Estimating decimal multiplication | Summary and Q&A

October 17, 2017
Khan Academy
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Estimating decimal multiplication


Learn how to estimate the product of decimal multiplications by rounding the numbers and simplifying the calculations.

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Key Insights

  • 🛝 Estimating the multiplication of decimals involves rounding the numbers to simplify the calculation.
  • 👻 Rounding decimals to whole numbers allows for easier mental calculations.
  • 😚 Choosing the closest estimate among multiple choice options involves comparing the estimates with the provided choices.


  • [Instructor] Let's now get some practice. Estimating multiplying with decimals. So first here, we have 7.8 times 307, is approximately equal to what? When you see the squiggly equal sign, that means approximately equal to what. So pause this video, and see if you can figure it out on your own. Alright, so the way that I would think about doing it... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can you estimate the product of decimals when multiplying?

To estimate the product of decimals, you can round the numbers to whole numbers and then multiply them. This simplifies the calculation and provides a rough estimation of the actual product.

Q: Why is it helpful to round decimals when estimating the product?

Rounding decimals to whole numbers makes the multiplication easier to calculate mentally. It allows you to simplify the calculation and get a quick estimate without needing precise calculations.

Q: Can you provide an example of estimating decimal multiplication?

Sure! For example, to estimate 7.8 times 307, you can round 7.8 to 8 and 307 to 300. Then, multiply 8 and 300 to get an estimate of approximately 2,400.

Q: How do you choose the closest estimate among the given options?

When choosing the closest estimate, compare your estimated product with the options provided. Select the option that is closest to your estimate, considering which option rounds off the nearest to your estimation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video explains how to estimate the multiplication of decimals by rounding the numbers and simplifying the calculation.

  • By rounding decimals to whole numbers, you can multiply them easily to get a rough estimate of the product.

  • The video provides examples that demonstrate the estimation process and explains how to choose the closest estimate among the given options.

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