Yann LeCun: Dark Matter of Intelligence and Self-Supervised Learning | Lex Fridman Podcast #258 | Summary and Q&A

January 22, 2022
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Yann LeCun: Dark Matter of Intelligence and Self-Supervised Learning | Lex Fridman Podcast #258


Self-supervised learning, the dark matter of intelligence, aims to replicate the learning abilities of humans and animals through observation and building world models.

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Key Insights

  • 🎰 Humans and animals possess a type of learning that is not efficiently replicated with current machine learning paradigms.
  • 🤳 Self-supervised learning focuses on learning background knowledge about the world through observation and modeling.
  • 🤳 The prediction of future events and the filling of information gaps are crucial aspects of self-supervised learning.
  • 🤳 Current self-supervised learning techniques have been successful in natural language processing but struggle with vision and video tasks.
  • 😌 The challenge lies in developing methods to effectively represent uncertainty and multiple plausible outcomes in learning models.
  • 🌱 The ability to reason, plan, and learn hierarchical representations of action plans is necessary for achieving human-level intelligence.
  • 🌍 Intelligence involves both statistics and mechanistic models that account for causal relationships in the world.
  • 😫 Data augmentation plays a crucial role in self-supervised learning by artificially increasing the size of training sets and providing different viewpoints of the same object.
  • 🤳 Non-contrastive methods, such as maximizing mutual information between representations, show promise in self-supervised learning.


the following is a conversation with john le his second time in the podcast he is the chief ai scientist at meta formerly facebook professor at nyu touring award winner one of the seminal figures in the history of machine learning and artificial intelligence and someone who is brilliant and opinionated in the best kind of way and so is always fun t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is self-supervised learning and why is it considered the dark matter of intelligence?

Self-supervised learning is an attempt to replicate the type of learning that humans and animals do, which involves observing the world and building world models. It is called the dark matter of intelligence because it represents a kind of learning that is still not fully understood and is difficult to reproduce with machines.

Q: What is the main difference between supervised learning and reinforcement learning?

Supervised learning requires a large amount of human annotation and many samples to learn anything, while reinforcement learning requires a massive number of trials and errors to achieve any meaningful results. Both approaches are inefficient compared to the learning capabilities of humans and animals.

Q: How does self-supervised learning address the challenges of supervised and reinforcement learning?

Self-supervised learning aims to solve difficult problems by learning background knowledge about the world. It does not rely on human annotation or a large number of trials and errors. Instead, it focuses on observing the world, building world models, and predicting future events.

Q: Can self-supervised learning replicate the learning abilities of humans and animals?

Self-supervised learning is an attempt to reproduce the learning capabilities of humans and animals, particularly in the early stages of life when they learn through observation and without external reinforcement. While it is not clear if self-supervised learning can achieve human-level intelligence, it is considered the best approach currently available.

Q: What is self-supervised learning and why is it considered the dark matter of intelligence?

Self-supervised learning is an attempt to replicate the type of learning that humans and animals do, which involves observing the world and building world models. It is called the dark matter of intelligence because it represents a kind of learning that is still not fully understood and is difficult to reproduce with machines.

More Insights

  • Humans and animals possess a type of learning that is not efficiently replicated with current machine learning paradigms.

  • Self-supervised learning focuses on learning background knowledge about the world through observation and modeling.

  • The prediction of future events and the filling of information gaps are crucial aspects of self-supervised learning.

  • Current self-supervised learning techniques have been successful in natural language processing but struggle with vision and video tasks.

  • The challenge lies in developing methods to effectively represent uncertainty and multiple plausible outcomes in learning models.

  • The ability to reason, plan, and learn hierarchical representations of action plans is necessary for achieving human-level intelligence.

  • Intelligence involves both statistics and mechanistic models that account for causal relationships in the world.

  • Data augmentation plays a crucial role in self-supervised learning by artificially increasing the size of training sets and providing different viewpoints of the same object.

  • Non-contrastive methods, such as maximizing mutual information between representations, show promise in self-supervised learning.

  • The ultimate goal is to develop machines that can learn predictive world models, reason efficiently, and perform hierarchical planning.


In this podcast episode, Lex Friedman interviews John Lecun, the Chief AI Scientist at Meta and a prominent figure in the field of machine learning and AI. They discuss the concept of self-supervised learning and its importance in replicating human intelligence. Self-supervised learning involves learning from observation rather than explicit feedback, allowing machines to develop a deep understanding of the world. Lecun highlights the challenges in current machine learning approaches and emphasizes the need to develop methods that can fill in the gaps in knowledge and allow for more accurate predictions and reasoning. He also touches on the differences and similarities between vision and language in self-supervised learning and the role of statistical modeling in intelligence.

Questions & Answers

Q: What is self-supervised learning and why is it considered the "dark matter of intelligence"?

Self-supervised learning refers to learning from observation rather than explicit feedback. It involves training models to predict the future or fill in missing information based on what has been observed. It is considered the "dark matter of intelligence" because it represents a type of learning that humans and animals can do naturally but machines struggle to replicate. It is a vital aspect of intelligence that is currently missing from popular machine learning paradigms.

