Alex Gladstein: Bitcoin, Authoritarianism, and Human Rights | Lex Fridman Podcast #231 | Summary and Q&A

October 16, 2021
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Alex Gladstein: Bitcoin, Authoritarianism, and Human Rights | Lex Fridman Podcast #231


Bitcoin can be a powerful tool for empowering democracy and civil liberties, particularly in authoritarian regimes, by providing a sovereign savings account and an unstoppable payment network.

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Key Insights

  • 🤑 Money is often overlooked in human rights conversations, but it plays a crucial role in empowering individuals and resisting corruption.
  • 😀 Bitcoin offers a sovereign savings account and an unstoppable payment network, which are particularly valuable in countries facing hyperinflation, sanctions, or economic instability.
  • 👻 Bitcoin's decentralized nature and fixed supply make it a powerful tool against authoritarian control, allowing individuals to have greater financial sovereignty.
  • 🤩 Education and adoption are key to realizing Bitcoin's potential as a tool for empowerment, as individuals need to understand how to use and secure their own funds.
  • 🥺 Bitcoin's adoption may lead to a peaceful revolution, providing individuals with the means to opt out of the traditional financial system controlled by centralized powers.


the following is a conversation with alex gladstein chief strategy officer at the human rights foundation and the oslo freedom forum in recent times alex has focused on how cryptocurrency and especially bitcoin can be a tool for empowering democracy and civil liberties in the world most crucially parts of the world that are living under authoritari... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some universal human rights that all people should have?

Universal human rights include free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of belief, the freedom to participate in government, the freedom to have privacy, and property rights.

Q: How can authoritarian regimes manipulate the concept of negative rights?

Authoritarian regimes can manipulate negative rights by claiming to support them but limiting citizens' basic freedoms like free speech and press freedom. They can create a facade of entitlements without allowing essential liberties.

Q: Is free speech the most fundamental right?

Free speech is often considered the most fundamental right as it allows individuals to criticize their rulers and hold them accountable. Property rights are also crucial, given the negative impact of violent redistributionism in history.

Q: How does technology, specifically AI, impact human rights?

While technology can benefit human rights in some areas like health and the environment, AI poses concerns for civil liberties. AI can be used by authoritarian regimes for surveillance and control, limiting individual freedoms.

Q: What are some universal human rights that all people should have?

Universal human rights include free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of belief, the freedom to participate in government, the freedom to have privacy, and property rights.

More Insights

  • Money is often overlooked in human rights conversations, but it plays a crucial role in empowering individuals and resisting corruption.

  • Bitcoin offers a sovereign savings account and an unstoppable payment network, which are particularly valuable in countries facing hyperinflation, sanctions, or economic instability.

  • Bitcoin's decentralized nature and fixed supply make it a powerful tool against authoritarian control, allowing individuals to have greater financial sovereignty.

  • Education and adoption are key to realizing Bitcoin's potential as a tool for empowerment, as individuals need to understand how to use and secure their own funds.

  • Bitcoin's adoption may lead to a peaceful revolution, providing individuals with the means to opt out of the traditional financial system controlled by centralized powers.

  • While Bitcoin is currently the dominant cryptocurrency, its innovation lies in its decentralized nature and fixed monetary policy, distinguishing it from other cryptocurrencies that may be subject to manipulation or inflation.


Alex Gladstein, the Chief Strategy Officer at the Human Rights Foundation and the Oslo Freedom Forum, believes that cryptocurrency and especially Bitcoin can be a tool for empowering democracy and civil liberties in authoritarian regimes. He emphasizes the importance of universal human rights, such as free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of belief, the freedom to participate in government, privacy, and property rights. He differentiates between negative rights (liberties) and positive rights (entitlements) and explains how authoritarian regimes can manipulate positive rights without providing negative liberties. He also discusses the significance of free speech, property rights, and encryption in promoting and protecting individual rights and freedoms. Gladstein expresses concern about the use of big data analysis and AI by authoritarian governments, citing examples from China and emphasizes the need for privacy, encryption, and user sovereignty. He addresses the implications of technology on human rights and the challenges posed by surveillance systems. Finally, he talks about the role of money in human rights and how it has been peripheralized in the human rights discourse.

