Best SMMA Cold Email Template (This Got Me 1000 Calls) | Summary and Q&A

July 29, 2022
Charlie Morgan
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Best SMMA Cold Email Template (This Got Me 1000 Calls)


Learn how to write compelling cold email copy that grabs attention and gets responses, without copying and pasting, by using proven frameworks and principles.

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Key Insights

  • đŸĢĄ Cold email copy should be concise and respect the recipient's time, focusing on the benefits you can provide.
  • 🤗 Subject lines should be intriguing and create curiosity to encourage email open rates.
  • Šī¸ Applying proven frameworks and principles to write original copy leads to better results than copying and pasting.
  • 🚚 Communicate your offer clearly and confidently, highlighting the specific benefits and outcomes you can deliver.
  • ❓ Avoid using buzzwords that trigger automatic deletions, and instead, focus on capturing attention through personalized and relevant content.
  • 💌 Follow up with concise and relevant emails to increase the chances of receiving replies.
  • đŸĨļ Cold email can be a successful method for booking meetings and generating business, but it should be supplemented with other strategies for scaling and growth.


all right so i've probably booked like a thousand meetings with cold email uh probably more i don't actually know because i kind of lost count which is a bit of a subtle flex but today's video is going to show you how to write copy i'm actually going to give you a live example of me actually taking someone's copy cold email copy and auditing it and... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is it important to avoid copying and pasting cold email copy?

Copying and pasting undermines your ability to generate long-term results in business. Instead, it's crucial to learn to think critically and apply principles to create original and effective copy.

Q: What are the key elements of a compelling subject line for a cold email?

A compelling subject line should be vague yet intriguing, such as a quick question for the recipient's name, to entice them to open the email and create curiosity.

Q: How can you communicate your offer effectively in a cold email?

In your email, clearly state what you can do for the recipient, focusing on the benefits they will gain. Use a concise framework that asserts your confidence in achieving their goals within a specific timeframe.

Q: How can you increase the chances of receiving replies to your cold emails?

Create a sense of incentive and curiosity in your emails. Highlight tangible benefits and consider including a guarantee or risk reversal statement. End the email with a question that implies openness to exploring ideas or scheduling a call.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video discusses the importance of writing concise cold email copy that respects the recipient's time and captures their interest.

  • The content provides a live example of auditing and rewriting cold email copy, while explaining the decision-making process.

  • The speaker emphasizes the need to think critically and apply frameworks and principles to create unique and effective copy.

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