Fastest Guaranteed Way To $10k/mo With SMMA | Summary and Q&A

June 14, 2023
Charlie Morgan
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Fastest Guaranteed Way To $10k/mo With SMMA


Consistently dedicate time to Outreach and develop a content production habit to successfully grow your agency.

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Key Insights

  • 💗 Consistency and dedication are crucial for growing an agency and achieving success in client acquisition.
  • 😫 Setting aside a specific time block for Outreach activities can help maintain consistency.
  • 🍉 Content production, such as creating videos or written content, is a long-term strategy that can attract clients.
  • 🥶 Cold calling is recommended for starting Outreach, as it helps develop verbal skills and sales experience.
  • 🥺 The compound effect of daily Outreach efforts can lead to significant results over time.
  • 👨‍💼 Building a business requires sacrifice and hard work, but the rewards can be worth it.
  • 🎨 Prioritizing Outreach activities is more important than other non-essential tasks like website design or logo creation.


hello my friend how are you doing in this video I'm going to walk you through two things that you need to be doing to grow your agency this is for newbies not necessarily for those of you who already have a ton of experience and hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in Revenue this is more for those of you who are starting and you want to bring s... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the two main activities discussed in the video to grow an agency?

The two main activities are structuring your day and dedicating time to Outreach.

Q: Why is consistency important in client acquisition?

Consistency ensures that you regularly reach out to potential clients and increases the chances of converting leads into customers.

Q: What is the recommended approach for setting goals in Outreach?

It is advised to set input goals (e.g., number of cold calls or emails) rather than output goals (e.g., number of booked appointments) as they are within your control.

Q: What are the potential outcomes of dedicating several hours a day to Outreach?

By consistently dedicating time to Outreach, one can expect to book appointments, sign new clients, and potentially achieve a six-figure income within a year.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video discusses two key activities that can help newbies grow their agency: structuring their day and dedicating time to Outreach.

  • Consistency is crucial for client acquisition success, and one way to achieve it is to schedule a specific daily time block for Outreach.

  • The content also emphasizes the importance of content production as a long-term strategy for attracting clients.

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