Questions & Answers

Q: What are some universal human rights that all people should have?

Universal human rights include free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of belief, the freedom to participate in government, privacy, and property rights.

Q: What is the difference between negative rights and positive rights?

Negative rights are liberties, while positive rights are entitlements. Negative rights are focused on fundamental freedoms, while positive rights are about providing certain benefits and resources.

Q: Can authoritarian regimes manipulate the idea of negative rights?

Authoritarian regimes can manipulate and suppress negative rights, such as free speech, by creating a facade or claiming to provide those rights while restricting them in reality.

Q: How do authoritarian regimes commit fraud in socio-economic data?

Authoritarian regimes can manipulate socio-economic data, such as literacy rates and life expectancy, due to the lack of a free press and independent judiciary. They create a false image of providing positive rights and entitlements without ensuring negative liberties.

Q: Do you think authoritarian regimes can lie about negative rights?

Yes, authoritarian regimes can manipulate and lie about negative rights, such as free speech, by creating an environment of fear and limiting dissent.

Q: Is there one right that is more important than others?

Free speech is often considered the most fundamental right, as it allows individuals to express their opinions and criticize the government. Property rights are also crucial for preventing violent redistribution and maintaining stability.

Q: How do you define free speech in relation to censorship?

Censorship is the restriction of speech by the government using threats of violence to suppress dissent. Censorship by private companies, although concerning, is different from government censorship with coercive power.

Q: Do you think private companies censoring speech is different from government censorship?

Private companies have the right to establish their own rules and policies regarding speech on their platforms. While de-platforming and censorship by private companies may be concerning, it is distinct from government censorship backed by violence.

Q: Can a government claim to have free speech while suppressing it?

Authoritarian regimes can claim to have free speech, but in reality, they often restrict and suppress dissent, leading to limited freedom of expression.

Q: What are some indicators of living in an authoritarian state?

Inability to have a gay pride parade due to persecution, restrictions on comedy criticizing the government, limitations on political criticism in public spaces, and lack of freedoms are indicators of living in an authoritarian state.

Q: Can technology, such as AI, be a force for both human rights and oppression?

While technology has the potential to empower individuals and promote freedom, it can also be misused by authoritarian regimes for surveillance and oppression. The impact depends on how technology is utilized and controlled.

Q: How can technology be used to empower individuals against oppression?

Encryption and personal AI systems that give people control over their data can empower individuals and protect their privacy. Distributed technology can provide alternatives to centralized control, allowing citizens to resist surveillance.

Q: Do you believe governments or centralized powers are ultimately incompetent in technology?

While governments may lag in technology compared to individuals or hacker communities, authoritarian regimes are actively investing in surveillance technology and purchasing equipment, making it essential to address their capabilities in the present.

Q: What is the Human Rights Foundation's mission?

The Human Rights Foundation aims to promote and protect individual rights and freedoms in authoritarian societies worldwide, specifically focusing on countries with one-party systems or where opposition politicians are persecuted.

Q: Are people living under authoritarian regimes the most affected by suffering?

People living under authoritarian regimes, which comprise about 53% of the world's population across 95 countries, face significant suffering due to the lack of freedoms, oppression, and limitations on civil liberties.

Q: How has money been peripheralized in human rights conversations?

Money and the issues surrounding currency, including who controls it and sets the rules, have been overlooked in human rights discussions. This focus on money is crucial in examining power dynamics and promoting individual rights.

Q: How does bitcoin relate to human rights?

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies have the potential to empower individuals by providing financial sovereignty and resisting centralized control. They offer an alternative to traditional financial systems that can be manipulated and censored by governments.

Q: Why do you consider money as an important aspect to consider in human rights?

Money and currency influence power dynamics and can be used to control individuals. Examining how money is issued, controlled, and manipulated is essential for understanding and promoting human rights.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Bitcoin serves as a sovereign savings account that is resistant to inflation and debasement, making it a valuable tool in countries experiencing hyperinflation or economic mismanagement.

  • Bitcoin also functions as an unstoppable payment network, allowing individuals in countries facing sanctions or blockades to bypass restrictions and engage in commerce.

  • The adoption of Bitcoin has the potential to decentralize money and remove control from governments and centralized institutions, providing individuals with more financial freedom.

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