Oliver Stone on the JFK Assassination Cover-up | Summary and Q&A

January 5, 2022
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Oliver Stone on the JFK Assassination Cover-up


A comprehensive analysis dives into the JFK assassination conspiracy, revealing significant evidence of a cover-up and questioning the lone gunman theory.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿ’ผ The JFK assassination case has attracted a community of serious truth seekers dedicated to uncovering the truth.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ฅ Significant evidence exists, such as manipulated autopsy photos and discrepancies in the official narrative, pointing towards a conspiracy.
  • ๐Ÿ˜œ The cover-up involved multiple individuals and agencies, including the FBI, CIA, and high-ranking officials.
  • ๐Ÿ˜Š Lee Harvey Oswald's connections to both pro-Castro and anti-Castro factions suggest a more complex network involved in the assassination.
  • ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡บ The government had a vested interest in avoiding accusations against Russia and Cuba to prevent potential escalation of tensions.
  • ๐Ÿคจ There were manipulations and direction during the autopsy, raising questions about the predetermined result the authorities wanted to achieve.
  • ๐Ÿ“” General Curtis LeMay's disregard for proper procedures during the autopsy adds to the suspicion surrounding the cover-up.


the jurgen experience the community of people that are obsessed with the jfk thank god it's pretty cool there's a lot of nut cases yeah out there but those serious people are really good and they're the ones that kept this case alive well it's a thing that a conspiracy theorist really looks to i don't use that word i think true seeker is much more ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Who are the people that keep the JFK assassination case alive?

The community consists of serious truth seekers who are interested in uncovering the truth about historical events and conspiracies. They play a crucial role in keeping the case alive and challenging the official narrative.

Q: What evidence exists to support the existence of a conspiracy in the JFK assassination?

The documentary highlights significant evidence, including manipulated autopsy photos, discrepancies in the number and location of shots, and the establishment of the "magic bullet" theory.

Q: Why was the truth about the JFK assassination not pursued by the government?

The government dismissed the evidence and did not follow up on the conspiracy due to the complexity of the case and the fear of causing hysteria and international complications, particularly with Russia and Cuba.

Q: Was Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone in the assassination?

The evidence suggests that Oswald was working with both pro-Castro and anti-Castro factions, indicating a more complex network involved in the assassination. The CIA's involvement is also suspected.


This video discusses the JFK assassination and the ongoing investigation into the conspiracy theories surrounding it. The speaker, Jurgen, talks about the community of people who are interested in uncovering the truth and how they have kept the case alive. He also mentions significant evidence of a conspiracy and the various individuals who were involved in manipulating evidence. Jurgen and the interviewer discuss the cover-up and potential motivations behind it, as well as the role of the CIA and the Johnson administration in the aftermath of the assassination.

Questions & Answers

Q: How would you describe the community of people interested in uncovering the truth about the JFK assassination?

The community is made up of both serious individuals and "nut cases." While there are many conspiracy theorists, there are also genuine truth seekers who are dedicated to finding out the truth behind the assassination. They are passionate about uncovering the truth behind not only JFK's assassination but also other historical events.

Q: Is there significant evidence to suggest that there was a conspiracy in JFK's assassination?

Yes, there is significant evidence that points to a conspiracy. From the beginning, there have been multiple shots from different angles, including from the rear. The documentary details the manipulation of evidence such as autopsy photos and the impact wounds, which involved multiple individuals. This evidence strongly suggests a conspiracy rather than a lone shooter.

Q: How many people were aware of what actually happened in the JFK assassination?

There was a concentration of people involved in the manipulation of evidence and cover-up, suggesting that more than a few individuals knew what had happened. Jurgen compares it to a giant maze, where anyone who pops up and claims to know something disappears into the maze of information. The government has made no attempt to follow up on these claims or investigate further.

Q: What was the role of the HSCA in the investigation of the JFK assassination?

