An emcee's advice for effective communication | Oluwapelumi Awe | TEDxYabaStreet | Summary and Q&A

May 21, 2024
TEDx Talks
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An emcee's advice for effective communication | Oluwapelumi Awe | TEDxYabaStreet


Learn how to become a better communicator by embracing your voice, understanding the power of your experiences, and focusing on meeting the needs of your audience.

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Key Insights

  • 🔨 Our voice is a powerful tool that can level the playing field in society while also serving as a tool of engagement.
  • ❓ Excuses and limitations should not hinder us from becoming better communicators, as there are always inspiring examples of individuals who have overcome similar challenges.
  • 👻 Documenting our experiences allows us to draw from them when speaking, ensuring we have a well of ideas to share.
  • 🎁 Understanding the needs of our audience and customizing our message based on their knowledge, action, and present reason levels is crucial for effective communication.
  • ❓ Communication skills can be developed and improved by learning from successful communicators who have overcome similar obstacles.
  • 🤩 Confidence in our own voice and thoughts is key to becoming a better communicator.
  • 🥹 Our experiences are unique to us and hold value as they shape our perspectives and insights.


before I start sharing my thoughts I'd like to thank the organizers for bringing this event down too SE can we applaud them one more time for doing this it's amazing I'm so excited about it and I have to also thank them for giving me this opportunity to share some of my most precious thoughts ideas and perspective thank you so much Tex yast in the ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can we view our voice as a societal leveler?

Our voice allows us to be heard and have equal opportunities for expression, regardless of societal divides such as wealth or status. In a fair environment, both the rich and the poor have the right to be listened to and understood.

Q: How can we overcome excuses and limitations to become better communicators?

The speaker emphasizes that there are always individuals in worse positions who have managed to overcome obstacles and achieve success. By looking at inspiring examples and knowing that no excuse is valid, we can push past our limitations and improve our communication skills.

Q: Why is it important to document our experiences as communicators?

Documenting our experiences allows us to draw from them when we are called to speak spontaneously. By having our thoughts and insights recorded, we can easily access them and share them with others, enhancing our ability to communicate effectively.

Q: How can we determine the needs of our audience as communicators?

By understanding the knowledge level, action level, and present reason level of our audience, we can tailor our message and delivery to meet their specific needs. This involves gathering information about what they already know, what they have done before, and why they are present at the event.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker shares a personal story inspired by the movie Ratou to highlight the importance of communication skills.

  • Lesson one: Embrace your voice, as it is your unique ability to communicate your gifts and engage with others positively.

  • Lesson two: Realize that anyone can speak and be a great communicator, regardless of their background or limitations.

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