2+2=5 in Java | Summary and Q&A

August 11, 2020
Lex Fridman
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2+2=5 in Java


In this video, the speaker demonstrates how to use reflection in Java to modify the integer cache and make 2 + 2 equal 5.

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Key Insights

  • 👻 Reflection in Java allows for dynamic inspection and modification of code at runtime.
  • 🏪 The integer cache in Java stores frequently used integer objects to optimize memory usage.
  • 🔇 By using reflection, the speaker accesses and modifies the integer cache to change the result of 2 + 2.
  • 😘 Shuffling the entire array of integer objects could potentially impact other calculations relying on low-value arithmetic in Java.
  • 👨‍💻 Reflection can be a powerful tool for code manipulation and exploration but should be used with caution.
  • 😒 The use of reflection in this context demonstrates the potential for altering expected behavior in programming languages.
  • 👨‍💻 The video also mentions the connection between this coding technique and George Orwell's concept of propaganda in "1984".


this video is about how we can hack java by using reflection of its own source code to make this two plus two statement output five just as george orwell one of my favorite writers warned us about in 1984 about propaganda machines that sublimate the nature of truth this video is not about politics philosophy nor is it about the apparent as i have j... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is reflection in Java and how does it work?

Reflection in Java is the ability of a programming language to inspect and modify itself at runtime. It allows developers to access and manipulate the internal structures and behaviors of the code. In this context, reflection is used to modify the integer cache and change the result of the arithmetic operation.

Q: Why is the modification of the integer cache significant?

The integer cache is a built-in feature in Java that optimizes memory usage by reusing integer objects within a specific range. By modifying the cache, it is possible to change the value of integers used in calculations throughout the program, potentially leading to unexpected outputs.

Q: Can this reflection technique be used to modify other aspects of Java code?

Yes, reflection can be used to inspect and modify various elements of Java code, including classes, methods, fields, and annotations. It provides a powerful tool for dynamic code generation, debugging, and exploration.

Q: Are there any limitations or risks associated with using reflection in Java?

Reflection can be useful but should be used with caution. It bypasses encapsulation and can lead to insecure and brittle code. It may also have performance implications, as it involves extra runtime checks and method invocations.

Q: What is reflection in Java and how does it work?

Reflection in Java is the ability of a programming language to inspect and modify itself at runtime. It allows developers to access and manipulate the internal structures and behaviors of the code. In this context, reflection is used to modify the integer cache and change the result of the arithmetic operation.

More Insights

  • Reflection in Java allows for dynamic inspection and modification of code at runtime.

  • The integer cache in Java stores frequently used integer objects to optimize memory usage.

  • By using reflection, the speaker accesses and modifies the integer cache to change the result of 2 + 2.

  • Shuffling the entire array of integer objects could potentially impact other calculations relying on low-value arithmetic in Java.

  • Reflection can be a powerful tool for code manipulation and exploration but should be used with caution.

  • The use of reflection in this context demonstrates the potential for altering expected behavior in programming languages.

  • The video also mentions the connection between this coding technique and George Orwell's concept of propaganda in "1984".

  • The speaker mentions upcoming content featuring an interview with James Gosling, the creator of Java.


This video explores how Java can be hacked using reflection, specifically focusing on modifying the integer cache array to make the statement "two plus two equals five" output as true. The video explains the implementation of the integer class, the caching system in Java, and how reflection can be used to modify the array. It also mentions the possibility of shuffling the entire array to affect low-value arithmetic in Java.

Questions & Answers

Q: What does this video explain about Java hacking?

This video explains how Java can be hacked using reflection to modify the integer cache array, resulting in the statement "two plus two equals five" being true.

Q: How does the video describe the ability of a programming language to inspect itself?

The video describes this ability as reflection, which allows a programming language like Java to examine and modify its own source code.

Q: What does the video show about the code implementation of the integer class in Java?

The video dives into the implementation of the integer class and showcases how the integer cache class is pulled out and modified using reflection.

Q: What does the integer cache class do in Java?

The integer cache class in Java creates a cache of integer objects from -128 to 127 and reuses this cache whenever integer objects within this range are used.

Q: How does reflection manipulate the integer cache array?

Through reflection, the integer cache array can be accessed, modified, and assigned different values. This enables the hacking of Java to make statements like "two plus two equals five" output as true.

Q: Where does the number five come into play in the hacking process?

By modifying the integer cache array, specifically the 132nd element in the cache, the number four (representing "two plus two") can be replaced with the number five to trick the code into outputting five instead.

Q: Does the video mention the possibility of further manipulation beyond "two plus two equals five"?

Yes, the video briefly mentions the discussion on Stack Exchange Code Golf, where there is talk of shuffling the entire 256 element array of the integer cache. This could not only affect "two plus two equals five" but also disrupt low-value arithmetic in Java.

Q: What does the video suggest about the simulation and Java's role in it?

The video playfully suggests that if we are living in a simulation written in Java, the manipulation of the code to make "two plus two equals five" could add a touch of dystopia to the simulation.

Q: Who are the sponsors mentioned in the video?

The video thanks the sponsors, specifically mentioning Sleep Mattress. A discount link for Sleep Mattress can be found in the video's description.

Q: What upcoming conversation is mentioned at the end of the video?

At the end of the video, it is mentioned that there is a conversation with James Gosling, the creator of Java, coming up on the podcast. Viewers are encouraged to check it out.


The video provides a fascinating exploration of how Java can be hacked using reflection to modify the integer cache array. It offers insights into the implementation of the integer class, the caching system in Java, and the potential for manipulating the entirety of low-value arithmetic. While the example of "two plus two equals five" is lighthearted, it highlights the power of reflection and the intricacies of code manipulation. The video also mentions upcoming content, including a conversation with James Gosling, and encourages viewers to continue learning every day.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video explores using reflection in Java to access and modify the integer cache, which stores integer objects from -128 to 127.

  • By manipulating the cache, the speaker shows how to make the result of 2 + 2 equal 5 instead of 4.

  • The video also mentions the potential for shuffling the entire array of integer objects, which could impact other low-value arithmetic in Java.

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