Physicist Michio Kaku on the Shift in the UFO Phenomenon | Summary and Q&A

June 8, 2022
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Physicist Michio Kaku on the Shift in the UFO Phenomenon


The New York Times article and credible sightings have shifted UFO perceptions, demanding irrefutable evidence from the military.

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Key Insights

  • โ“ Credible sightings by reputable individuals have shifted UFO perceptions.
  • ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ The burden of proof regarding UFO origins has shifted to the military.
  • ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ Advanced UFO capabilities challenge existing military technology.
  • ๐Ÿคจ The lack of visible propulsion methods raises questions about UFO origins.
  • โš–๏ธ String theory and the Kardashev scale offer theoretical explanations for advanced civilizations.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฝ UFO phenomena defy known laws of physics and aerodynamics.
  • ๐Ÿ‘ฝ Hypersonic drones and unexplained capabilities highlight potential alien origins.


the jurogan experience the 2017 new york times article uh in my mind made that was a big shift because when the new york times is reporting about it and saying that this is major news and this is real and there's video evidence that they can't ignore when you talk to high-level people at the government and people like commander david fravor who had... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why has the perception of UFOs shifted in recent years?

The shift is driven by credible sightings, like Commander Fravor's, and the burden of proof now falling on the military to debunk extraterrestrial origins.

Q: What are the possible explanations for the advanced capabilities of these UFOs?

Possibilities range from classified military technology to the involvement of far more advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, according to the Pentagon's listed options.

Q: How do UFOs defy known laws of aerodynamics and physics?

UFOs exhibit extraordinary speed, agility, and maneuvers without visible propulsion methods or sonic booms, challenging our understanding of physics.

Q: Can theoretical physics concepts like string theory explain the UFO phenomena?

Theoretical physics theories, like the Planck energy and the Kardashev scale, suggest the possibility of civilizations harnessing advanced technology beyond our current understanding.


In this video, the conversation around UFOs and extraterrestrial life is explored. The speaker discusses how there has been a shift in the perception of UFO sightings, with multiple credible witnesses and different types of evidence now being demanded. The burden of proof has shifted from believers to the military and government. The speaker also talks about the characteristics of these unidentified objects, such as their ability to travel at incredible speeds, maneuver in ways that defy our understanding of physics, and even go underwater. The lack of visible propulsion methods and the absence of heat signatures or sonic booms are points of contention. The possibility of these objects being an optical illusion is discussed, but the wind patterns and multiple sensor readings contradict this explanation. The speaker also delves into the theoretical possibility of advanced civilizations harnessing the Planck energy and becoming masters of space and time.

Questions & Answers

Q: What has caused the shift in the perception of UFO sightings?

The shift in perception can be attributed to the increase in credible witnesses, multiple sightings by different modes, and various types of evidence, including video footage. This has led to a change in conversation and a demand for more substantial proof.

Q: How have the characteristics of UFOs changed the conversation?

The characteristics of UFOs, such as their ability to travel at incredibly high speeds, perform intricate maneuvers, go underwater, and lack visible propulsion methods or sonic booms, have baffled researchers. These traits defy our understanding of known physics and have sparked serious discussions about the origin of these objects.

Q: How did people view UFOs in the past compared to now?

In the past, there was a giggle factor associated with UFO sightings, with little green men and jokes being common. However, the perception has shifted, and now people are considering the possible threat these objects might pose, their military significance, and the need to understand their capabilities.

Q: What could explain the lack of visible propulsion methods and heat signatures?

The absence of visible propulsion methods and heat signatures perplexes researchers. It challenges our understanding of how objects moving at high speeds should behave. One possibility is that these objects operate on physics beyond our current understanding or utilize advanced technologies that we are unaware of.

Q: Could these objects be optical illusions?

While optical illusions are a possibility, factors like wind patterns and multiple sensor readings contradict the optical illusion explanation. These objects have been observed defying wind direction and have been corroborated by various sensors, making it less likely that they are mere illusions.

Q: Do we have an accurate understanding of the military's capabilities regarding drones and propulsion systems?

The military has listed various options for these sightings, including weather balloons, artifacts of space programs, or anomalous weather events. However, these options do not account for the capabilities exhibited by the UFOs. The military has stopped working on hypersonic drones due to their instability, but now that other countries are utilizing this technology, the U.S. is also investing in it. The existence of objects performing these maneuvers since earlier sightings challenges our current understanding of military capabilities.

Q: Can the lack of visible propulsion indicate extraterrestrial origin?

The absence of visible propulsion methods is one of the intriguing aspects of UFO sightings. It opens the door to possibilities beyond conventional aircraft or drones. While other countries might possess advanced technologies, the characteristics observed in these sightings suggest capabilities surpassing our current scientific understanding.

Q: Are there any theoretical explanations for the movements of these objects?

The speaker mentions the concept of harnessing the Planck energy, which is the energy level where the laws of physics break down. Civilizations capable of harnessing this energy could become masters of space and time. String theory, which operates at the Planck energy level, is part of the speaker's field of expertise. The theoretical framework suggests that advanced civilizations may access this energy and have abilities that seem beyond our comprehension.

Q: How far more advanced could these civilizations be?

The age of the universe, which is over 13 billion years, puts the advancement of a civilization a few thousand years or even a hundred thousand years ahead of us as relatively small in comparison. Being just a few thousand years ahead would mean having control over planetary phenomena like weather or geological events. Beyond that, a civilization would need to be Type 2 or Type 3 on the Kardashev scale, capable of harnessing the power of stars or even roam the galaxy. Accessing the Planck energy would require at least being a Type 2 or 3 civilization.

Q: Why do many scientists disregard these sightings?

Most scientists disregard these sightings because they seemingly defy the laws of physics established by Einstein. However, this dismissal assumes that potential extraterrestrial civilizations are only slightly more advanced than us. The speaker argues that being a few thousand or even a hundred thousand years ahead is insignificant compared to the age of the universe, and at higher energy levels, our current understanding of physics breaks down, leaving room for possibilities beyond our comprehension.


The conversation around UFO sightings and extraterrestrial life has undergone a significant shift in recent years. Multiple credible witnesses, advanced technology capturing sightings, and characteristics of these unidentified objects challenge our understanding of physics and military capabilities. The lack of visible propulsion, absence of heat signatures, and the ability to maneuver in ways that defy known laws of aerodynamics raise questions about the origin and nature of these objects. Theoretical possibilities, such as harnessing the Planck energy, open the door to advanced civilizations capable of mastering space and time. Despite skepticism from some scientists, the accumulation of evidence and the inability to explain these phenomena within our current scientific framework demand further exploration and investigation.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The acceptance of UFO sightings has shifted from skepticism to credible evidence due to multiple reputable sightings, ranging from visual to infrared sensors.

  • The burden of proof now lies with the military to debunk extraterrestrial origins of UFOs.

  • Unexplained phenomena like hypersonic drones pose challenges to existing military capabilities, sparking debates on potential alien origins.

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