Advice For NEW YouTube Channels - 10 Tips | Summary and Q&A

June 13, 2019
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Advice For NEW YouTube Channels - 10 Tips


New YouTubers can achieve success by taking personal responsibility, optimizing for YouTube's discovery systems, analyzing audience retention reports, creating compelling thumbnails and titles, focusing on presentation, experimenting with advice, taking consistent action, understanding that success is a combination of factors, learning about monetization strategies, and adopting the mindset of a successful YouTuber.

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Key Insights

  • ☢️ Personal responsibility and active learning are essential for success on YouTube.
  • 👨‍🔬 Optimizing videos for YouTube's search, browse, and suggestion features increases visibility.
  • 🆘 Analyzing audience retention reports helps identify areas for improvement in content.
  • ☠️ Compelling thumbnails and titles greatly impact click-through rates.
  • 🫵 Effective presentation and communication styles contribute to viewer engagement.
  • ❓ Experimenting with advice and adapting it to individual channels is important.
  • ❓ Consistent action and continuous improvement are vital for channel growth.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Success on YouTube results from a combination of factors, rather than a single solution.
  • ❓ Understanding monetization strategies outside of YouTube can contribute to income generation.


  • I'm gonna give you 10 tips specifically for new YouTubers to help you grow your channel and we're starting right now. ♪ That's just how it is ♪ ♪ Ain't waitin' on me ♪ What is going on? My name is Nick, welcome to another video. If this is your first time here and you want to learn how to grow your channel, make videos and all types of other YouT... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How important is personal responsibility for success on YouTube?

Personal responsibility is crucial on YouTube since individual actions, motivation, discipline, and application of knowledge determine success. Taking ownership of one's growth and applying learned strategies is vital.

Q: What are some ways to optimize videos for YouTube's discovery systems?

Optimizing videos for search involves using titles, descriptions, and tags that align with what viewers are searching for. Additionally, creating compelling thumbnails and titles is essential to increase click-through rates and appear in YouTube's browse and suggestion features.

Q: How can audience retention reports help improve content?

Audience retention reports provide insights into viewer behavior, highlighting specific moments that engage or disengage viewers. By analyzing these reports, creators can identify patterns and experiment with different approaches to keep viewers watching.

Q: How important are thumbnails and titles in attracting viewers?

Thumbnails and titles are crucial since they are the first impression viewers have of a video. Compelling and visually appealing thumbnails, as well as descriptive and attention-grabbing titles, increase the likelihood of viewers clicking and watching a video.

Q: How can content creators improve their presentation style?

Content creators should study successful channels in their niche to learn how effective communication and presentation work for their target audience. By adopting and refining techniques from successful channels, creators can engage viewers more effectively.

Q: Is all YouTube advice applicable to every channel?

Not all YouTube advice is universally applicable. Each channel has unique characteristics, and creators should experiment and adapt advice to suit their specific content and audience.

Q: What is the importance of taking consistent action?

Consistently learning, experimenting, and applying strategies is crucial for growth. Consuming content without taking action hinders progress, while active learning and implementation lead to improvement.

Q: Is there a specific formula or one-size-fits-all solution for success on YouTube?

Success on YouTube is a combination of multiple factors, and there isn't a single formula that guarantees success. Creators need to focus on various aspects like content quality, optimization, presentation, and community-building to achieve growth.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Success on YouTube is primarily up to the individual, with personal responsibility being crucial for growth.

  • Optimizing videos for YouTube's search, browse, and suggestion features is key in driving traffic to a channel.

  • Analyzing audience retention reports helps identify content strengths and weaknesses that can improve viewership.

  • Compelling thumbnails and titles are essential for attracting viewers and must be carefully crafted.

  • Presentation and communication style play a significant role in keeping audiences engaged.

  • Experimentation is necessary since not all YouTube advice applies universally.

  • Regularly taking action and applying learned strategies is vital for growth and improvement.

  • Success on YouTube is a combination of various factors, and there isn't a single formula for success.

  • Learning about monetization strategies such as affiliate marketing and sponsorships can help generate income.

  • Adopting the mindset of a successful YouTuber involves confidence, professionalism, and embracing the community.

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