CA Algebra I: Systems of Inequalities | Summary and Q&A

December 30, 2008
Khan Academy
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CA Algebra I: Systems of Inequalities


This video explains how to solve equations, systems of inequalities, and word problems involving dimes and quarters.

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Key Insights

  • 🫥 A line parallel to a given line has the same slope.
  • ❓ The solution to a system of inequalities is the region that satisfies all the inequalities simultaneously.
  • ❓ Systems of equations can be solved by the elimination method or the substitution method.


We're on problem 33 and it asks, which equation represents a line that is parallel to y is equal to minus 5/4 x plus 2? So a line that's parallel will have the same slope. And we can just look at this, we could inspect this and say, OK, the slope of this line is the coefficient on the x term. So slope on this line is right there. Because the slope ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How do you identify a line parallel to a given line?

To identify a line parallel to a given line, you need to determine the slope of the given line and find another line with the same slope. The slope of a line can be determined by the coefficient of the x term in the equation.

Q: How do you solve a system of inequalities graphically?

To solve a system of inequalities graphically, you need to graph each inequality on the coordinate plane and find the region that satisfies both inequalities. The solution is the overlapping region on the graph.

Q: What are the methods to solve a system of equations?

The two common methods to solve a system of equations are the elimination method and the substitution method. In the elimination method, you manipulate the equations to eliminate one variable and solve for the other. In the substitution method, you solve one equation for one variable and substitute it into the other equation to solve for the remaining variable.

Q: How do you solve word problems involving coins?

To solve word problems involving coins, you typically set up equations based on the given information. Assign variables to represent the number of each coin, and use the equations to express the relationships between the variables. Then solve the equations to find the values of the variables.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video begins by explaining how to find the equation of a line parallel to a given line by identifying the slope and then finding an equation with the same slope.

  • It demonstrates how to determine the solution to a system of inequalities by graphing the equations and finding the region that satisfies both inequalities.

  • The video also shows how to solve a system of equations by elimination and substitution methods.

  • Finally, it illustrates the process of solving a word problem involving dimes and quarters by setting up equations and solving for the number of quarters.

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