Andrew Huberman's first jiu jitsu class with Lex Fridman | Summary and Q&A

August 28, 2021
Lex Fridman
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Andrew Huberman's first jiu jitsu class with Lex Fridman


World-class scientist Andrew Huberman takes his first jiu jitsu class and learns about the techniques and philosophy behind the martial art.

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Key Insights

  • ðŸĨ‹ Jiu jitsu is a martial art that focuses on technique and leverage rather than relying on strength.
  • ðŸĪŠ The double tap in jiu jitsu signifies submission, showcasing the importance of humility and ego dismantling.
  • ðŸĪ” Jiu jitsu teaches problem-solving skills and strategic thinking.
  • 🧑‍🔎 Andrew Huberman's willingness to try jiu jitsu as a world-class scientist is inspiring.
  • 🚙 Jiu jitsu can be a physically demanding and intense sport, requiring discipline and mental fortitude.
  • ðŸĶū The butterfly position and arm drag are essential techniques in jiu jitsu.
  • ðŸĪĐ Visual artifacts and spontaneous firing of neurons can occur during a jiu jitsu choke, leading to sensations like seeing stars.


this video is of andrew huberman taking his first jiu jitsu class with me at 10th planet in austin texas gabe tuttle who you see explaining the techniques is a head instructor there jiu jitsu is a martial art and a fascinating game of human chess sometimes it is practiced with the ghee sometimes without the ghee like in this case it involves using ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is jiu jitsu?

Jiu jitsu is a martial art that focuses on using technique and leverage, rather than strength, to control opponents and apply submissions.

Q: What does the double tap signify in jiu jitsu?

The double tap is a way for a practitioner to indicate submission and give up in a jiu jitsu match. It symbolizes the dismantling of the ego and the recognition of defeat.

Q: How does jiu jitsu help in the development of the human mind?

Jiu jitsu teaches humility, patience, and problem-solving skills. It requires practitioners to adapt to different situations and think strategically.

Q: Why is it inspiring to see Andrew Huberman try jiu jitsu?

Andrew Huberman is a world-class scientist, and his willingness to try something new and challenging with a beginner's mind is inspiring. It shows the importance of lifelong learning and stepping out of one's comfort zone.

Q: What is jiu jitsu?

Jiu jitsu is a martial art that focuses on using technique and leverage, rather than strength, to control opponents and apply submissions.

More Insights

  • Jiu jitsu is a martial art that focuses on technique and leverage rather than relying on strength.

  • The double tap in jiu jitsu signifies submission, showcasing the importance of humility and ego dismantling.

  • Jiu jitsu teaches problem-solving skills and strategic thinking.

  • Andrew Huberman's willingness to try jiu jitsu as a world-class scientist is inspiring.

  • Jiu jitsu can be a physically demanding and intense sport, requiring discipline and mental fortitude.

  • The butterfly position and arm drag are essential techniques in jiu jitsu.

  • Visual artifacts and spontaneous firing of neurons can occur during a jiu jitsu choke, leading to sensations like seeing stars.

  • Jiu jitsu requires practitioners to relinquish their ego and be comfortable with vulnerability.


This video showcases Andrew Huberman, a world-class scientist, taking his first jiu jitsu class with Gabe Tuttle, a head instructor at 10th Planet in Austin, Texas. Jiu jitsu is a martial art and a strategic game that involves using techniques to gain control over your opponent's body and apply submissions. In this class, Andrew learns how to take his opponent's back with an arm drag and submit them with a choke. The video aims to inspire others to try jiu jitsu and highlights the dismantling of the ego that occurs through the practice.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is jiu jitsu?

Jiu jitsu is a martial art and a strategic game that involves using techniques to gain dominant positions over your opponent and apply submissions. It can be practiced with or without a ghee (a traditional uniform).

Q: What is the purpose of taking your opponent's back in jiu jitsu?

Taking your opponent's back is a strategic move in jiu jitsu that allows you to have more control over their body and increases your chances of submitting them. It is considered a dominant position in which you can apply various chokeholds and joint locks.

Q: How does an arm drag work in jiu jitsu?

An arm drag is a technique used in jiu jitsu to gain control over your opponent's back. It involves mirroring their hand and using your elbow tension to create space. By flexing down and setting your bottom hook, you can attack with a seat belt grip and work towards submitting your opponent.

Q: What is the significance of the double tap in jiu jitsu?

The double tap is a sign used in jiu jitsu to indicate submission. When a person taps twice, it signifies that they give up and the match should be stopped. The double tap is a powerful symbol of ego dismantling and personal growth through jiu jitsu.

Q: How can you apply a successful chokehold in jiu jitsu?

To execute a successful chokehold in jiu jitsu, you need to control your opponent's neck and position yourself properly. By swimming your arm through and squeezing while expanding your chest, you can apply a choking pressure. It's important to be aware of the chin position to avoid injury and to tap when necessary.

Q: Why do visual artifacts occur when being choked in jiu jitsu?

Visual artifacts, such as seeing stars or spontaneous firing of neurons in the eye, occur when being choked in jiu jitsu because the blood supply to the eyes and the demand for glucose is restricted. When blood flow is cut off, the eyes can experience these visual anomalies.

Q: What is the significance of the butterfly position in jiu jitsu?

The butterfly position is a starting position in jiu jitsu that allows for various attacks and transitions. It is called the butterfly position because when being choked, the eyes are part of the brain and require a significant amount of blood and glucose. When the blood supply is cut off, visual artifacts may occur, such as seeing butterflies.

Q: Why is jiu jitsu considered a sport that dismantles the ego?

Jiu jitsu is known for its ability to dismantle the ego because it requires practitioners to submit to others and allow themselves to be controlled or dominated. This can be challenging for individuals who are not used to relinquishing control or being in vulnerable positions. Through this process, practitioners develop humility, mental resilience, and personal growth.

Q: What are some of the challenges of learning jiu jitsu as a beginner?

As a beginner in jiu jitsu, there are several challenges to overcome. One challenge is learning the techniques and movements, which can be complex and require practice to master. Another challenge is adapting to the physical demands of the sport, as jiu jitsu requires strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. Additionally, beginners may need to overcome their ego and fear of being dominated or submitting to others.

Q: How did Andrew Huberman feel about his first jiu jitsu class?

Andrew Huberman expressed his enthusiasm and love for his first jiu jitsu class. He described it as amazing and mentioned that he was hooked on the sport. Despite being a world-class scientist, Andrew embraced the beginner's mindset and found inspiration in taking on something new and challenging.


This video highlights the fascinating and strategic nature of jiu jitsu as a martial art and a game of human chess. It showcases the development of mental resilience, humility, and personal growth through the dismantling of the ego. The experience of Andrew Huberman, a world-class scientist, taking his first jiu jitsu class serves as an inspiration for others to embrace new challenges and explore the transformative power of jiu jitsu.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Andrew Huberman, a renowned scientist, tries jiu jitsu for the first time at 10th Planet in Austin, Texas.

  • Jiu jitsu is a martial art that involves using detailed techniques to gain dominant positions and apply submissions.

  • The double tap, indicating submission, is a powerful tool for ego dismantling and mental development.

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