Andrew Huberman: Relationships, Drama, Betrayal, Sex, and Love | Lex Fridman Podcast #393 | Summary and Q&A

August 17, 2023
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Andrew Huberman: Relationships, Drama, Betrayal, Sex, and Love | Lex Fridman Podcast #393


This content explores the concept of prayer and its role in finding peace, acknowledging that there are aspects of life that are beyond our control and that seeking help from something greater can provide clarity and guidance.

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Key Insights

  • 🤯 Trusting one's instincts and subconscious mind is essential in finding clarity and aligning with one's true self.
  • ✌️ Prayer can serve as a means to connect with something greater and seek guidance in times of difficulty, providing a sense of peace and clarity.
  • 👻 Prayer is a personal practice that can be beneficial regardless of religious beliefs, as it allows for introspection and connection with a higher power.


  • Listen, when it comes to romantic relationships, if it's not a hundred percent in you, it ain't happening. And I've never seen a violation of that statement where it's like, yeah, it's mostly good and they're this, and this is like the negotiations. Well, already you're, it's doomed. And that doesn't mean someone has to be perfect, the relationsh... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is it important to trust our instincts and subconscious mind?

Trusting our instincts and subconscious mind allows us to truly understand and listen to our deepest desires and needs. It can help guide us towards choices and decisions that align with our true selves.

Q: How does prayer help in finding peace and guidance?

Prayer serves as a way to connect with something greater than ourselves. It allows us to let go of control and seek support and guidance from a higher power, giving us a sense of peace and clarity in navigating life's challenges.

Q: Can prayer be beneficial for those who are not religious?

Yes, prayer can be a personal and individual practice that transcends religious beliefs. It can be a way to connect with one's inner self and seek guidance, regardless of specific religious or spiritual affiliations.

Q: Is finding peace and contentment a natural process as we age?

While finding peace and contentment can be a part of the aging process for some individuals, it is not guaranteed. It requires personal growth, self-reflection, and intentional efforts to let go of control and find inner peace.

Q: Why is it important to trust our instincts and subconscious mind?

Trusting our instincts and subconscious mind allows us to truly understand and listen to our deepest desires and needs. It can help guide us towards choices and decisions that align with our true selves.

More Insights

  • Trusting one's instincts and subconscious mind is essential in finding clarity and aligning with one's true self.

  • Prayer can serve as a means to connect with something greater and seek guidance in times of difficulty, providing a sense of peace and clarity.

  • Prayer is a personal practice that can be beneficial regardless of religious beliefs, as it allows for introspection and connection with a higher power.

  • Finding peace and contentment is a personal journey that may require intentional efforts and self-reflection, especially as we age and gain more life experiences.


In this video, Lex Fridman has a conversation with Andrew Huberman, his fourth time guest, on a range of topics including romantic relationships, fitness, introspection, mental health, and the attraction towards drama. They discuss the importance of feeling a hundred percent in romantic relationships and the impact of different types of fitness routines on cognition. They also talk about the benefits of long, slow exercises like walking and how it can bring clarity and relaxation. The conversation then dives into the importance of exploring the subconscious mind, understanding oneself, and finding peace. They touch upon the dilemma of accepting certain aspects of oneself or working to fix them. Finally, they discuss the reasons behind humans' attraction to drama and Shakespearean-like stories.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does a romantic relationship have to feel a hundred percent inside?

According to Andrew Huberman, if a romantic relationship doesn't feel a hundred percent inside, it is not likely to succeed. The relationship doesn't have to be perfect, but it needs to feel completely right, with a sense of certainty and agreement. Negotiations and compromises from the start can indicate that the relationship is not destined to work out.

Q: Why does the duration and type of fitness routine matter?

Andrew Huberman explains that he believes in the importance of being well-rounded in terms of physical fitness. He follows a routine that includes running, weightlifting, and other exercises. By varying the duration of his runs and incorporating different types of exercises, he aims to maintain mobility, endurance, and strength. Different types of workouts can also have varying effects on cognition due to their impact on hormones and the body's stress response.

Q: What benefits does long, slow exercise like walking provide?

Andrew Huberman shares that he finds long, slow exercise like walking to be beneficial for his cognition. It allows him to clear his mind, put himself in a relaxed focus state, and remove mental clutter. He mentions that walking can be seen as a meditative activity that helps integrate lightweight exercise into a productive life.

Q: How can exploring the subconscious mind contribute to mental health?

Andrew Huberman emphasizes the importance of exploring the subconscious mind for achieving mental health. He discusses a four-episode series on mental health that he did with Paul Conti, where they provide steps for self-exploration without the need for a therapist. Understanding the subconscious allows individuals to work with their deep preferences, integrate self-knowledge, and make adaptive choices. It helps in addressing issues that may surface as addictions or behaviors that are harmful to oneself and others.

Q: How do you learn to trust your gut instincts and signals from the body?

Andrew Huberman shares his personal experience of not trusting his gut instincts and overriding signals from his body during his earlier years. He explains the significance of listening to those signals and not questioning them excessively. However, he also notes that surrounding oneself with a supportive community can provide guidance in decision-making and help in integrating the signals from the body.

Q: How can one decide whether to accept or fix aspects of oneself?

According to Andrew Huberman, the decision to accept or fix certain aspects of oneself depends on whether they bring peace or hold one back. It is important to understand how these aspects impact one's life and mental well-being. Working with a skilled therapist or engaging in self-exploration can help uncover blind spots and gain awareness of subconscious patterns. By understanding oneself better, individuals can decide whether a particular aspect should be embraced or addressed.

Q: Why are humans attracted to Shakespearean drama and intense stories?

Andrew Huberman acknowledges that humans are naturally attracted to drama and intense stories. He believes this attraction stems from our subconscious minds and the innate desire to explore the human experience. The intensity and unpredictability of dramatic narratives captivate us and may provide a sense of adventure, excitement, and connection. It is a fundamental aspect of human nature to engage with stories that evoke strong emotions and challenge our perspectives.


Humans are drawn to romantic relationships that feel a hundred percent inside, where there is a sense of certainty and agreement. Finding the right balance in fitness routines, including various types of exercises, can have different impacts on cognition and overall well-being. Long, slow exercises like walking can bring clarity and relaxation, enabling individuals to clear their minds and find a relaxed focus. Exploring the subconscious mind is crucial for achieving mental health, as it helps individuals gain insight into themselves and make adaptive choices. Trusting gut instincts and signals from the body is important in decision-making. Deciding whether to accept or address certain aspects of oneself depends on whether they bring peace or hold one back. Humans are naturally attracted to dramatic and intense stories like those seen in Shakespearean dramas, as it provides an avenue for exploration, adventure, excitement, and connection.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The conversation delves into the importance of having a sense of peace in life and the significance of being able to find joy in moments of tranquility.

  • It discusses the importance of trust in oneself and the subconscious mind, as well as the role of prayer in seeking guidance and clarity, especially in times of difficulty.

  • The content emphasizes the value of humility and acknowledging something greater than oneself, understanding that there are limitations and aspects of life that cannot be controlled.

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