Shannon Curry: Johnny Depp & Amber Heard Trial, Marriage, Dating & Love | Lex Fridman Podcast #366 | Summary and Q&A

March 21, 2023
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Shannon Curry: Johnny Depp & Amber Heard Trial, Marriage, Dating & Love | Lex Fridman Podcast #366


The podcast episode explores the dynamics of relationships, focusing on contempt and the Gottman Method. It also touches upon the fading of romantic love, arranged marriages, and the importance of honesty and adventurousness.

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Key Insights

  • 🥰 Contempt is a destructive force in relationships, eroding the foundation of love and making the partner feel ridiculed and unloved.
  • 🥰 The novelty of romantic love fades over time, but relationships can develop into a deeper appreciation and bond through understanding and shared values.
  • 😘 The qualities of conscientiousness, low neuroticism, and moderate adventurousness contribute to successful relationships.
  • 🤗 Open relationships require clear communication, trust, and emotional stability to navigate effectively.


  • So contempt is criticism on steroids. This is what John Gottman calls sulfuric acid for love. Nothing will erode a relationship quicker than contempt. Contempt is when you are looking at your partner from a superior position. So you are eye rolling, you are name calling, there's a mockery, mocking, even physical mockery, imitating them, imitating... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is contempt in relationships and why is it so damaging?

Contempt refers to looking down on one's partner, through eye-rolling, mockery, or name-calling. It is highly damaging as it erodes the relationship's foundation, making the partner feel ridiculed and unloved.

Q: Can romantic love fade away completely?

Romantic love involves chemicals like dopamine that create a euphoric feeling. However, this high cannot be sustained, and our bodies naturally dial down the intensity of these chemicals over time. While the initial chemical rush fades, love can evolve into a deeper appreciation and bond.

Q: Is feeling hot for someone a solid foundation for a lasting relationship?

Feeling physically attracted to someone is only one aspect of a successful relationship. Lasting relationships require factors like trust, emotional connection, shared values, and support through life's challenges.

Q: What are the key insights from the Gottman Method?

The Gottman Method emphasizes the importance of having a 5:1 ratio of positive interactions to negative ones in a relationship. This includes paying attention to bid requests for connection, demonstrating kindness and consideration, and learning effective conflict resolution skills.

Q: What is contempt in relationships and why is it so damaging?

Contempt refers to looking down on one's partner, through eye-rolling, mockery, or name-calling. It is highly damaging as it erodes the relationship's foundation, making the partner feel ridiculed and unloved.

More Insights

  • Contempt is a destructive force in relationships, eroding the foundation of love and making the partner feel ridiculed and unloved.

  • The novelty of romantic love fades over time, but relationships can develop into a deeper appreciation and bond through understanding and shared values.

  • The qualities of conscientiousness, low neuroticism, and moderate adventurousness contribute to successful relationships.

  • Open relationships require clear communication, trust, and emotional stability to navigate effectively.

  • The MMPI-2 is a comprehensive questionnaire used to assess personality and psychological patterns, providing valuable insights for therapy and diagnosis.


In this conversation, Shannon Curry, a clinical and forensic psychologist, discusses various aspects of relationships and provides insights from her experience and research. She talks about the importance of understanding contempt and how it can erode a relationship. Shannon also discusses the concept of romantic love fading over time and the role of chemistry and novelty in the early stages of a relationship. She shares insights from the Gottman Method for couples therapy, including the 5 to 1 golden ratio of positive to negative interactions. Shannon also discusses common reasons relationships fail and the significance of attunement, loyalty, and care in successful relationships.

Questions & Answers

Q: Does romantic love fade away?

The initial stage of romantic love is characterized by intense chemistry and novelty. However, the novelty eventually diminishes, and our bodies are designed to dial down the chemical high. Romantic love doesn't have to fade completely, but the initial feelings can't be sustained in the long term. Relationships need to evolve beyond the initial infatuation to be successful.

Q: Is romantic love a solid foundation for a long-term relationship?

Romantic love based on chemical highs and infatuation is unlikely to remain the same over time. For a relationship to last, it needs more than the initial romantic feelings. A successful long-term relationship requires elements like trust, understanding, shared values, and mutual support through life's challenges.

Q: How can individuals maintain love and passion in a long-term relationship?

The Gottman Method for couples therapy provides a set of skills and guidelines to keep relationships thriving. Couples must aim for a 5 to 1 ratio of positive to negative interactions, paying attention to their partner's bids for affection and connection. By practicing skills like attentiveness, gratitude, and validation, couples can continue to build passion, intimacy, and appreciation in their relationship.

Q: What are the four horsemen of the apocalypse in relationships?

According to the Gottman Method, the four horsemen of the apocalypse are criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and contempt. Criticism involves blaming and finding fault with one's partner. Defensiveness involves making excuses or turning the blame back on the partner. Stonewalling refers to shutting down and disengaging from the conversation. Contempt is the expression of superiority and a desire to belittle one's partner. These behaviors can create toxic dynamics in a relationship.

Q: How can couples process conflicts and repair their relationship?

The Gottman Method includes specific interventions to help couples process conflicts and repair their relationship. One such intervention involves identifying emotions, describing the sequence of events from each partner's perspective, summarizing each other's perspective, and finding moments of validation and understanding. By reaching back into childhood memories, couples can gain insight into their emotional triggers and work towards resolving conflicts effectively.

Q: What qualities contribute to a successful relationship?

Three key qualities that contribute to a successful relationship, according to Ty Tashiro's research, are conscientiousness, low neuroticism, and moderate adventurousness. Conscientiousness involves attentiveness, motivation, and care for one's partner. Low neuroticism refers to emotional stability and resilience. Moderate adventurousness means having individual interests and flexibility while still valuing stable and familial aspects of life.

Q: Can these qualities be developed or improved upon?

Yes, individuals can work on developing or improving these qualities. Self-awareness plays a crucial role in recognizing one's own tendencies and areas for growth. For example, practicing conscientiousness involves being attentive and considerate of one's partner's needs. Similarly, managing neuroticism involves developing emotional stability and resilience. Adventure can be pursued in ways that are compatible with a committed relationship, finding a balance between novelty and stability.

Q: How does sex influence a successful relationship?

Sex plays a significant role in relationships, but the level of importance varies for each individual. Sex can help bond partners and provide physical and emotional benefits. However, the importance of sex should be based on the needs and desires of both partners. It is essential to have open communication about sexual expectations, desires, and boundaries to ensure a healthy and satisfying sexual connection.

Q: How can couples keep the spark alive in their sex life?

Keeping the spark alive in a sex life requires open communication, exploration, and a willingness to prioritize intimacy. Couples can try new experiences, maintain physical and emotional connection, and continuously communicate their desires and fantasies. Experimentation, variety, and mutual consent are key components in maintaining a fulfilling and evolving sex life within a committed relationship.

Q: Are there any key takeaways for successful relationships?

Building a successful relationship requires attunement, loyalty, care, and the willingness to understand and support each other. It is important to cultivate positive interactions while managing conflicts effectively. Developing qualities such as conscientiousness, emotional stability, and moderate adventurousness can contribute to long-term relationship satisfaction. Building a strong foundation based on trust, shared values, and mutual respect can help couples weather the challenges and continue growing together.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Shannon Curry, a clinical and forensic psychologist, discusses the destructive nature of contempt in relationships and the importance of avoiding it.

  • The conversation also delves into the fading of romantic love and the role of novelty in relationships, as well as the benefits and challenges of monogamous and open relationships.

  • Curry highlights the significance of attunement, loyalty, validation, and home-like feelings in successful relationships, and the importance of effective conflict resolution.

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