Q: How does self-supervised learning differ from supervised and reinforcement learning?

Self-supervised learning differs from supervised learning, which requires a large amount of human annotation for effective learning, and reinforcement learning, which requires a significant number of trials and errors to achieve learning. Self-supervised learning is focused on learning from observation and building world models by predicting what will happen next based on past experience. It does not rely on explicit feedback or reinforcement signals.

Q: How do humans acquire background knowledge, and how can this be replicated in machines?

Humans acquire background knowledge through observation of the world. Even in the first few months of life, babies learn an enormous amount of information about how the world works through simple observation. This background knowledge forms the basis of what we call common sense. Replicating this process in machines is a challenge in self-supervised learning. Machines need to learn from observation and build world models to develop similar background knowledge and common sense.

Q: Can self-supervised learning be achieved through just observation, without any interaction or action?

Yes, self-supervised learning can be achieved through simple observation of the world. Humans acquire a significant amount of background knowledge by simply observing their surroundings, even without interacting with the environment or taking actions. This type of learning involves understanding the basic physics of objects and how they interact with each other.

Q: How much information or truth does the world provide for self-supervised learning?

The amount of information or truth provided by the world for self-supervised learning is a challenging question. In a self-supervised setting, there is more signal or truth available compared to supervised or reinforcement learning paradigms. When training a machine with self-supervised learning, an entire video clip of the future is provided as input, allowing the machine to predict what will happen next. This provides a significant amount of information for learning. However, determining the exact amount of signal or truth available in the world remains a mystery.

Q: Can self-supervised learning with a focus on filling in the blanks in vision and language solve intelligence?

Filling in the gaps in vision and language through self-supervised learning is believed to be the best approach to replicating intelligence in machines. By providing partial information and tasking the machines to predict or fill in the missing information, the goal is to enable the machines to learn and reason like humans. While it is unclear if this approach can achieve human-level intelligence, it is considered the most promising among other proposed methods.

Q: What is the difference in difficulty between vision and language in self-supervised learning?

Currently, self-supervised learning has been more successful in natural language processing compared to vision tasks. While language-based self-supervised learning has made significant progress, training machines to learn from video and represent the visual world is still a challenge. Vision involves dealing with a continuous and uncertain domain, which makes it more difficult than working with discrete words in language. However, efforts are underway to bridge this gap and improve self-supervised learning in vision.

Q: Is intelligence a statistical learning process or does it involve deeper underlying concepts?

Intelligence can be seen as a statistical learning process that involves optimizing an objective function. Statistical learning plays a significant role in replicating intelligence, but it does not mean that deeper underlying concepts are not involved. Intelligence requires the ability to reason and have models of the world. While statistical learning provides the foundation, it does not exclude the presence of mechanistic models and explanations.

Q: Is it possible to integrate logic-based reasoning with efficient learning methods like gradient-based learning?

Integrating logic-based reasoning with efficient learning methods like gradient-based learning is a challenging task. The question of how to make logic-based reasoning compatible with efficient learning remains unanswered. The complexity and compatibility of these two approaches pose a significant challenge in developing AI systems that can reason effectively and learn efficiently.

Q: What is the role of planning and game theory in self-supervised learning and intelligence?

Planning and game theory are essential aspects of self-supervised learning and intelligence. Planning involves creating predictive models of the world and reasoning about potential outcomes and actions. Game theory comes into play when there is a multi-agent setting where actions are influenced by the environment and other agents. Integrating these concepts into self-supervised learning allows for more complex and realistic modeling of the world. However, the challenges increase as the level of complexity and uncertainty rises.

Q: How much knowledge or information is required to solve the problem of house cat-level intelligence?

The amount of knowledge or information required to solve the problem of house cat-level intelligence is difficult to measure precisely. However, based on the number of neurons in a cat's brain, which is estimated to be less than one billion, the representation of knowledge can fit within that scale. The majority of this knowledge is learned through self-supervised learning, with some hard-wired drives and objectives. The specific amount of knowledge required depends on the scope and complexity of the tasks involved in achieving house cat-level intelligence.


Self-supervised learning, with a focus on filling in the gaps and building world models through observation and prediction, holds promise in replicating human intelligence. It aims to reproduce the natural learning process of humans and animals, where background knowledge and common sense are acquired through observation. While current machine learning paradigms like supervised and reinforcement learning have limitations in learning complex tasks, self-supervised learning offers a more efficient and data-driven approach. The ultimate goal is to develop machines that can reason, plan, and learn in a way that resembles human intelligence. The integration of statistical learning, gradient-based optimization, and predictive modeling is believed to be the key to achieving this vision.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Self-supervised learning is a type of learning that aims to replicate the way humans and animals learn through observation and building world models.

  • The current popular approaches to machine learning, such as supervised learning and reinforcement learning, are inefficient compared to the learning capabilities of humans and animals.

  • Self-supervised learning focuses on learning background knowledge about the world, which is crucial for solving complex problems and developing common sense.

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