Dave Smith on the Trump Indictments | Summary and Q&A

August 24, 2023
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Dave Smith on the Trump Indictments


This content discusses the Russia collusion story, the weaponization of the legal system against Trump, and the belief among his supporters that he won the 2020 election.

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Key Insights

  • 👯 The Russia collusion story was fabricated and known to be false, yet many people still believed it.
  • 🚂 The legal system has been weaponized against Trump, with charges based on interpretation and political motives.
  • 👶 Trump's base becomes more convinced of a conspiracy against him with each new indictment.


The Joe Rogan Experience well look even like with this this Trump thing man it's like it's like I was saying how so many people still believe the Russia collusion story which was all made up man and you can go like you can go follow this whole thing it was all made up and they knew it they knew what they were doing there's that clip by the way befo... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What evidence existed to support the Russia collusion story?

The main evidence supporting the Russia collusion story was the Steele dossier, which was funded by Hillary Clinton and contained unverified claims, most of which were ultimately disproven.

Q: Why wasn't Carter Page charged if he was being framed for collusion?

Carter Page was never charged because there was no evidence to support the allegations against him. He was used as a pawn in an attempt to frame Trump and his campaign.

Q: Why are the charges against Trump based on novel legal theories?

The charges against Trump are based on interpretation rather than clear violations of the law. This indicates a desperate attempt to find something to charge him with.

Q: Why do some people believe there is a conspiracy against Trump?

The constant indictments and arrests of Trump's associates, despite lack of evidence for major crimes, fuel the belief that there is a conspiracy against him. It strengthens the perception of corruption and political bias.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content highlights how the Russia collusion story was fabricated and known to be false from the start, with leaders admitting moments of honesty about it.

  • It explores the origins of the Steele dossier, the spying on Carter Page, and the attempts to frame Trump for collusion.

  • The content also examines the weaponization of the legal system against Trump, including novel legal theories and charges that are politically motivated.

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