Stuart Russell: Long-Term Future of Artificial Intelligence | Lex Fridman Podcast #9 | Summary and Q&A

December 9, 2018
Lex Fridman Podcast
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Stuart Russell: Long-Term Future of Artificial Intelligence | Lex Fridman Podcast #9


Stuart Russell, a professor of computer science, discusses the control problem in AI and the need for machines to have humility and uncertainty about their objectives to avoid undesired outcomes.

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Key Insights

  • 🎮 The use of meta-reasoning in AI has been instrumental in improving gameplay and decision-making in games like chess and Go.
  • 🎄 Machines need to manage their own computation and selectively explore the game tree to make optimal decisions.
  • 🎄 The success of AlphaGo and AlphaZero demonstrates the effectiveness of meta-reasoning and selective thinking in exploring game trees.
  • 🎛️ The control problem in AI highlights the need for machines to have humility and uncertainty about their objectives to avoid unintended consequences.


the following is a conversation with Stuart Russell he's a professor of computer science at UC Berkeley and a co-author of a book that introduced me and millions of other people to the amazing world of AI called artificial intelligence a modern approach so it was an honor for me to have this conversation as part of MIT course and artificial general... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did Stuart Russell's early experiences with AI shape his understanding of meta-reasoning?

Russell's early work on AI programs playing chess helped him understand the importance of reasoning about reasoning and the need for machines to selectively explore the game tree. This experience laid the foundation for his research on meta-reasoning.

Q: What are the key insights behind the success of AlphaGo and AlphaZero?

Both AlphaGo and AlphaZero effectively explore game trees by using meta-reasoning to select what to think about. They prioritize moves that have the potential to improve decision quality, leading to more efficient exploration and better gameplay.

Q: How do machines manage their own computation and decide what to think about according to Russell?

According to Russell, machines should focus on thoughts that can improve their decision quality. They should prioritize thinking about moves that have uncertain outcomes, as there is a chance they will discover better alternatives. The more uncertainty there is, the more it's worth thinking about.

Q: What is the control problem in AI, and why is it important to address it?

The control problem refers to the concern that AI systems may pursue objectives that are not aligned with human values. It is essential to address this problem to ensure that machines make decisions that align with human goals and minimize the risk of negative outcomes.

Q: How did Stuart Russell's early experiences with AI shape his understanding of meta-reasoning?

Russell's early work on AI programs playing chess helped him understand the importance of reasoning about reasoning and the need for machines to selectively explore the game tree. This experience laid the foundation for his research on meta-reasoning.

More Insights

  • The use of meta-reasoning in AI has been instrumental in improving gameplay and decision-making in games like chess and Go.

  • Machines need to manage their own computation and selectively explore the game tree to make optimal decisions.

  • The success of AlphaGo and AlphaZero demonstrates the effectiveness of meta-reasoning and selective thinking in exploring game trees.

  • The control problem in AI highlights the need for machines to have humility and uncertainty about their objectives to avoid unintended consequences.

  • Oversight and regulation of AI algorithms are important to prevent negative impacts on society, similar to how the FDA regulates pharmaceuticals.


This conversation with Stuart Russell, a professor of computer science at UC Berkeley and co-author of the book "Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach," covers various topics including his early experience with AI, the concept of meta-reasoning in game playing programs, the advancements in AI algorithms used in games like AlphaGo, the challenges in selecting paths to explore in AI decision-making, and the potential risks associated with superintelligence. Russell also discusses the control problem in AI, the limitations of specifying objectives, the need for machines to be humble and uncertain about their objectives, and the importance of human interaction in determining objectives.

Questions & Answers

Q: Were you ever able to build a program that beat you in chess or another board game?

No, my program never beat me at chess. It was written in high school and I would take the bus every Wednesday with a box of cards to run the program. We had limited CPU time but managed to develop programming techniques like alpha-beta search and move ordering to improve the program's performance. However, at UC Berkeley, we worked on meta-reasoning algorithms that allowed game-playing programs to only explore relevant parts of the search tree, which led to more efficient algorithms and better performance. Alphago and AlphaZero also use similar techniques to select what to think about based on utility.

Q: How do machines manage their computation and what is the meta-reasoning question?

Machines manage their computation by deciding what thoughts are going to improve their decision quality. This is the meta-reasoning question, which focuses on how machines select what to think about. In the context of game-playing programs, this involves determining which parts of the search tree to explore. By focusing on the most promising paths, machines can make better decisions and achieve higher performance. The meta-reasoning question is about how machines decide what parts of their computation to allocate resources towards to improve decision-making.

