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