April 2020 Wrap Up | Summary and Q&A

May 3, 2020
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April 2020 Wrap Up


Olive shares her thoughts on the books she read in April 2020, including a nonfiction favorite, disappointing novels, and a heartwarming YA book.

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Key Insights

  • 🫠 Olive had a successful reading month in April, reading more books than ever before.
  • 🤩 "How to Be a Good Creature" by Sy Montgomery is a five-star nonfiction favorite that explores the author's relationships with animals.
  • 🫠 "If/Then" by Kate Hope Day and "This Lovely City" by Louise Hare were both disappointing reads for Olive.
  • 🥰 "I Love You So Mochi" by Sarah Kuhn is a cute and comforting YA book about self-discovery.
  • 😀 Olive also reviewed other books, including "If I Had Your Face" by Francis Cha, "The Unsuitable" by Molly Pohlig, and "Hidden Valley Road" by Robert Kolker.
  • 🫠 Olive found companionship in reading "Still" by Emma Hansen, a grief memoir, during these uncertain times.
  • ❓ Olive had mixed feelings about "The Enchanted April" by Elizabeth von Arnim and "The Signature of All Things" by Elizabeth Gilbert.
  • ❓ Olive enjoyed "To Have and to Hoax" by Martha Waters, a standout romance novel.


hi guys olive here here today to talk to you about the books I read in April 2020 this was probably the most successful reading month that I have ever had not only did I read more books during the month of April than I ever have in a single month before but I also reviewed a good number of them in my typical fashion I'm going to start off by talkin... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is "How to Be a Good Creature" about?

"How to Be a Good Creature" is a collection of essays by Sy Montgomery that explores the author's relationships with various animals and the life lessons she learned from them. Each essay focuses on a different animal and their impact on her life.

Q: Why was Olive disappointed with "If/Then" by Kate Hope Day?

Olive found "If/Then" disappointing because while it had the potential to explore the concept of parallel universes, it fell short in execution. The introduction of a dormant volcano added predictability to the story, and the overall message of the book was unclear.

Q: What is "This Lovely City" by Louise Hare about?

"This Lovely City" is set in post-World War II London and follows a jazz musician named Laurie. The book explores racial tensions and abuses faced by Laurie and his fellow immigrants. However, Olive felt that the execution of the story was weak, focusing too much on the protagonist's romantic pursuit rather than the deeper themes.

Q: What is "I Love You So Mochi" by Sarah Kuhn about?

"I Love You So Mochi" is a YA book about an Asian American high school girl who is struggling with her passion for painting. When she receives a letter from her estranged grandparents in Japan, she decides to visit them and discovers more about herself and her artistic calling. It is a heartwarming story of self-discovery.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The most successful reading month for Olive, who read more books in April than ever before.

  • Nonfiction favorite: "How to Be a Good Creature" by Sy Montgomery, a collection of essays about animals and the lessons they teach.

  • Disappointing novels: "If/Then" by Kate Hope Day and "This Lovely City" by Louise Hare.

  • Heartwarming YA book: "I Love You So Mochi" by Sarah Kuhn.

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