The House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) was formed in 1978 due to pressure from the public. However, a lot of the information gathered during this investigation was classified and remained hidden for a long time. The HSCA concluded that there was a probable conspiracy based on acoustic evidence from sound recordings of the gunshots. However, there is more significant and obvious evidence found in the physical impact on JFK's body.

Q: What do you think is the most preposterous aspect of the official JFK assassination narrative?

The establishment of the "magic bullet" theory is one of the most preposterous aspects. The idea that a single bullet inflicted multiple wounds on both JFK and Governor Connally without being excessively damaged is difficult to accept. In the documentary, they successfully debunk this myth, highlighting the lack of chain of custody for the bullet and the lies told by the FBI.

Q: Was Lee Harvey Oswald working alone in assassinating JFK?

No, it is highly unlikely that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating JFK. Oswald did not behave like someone who was proud of his actions, and his background revealed connections with both pro-Castro and anti-Castro movements, which were both set up by the CIA. It appears that the CIA wanted to paint Oswald as a communist and an assassin. Additionally, Oswald had been under surveillance by James Angleton, the counter-terrorist chief, for four years before JFK's assassination.

Q: What was the motive behind the CIA's involvement in the JFK assassination?

Jurgen believes that the CIA's involvement in the assassination was driven by their frustration with Kennedy's handling of the Cuban situation. Following two near invasions of Cuba, the CIA wanted to provoke the United States to take action against Castro. Jurgen suggests that the assassination presented an opportunity for Johnson to react strongly against Cuba, preventing nuclear war. This hypothesis is supported by Johnson's changing policy towards Vietnam and disclosed conversations between Johnson and Robert McNamara.

Q: Was President Johnson aware of the CIA's involvement in the assassination?

It is unclear how much Johnson knew about the CIA's involvement in the assassination. He was involved in the cover-up and had a vested interest in avoiding a war with Cuba. The documentary reveals a declassified call between Johnson and Robert McNamara, where Johnson admits that he disagreed with Kennedy's plan to withdraw from Vietnam. This implies that Johnson was already planning to escalate the war in Vietnam and may have been aware of the larger conspiracy.

Q: Why do you think the cover-up involved the alteration of autopsy photos and the discrepancy between the Dallas and Bethesda autopsies?

The cover-up involved altering the autopsy photos and directing the autopsy process because it was essential to portray a specific narrative. The autopsy was being controlled by the military, and technicians who tried to examine certain aspects were prevented from doing so. The discrepancy between the Dallas and Bethesda autopsies was likely part of the larger effort to create a predetermined conclusion of three bullets and one assassin. The cover-up served to protect certain individuals from being implicated and to avoid hysteria and potential nuclear war with Cuba or Russia.

Q: How many people were involved in the cover-up of the JFK assassination?

It is challenging to determine the exact number of people involved in the cover-up of the JFK assassination. However, there were at least 30 individuals present during the autopsy who may have known that Lee Harvey Oswald did not act alone. Additionally, various individuals from Arlen Specter to those on the Warren Commission were likely aware that they were engaging in a cover-up. The motivation behind their actions may have been to maintain control, prevent hysteria, and avoid international conflict.


The video highlights the significant evidence pointing to a conspiracy in JFK's assassination, including the manipulation of evidence and the involvement of multiple individuals. It also raises questions about the motivations behind the cover-up, including the fear of blaming Russia or Cuba and starting a nuclear war. The role of the CIA and the Johnson administration in both the assassination and the subsequent cover-up is also explored. Ultimately, the video encourages viewers to question the official narrative surrounding the JFK assassination and seek the truth for themselves.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • There is a community of truth seekers dedicated to uncovering the truth about the JFK assassination.

  • There is significant evidence pointing towards a conspiracy, including manipulated autopsy photos and discrepancies in the official narrative.

  • The cover-up involves a web of individuals and agencies, from the FBI to high-ranking officials, who knew more than they let on.

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