Be your own Brand - Unleashing your Authentic Self | Dr. Shivani Sharma | TEDxYouth@JGIS | Summary and Q&A

September 26, 2023
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Be your own Brand - Unleashing your Authentic Self | Dr. Shivani Sharma | TEDxYouth@JGIS

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In this video, Dr. Shivani Sharma discusses the importance of personal branding and self-image. She highlights the key elements of personal branding, such as authenticity, confidence, and communication. She also addresses common issues related to self-image, including comparison, body image, fear of rejection, low self-esteem, and imposter syndrome. Dr. Sharma explains how personal branding can unleash one's true power and help in various areas of life, such as career enhancement, networking, and building trust and credibility.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is personal branding important?

Personal branding is important because it plays a pivotal role in how others perceive and interact with you. It helps you stand out from the competition and makes you more relevant in the eyes of others. When you brand yourself effectively, it makes the competition irrelevant.

Q: How can one brand themselves effectively?

Effective personal branding starts with authenticity. It is important to be true to who you are and not try to be someone you're not. Confidence is also essential because it gives you the ability to sell yourself and your abilities. Good communication skills are crucial as well, as they help you articulate your thoughts and ideas assertively. Additionally, being unique and embracing your imperfections can make you stand out from the crowd and attract opportunities.

Q: How does self-image tie into personal branding?

Self-image plays a significant role in personal branding. It is how you perceive yourself and what you believe others perceive about you. It is influenced by various factors, including appearance, education, values, and recognition from others. Developing a positive self-image is crucial because it helps shape how you present yourself to the world and affects your confidence and overall brand.

Q: What are some common issues related to self-image?

Some common issues related to self-image include comparison, body image issues, fear of rejection, low self-esteem, and imposter syndrome. People often compare themselves to others, which can negatively impact their self-image. Body image issues are common due to societal pressures to fit certain beauty standards. Fear of rejection can hinder personal growth and self-expression. Low self-esteem can negatively impact one's perception of themselves. Imposter syndrome, feeling undeserving of success, is also common.

Q: How can one overcome these self-image issues?

Overcoming self-image issues requires self-acceptance and promoting a healthy lifestyle. It is important to understand that everyone is unique and to embrace imperfections. Rejection should be seen as an opportunity for growth and building resilience. Addressing underlying causes of low self-esteem is crucial, and seeking help if needed. It is important to recognize that success is deserved and not to compare oneself to others. Embracing imperfections and making mistakes can lead to personal growth and becoming a better person.

Q: What are some unique qualities of the millennial and gen Z generations when it comes to personal branding?

The millennial and gen Z generations have unique qualities when it comes to personal branding. They are digital natives and grew up surrounded by digital platforms, making them more comfortable with leveraging social media for personal branding. They have an entrepreneurial mindset and are open to diverse career paths. These generations promote diversity, inclusivity, and sustainable practices. They are opinionated and speak out on various issues. They are also more globally aware and conscious of environmental issues.

Q: How can personal branding help in career enhancement?

Personal branding can be a game-changer in career enhancement. It helps in discovering oneself and presenting a unique value proposition to potential employers or clients. It builds trust and credibility, which are crucial in career progression. Personal branding also expands one's global reach, enhances networking opportunities, and boosts confidence. It leaves a lasting legacy and helps in creating a positive personal brand image.

Q: How can one network effectively on social media?

Effective networking on social media begins with understanding the purpose and goals of networking. It is essential to be clear on why you want to connect with certain individuals. Choosing the right platform where the person is active is crucial. Optimize your profile to showcase how you can add value to others. Join communities, participate in events, and personalize your connections. Finding common ground and sharing valuable content are also important to build meaningful connections.

Q: How does personal branding help in building trust and credibility?

Personal branding helps build trust and credibility by presenting oneself authentically. When people see that you are genuine and true to yourself, they are more likely to trust you. Consistency in your branding message also helps in building trust as it shows reliability and commitment. Personal branding helps communicate your unique skills, values, and expertise, establishing you as an authority in your field. Positive emotional connections and showcasing your achievements also contribute to building trust and credibility.

Q: How does personal branding tie into self-administration?

Personal branding and self-administration go hand in hand. Self-administration refers to how one perceives and manages their own image. Personal branding is about how others perceive and talk about you when you are not present. Your self-administration impacts your personal branding by shaping your self-image, self-belief, and confidence. A positive self-administration contributes to creating a strong personal brand, while negative self-administration can hinder it.


Personal branding is crucial in today's world to stand out and make a lasting impression. It involves being authentic, confident, and a good communicator. Self-image plays a significant role in personal branding, and it is important to embrace imperfections and address issues like comparison and low self-esteem. Millennials and gen Z have unique advantages in personal branding, such as digital native skills and a diverse mindset. Personal branding can enhance careers, build trust and credibility, and expand networking opportunities. Effective networking on social media requires clarity of purpose, choosing the right platform, and providing value to others. Overall, personal branding is a constant in a changing world and should not be neglected.

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