Andrew Ng: Advice on Getting Started in Deep Learning | AI Podcast Clips | Summary and Q&A

February 21, 2020
Lex Fridman
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Andrew Ng: Advice on Getting Started in Deep Learning | AI Podcast Clips


The AI field of deep learning can be accessed through courses and self-study, and it is important to develop a consistent learning habit and focus on understanding key concepts.

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Key Insights

  • 🎯 Deep learning and AI courses offered by Atlanta AI are helping people break into the field and gain knowledge and skills in deep learning.
  • 🎓 The Deep Learning specialization offered by Coursera is a popular and accessible way for individuals to learn about neural networks, optimization algorithms, and other key concepts in deep learning.
  • 🖥️ Basic programming skills are essential for taking the Deep Learning specialization, while a basic understanding of mathematics, including algebra, is sufficient.
  • 🌱 Regularity and making learning a habit are important for efficiently learning deep learning concepts and staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in the field.
  • ✍️ Taking handwritten notes while studying deep learning material can improve retention and understanding of the concepts.
  • 💡 Start with small projects in deep learning to gain practical experience and gradually work on larger and more complex projects.
  • 🎓 Pursuing a PhD in deep learning is not necessary to have a successful career in the field, as there are multiple paths and options available, including industry positions, research groups, academia, and startups.
  • 🤝 The people you work with, such as your manager and peers, have a significant impact on your experience and learning in the field of deep learning. Choose a company or university that offers a supportive and inspiring environment.


so let's perhaps talk about each of these areas first deep learning that AI how the basic question how does a person interested in deep learning get started in the field the Atlanta AI is working to create courses to help people break into AI so my machine learning course that I taught through Stanford means one of the most popular causes on Course... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the prerequisites for someone interested in pursuing the deep learning specialization?

The prerequisites for the deep learning specialization include basic programming skills, preferably in Python, and a basic understanding of high school math, specifically basic algebra, and matrices. While knowledge of calculus is not required, it can provide better intuitions for some concepts in deep learning.

Q: What are some of the key concepts covered in the deep learning specialization?

The deep learning specialization covers concepts such as neural networks, building and tuning them, algorithms like gradient descent and objective functions, as well as practical knowledge like identifying overfitting and determining when more data collection is necessary.

Q: How long does it take to complete the deep learning specialization?

The official length of the deep learning specialization is 16 weeks, but individuals can complete it at their own pace. Some people have finished it in less than a month by dedicating more time and intensity to studying.

Q: Is a PhD necessary for a career in deep learning?

While a PhD can be beneficial and open up opportunities for certain roles, it is not a requirement for a successful career in deep learning. Individuals can have a significant impact in the field without a PhD, through industry roles or by starting their own businesses. The choice depends on personal goals and aspirations.

Q: What are the options for making a career in deep learning?

There are various options for pursuing a career in deep learning, including working in industry for large companies with AI teams, joining research groups within organizations, becoming a professor in academia, or even starting a company. It is important to consider the environment and the people you will be working with, as they can greatly influence your experience and learning opportunities.

Q: Are there any recommended study tips for learning deep learning effectively?

Developing a consistent learning habit and making it a part of your routine is crucial. Regularity and taking handwritten notes, when possible, can enhance retention and understanding. Additionally, working on projects and reading relevant blog posts and research papers can provide practical experience and further deepen knowledge in the field.

Q: Can the deep learning specialization be completed for free?

The deep learning specialization can be accessed through Coursera, and financial aid is available for those who find paying for the course to be a financial hardship. The goal is to make the material accessible and affordable to as many individuals as possible.


In this video, the speaker discusses deep learning and how one can get started in the field. They emphasize the importance of taking courses such as the Deep Learning Specialization and working on hands-on projects to gain practical experience. The speaker also provides insights on the prerequisites for the specialization and the key concepts that students should learn. They talk about the challenges of learning deep learning and offer tips for effective studying. Additionally, the speaker addresses the question of pursuing a PhD and explores different career paths in the field of deep learning.

Questions & Answers

Q: How does someone interested in deep learning get started in the field?