Q: How does AlphaGo evaluate board positions, and why is its ability to evaluate positions remarkable?

AlphaGo can evaluate board positions by instantly determining how promising a situation is. This ability allows it to make quick decisions about moves and the desirability of particular outcomes. This is remarkable because humans typically need to think and reason about positions before making decisions in a game like Go. AlphaGo's ability to evaluate positions quickly and accurately is a significant factor in its success.

Q: Can you explain how AlphaGo and other AI systems select which paths to explore in the search tree?

AI systems use a combination of factors to decide which paths to explore in the search tree. One factor is the promise of a move or path; if a move is already deemed terrible, there's no need to spend more time confirming that. The other factor is the uncertainty about the value of a move. If a move has some uncertainty, there's a chance it may turn out better than expected, and the machine will explore it. It's a balance between the promise of a move and the uncertainty surrounding its value.

Q: How does the search tree exploration process differ between chess and driving situations?

The search tree exploration process is different between chess and driving situations. In chess, the search tree is structured, and moves are more predictable. Chess programs can explore far into the future with calculated moves based on known rules. However, driving requires reasoning about uncertain human behaviors and constantly changing situations. The search tree in driving is more complex, and algorithms need to account for uncertainties and possible future actions of other drivers. It's a more challenging problem because driving involves interactions with unpredictable human drivers.

Q: Are there similarities between the approach of AlphaGo and human Grandmasters in chess?

There are some similarities between AlphaGo's approach and the way human Grandmasters play chess. Human Grandmasters also rely on pattern recognition and intuition when assessing board positions. They develop a sense of possibilities in a position and make moves that open up potential calculations that may not be immediately apparent. Human players also mentally simulate the opponent's moves and assess possible outcomes while following forcing variations. However, human players face limitations in memory and visualization, unlike AlphaGo, which can explore deeper into the future.

Q: How did it feel when you were beaten by your AI program in a game like Othello?

It was an exciting feeling when my AI program beat me in Othello. It showed that the program had improved significantly and became more aggressive in gameplay. The program seemed to understand the game better than I did. This feeling of being surpassed by a machine in a game is reminiscent of Gary Kasparov's experience during the match against Deep Blue, where he felt there was a new kind of intelligence across the board. Overall, it is an exciting and humbling experience to witness the progress of AI.

Q: Do you find the possibility of machines surpassing human intelligence scary or exciting?

The possibility of machines surpassing human intelligence can be both scary and exciting. From an exciting perspective, it aligns with the desire to create intelligent machines and push the boundaries of what AI can do. However, it is also a cause for concern because once machines become significantly smarter than humans, we may face a loss of control and potential threats. This highlights the importance of addressing AI safety and ensuring that machines are aligned with human values.

Q: What challenges do you see in the control problem of AI?

The control problem in AI involves ensuring that machines pursue objectives that are aligned with human objectives. The challenge lies in addressing the fact that we may not be able to specify the correct objective in advance. Objectives can vary across individuals and cultures, and it is difficult to capture all nuances and potential future changes. The control problem requires machines to be humble and uncertain about their objectives, as their understanding can be refined through human interaction. Balancing autonomy and deference to humans is a key aspect of addressing the control problem.

Q: How do you suggest managing the control problem in AI?

Managing the control problem in AI requires shifting away from the idea of building optimizing machines with fixed objectives. Instead, machines need to be uncertain about their objectives and deferential to humans' input. This means considering the interaction between humans and machines as part of the problem and incorporating game theory principles. The machines should learn from human feedback and adapt their understanding of objectives. The goal is to build AI systems that are aligned with, rather than in conflict with, human values.


The conversation with Stuart Russell covers various aspects of AI, including game playing programs, meta-reasoning, the advancements in algorithms used in games like AlphaGo, and the potential risks associated with superintelligence. It explores the challenges of controlling AI systems and the need for machines to be uncertain and humble about their objectives. The control problem in AI requires rethinking the idea of fixed objectives and emphasizing interaction between humans and machines to determine objectives. Maintaining alignment between AI systems and human values is crucial to addressing the control problem effectively.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Stuart Russell discusses his early experiences with AI, including creating AI programs to play chess in high school. The program he created never beat him, but he learned important lessons about meta-reasoning and decision-making in games.

  • Russell highlights the importance of machines managing their own computation and deciding what to think about. He shares insights on how machines can explore game trees efficiently and make decisions that improve their final actions.

  • He explains the key principles behind AlphaGo and AlphaZero's success in playing games like Go, emphasizing the use of meta-reasoning and selective thinking.

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