2 step estimation word problems | Summary and Q&A

May 23, 2019
Khan Academy
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2 step estimation word problems


A race car driver with 28 cars and 22 tires needs to estimate the total number of tires he needs to buy, which is approximately 100 tires.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Estimation is a practical skill used in various everyday situations.
  • 💄 By making numbers friendlier and using approximations, complex calculations can be simplified.
  • đŸĒĄ Estimating can help in quickly obtaining rough figures without the need for precise calculations.
  • 🛝 Rounding numbers and using approximations can make estimations easier and more manageable.
  • đŸĻģ Subtracting an approximation of the existing quantity aids in estimating the number of additional items required.
  • 🔨 Estimating can be a valuable tool when precise calculations are not necessary or feasible.
  • ⚖ī¸ The process of estimation involves finding a balance between accuracy and simplicity.


  • [Instructor] We are told that a race car driver has 28 cars. Each car has four tires. He has to replace all the tires on the cars. He has 22 tires right now. Estimate the total number of tires he needs to buy. So pause this video and see if you can do that. And the key word here is estimate. You don't have to figure out exactly. You just need to ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How many cars does the race car driver have?

The race car driver has 28 cars.

Q: How many tires does each car have?

Each car has four tires.

Q: What is the total number of tires needed to replace all the tires on the cars?

To calculate the total number of tires needed, we can multiply the number of cars (28) by the number of tires per car (4), resulting in 112 tires.

Q: How many tires does the race car driver currently have?

The race car driver currently has 22 tires.

Q: How can we estimate the total number of tires the race car driver needs to buy?

To estimate, we can round the number of cars to 30, assume each car needs four tires, and approximate the number of tires currently possessed as 20. By subtracting 20 from (30 * 4), we estimate that the race car driver needs to buy approximately 100 tires.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A race car driver has 28 cars, with each car having four tires. He needs to replace all the tires on the 28 cars.

  • The race car driver currently has 22 tires, so to estimate the total number of tires he needs to buy, we can subtract 22 from the total number of tires required for the 28 cars.

  • By estimating, we find that the race car driver needs to buy approximately 100 tires.

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