To get started in deep learning, it is recommended to take courses such as the Deep Learning Specialization. This specialization covers various topics, including neural networks, activation functions, and optimization algorithms. By completing these courses and working on hands-on projects, individuals can gain practical experience in deep learning.

Q: What are the prerequisites for someone to take the Deep Learning Specialization?

The prerequisites for the Deep Learning Specialization are basic programming knowledge and a basic understanding of math. While it is helpful to have knowledge of calculus, it is not a requirement. High school math, including basic algebra, is sufficient for the specialization.

Q: What are some key concepts in deep learning that students should learn?

In the Deep Learning Specialization, students learn about foundational concepts such as neural networks, how to build them, and different activation functions. They also gain practical knowledge on optimization algorithms and how to avoid overfitting. The specialization aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of deep learning concepts and practical know-how.

Q: What are some challenges that students face in learning deep learning?

One of the challenges in learning deep learning is the multitude of concepts that build on top of each other. Missing a single concept can hinder understanding of subsequent topics. To address this, the Deep Learning Specialization breaks down concepts to maximize understanding at each stage. Building a strong foundation is key to overcoming the challenges in learning deep learning.

Q: Do students need to pursue a PhD to have a career in deep learning?

Pursuing a PhD is not necessary to have a successful career in deep learning. There are multiple options, including working in industry, joining research groups, becoming a professor, or starting a company. The choice depends on individual goals and aspirations. While a PhD can provide valuable experience, obtaining a job at a top organization or gaining industry experience can also lead to fulfilling careers in deep learning.

Q: What is the significance of the people you work with in the field of deep learning?

The people you work with have a significant impact on your experience and growth in deep learning. Whether in academia or industry, the individuals you interact with on a daily basis shape your learning journey. It is important to be surrounded by great peers and managers who can inspire and challenge you. The people you work with can greatly influence your development and the opportunities available to you.

Q: How long does it take to complete the Deep Learning Specialization?

The official length of the Deep Learning Specialization is 16 weeks, equivalent to around 4 months. However, the specialization is self-paced, allowing individuals to complete it sooner if they work more intensively. The flexibility of the specialization enables learners to progress at their own speed.

Q: What is the recommended daily schedule for learning about deep learning?

Developing a habit of regular learning is key to progress in deep learning. Setting aside specific days and times, such as every Saturday and Sunday, for studying can help establish a consistent routine. Reinforcing this habit by dedicating time to learning every week can make it easier and more enjoyable.

Q: Are there any study tips for learning deep learning effectively?

Taking handwritten notes while learning deep learning can enhance retention and understanding. Handwriting requires active processing of the material, leading to better long-term memory. Additionally, regularity in studying, similar to brushing one's teeth, is important in developing a sustained learning habit. Starting with small steps and gradually progressing is also an effective approach in deep learning.

Q: What are some different career paths in deep learning?

In the field of deep learning, there are various career paths to explore. These include working in industry, joining research groups, becoming a professor, or starting a company. The choice of career depends on the individual's goals and interests. It is essential to consider the people you will be working with, as they play a significant role in shaping your experience and learning journey.


Deep learning offers exciting opportunities for individuals interested in AI. To get started in the field, taking courses like the Deep Learning Specialization and working on hands-on projects is recommended. The prerequisites are basic programming knowledge and a basic understanding of math, with high school math being sufficient. Some challenges in learning deep learning include the interdependent concepts and the need for practical experience. Regularity in studying, taking handwritten notes, and starting with small projects can aid in effective learning. Pursuing a PhD is not necessary but can be beneficial for certain career paths. Ultimately, the people you work with in your career have a significant impact on your growth and success in the field of deep learning.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Atlanta AI offers courses to help individuals break into the field of AI and deep learning, with a popular machine learning course on Coursera.

  • The deep learning specialization provided by the Atlanta AI focuses on teaching fundamental concepts and practical know-how, including topics like neural networks and optimization algorithms.

  • Prerequisites for the deep learning specialization include basic programming skills and a basic understanding of high school math, although knowledge of calculus is not required.

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