10 Cold Email Templates That Got Me 350+ SMMA Clients | Summary and Q&A

December 4, 2023
Charlie Morgan
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10 Cold Email Templates That Got Me 350+ SMMA Clients


Learn effective cold email strategies for client acquisition, including subject lines, templates, and techniques to generate real appointments.

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Key Insights

  • 🤗 Personalized and informative subject lines have a higher chance of increasing email open rates.
  • ❓ Focusing on the outcome and benefits for the recipient rather than using sales language is critical.
  • 🏛️ Demonstrating case studies and providing specific results can build credibility and trust with potential clients.
  • 💌 Breaking the pattern and adding attachments, such as screenshots of the recipient's website, can make the email stand out.
  • 👨‍💼 Building relationships and showing genuine interest in the recipient's business increases the chances of success.
  • 💱 Experimenting with different strategies and continuously adapting them is essential in the ever-changing market.
  • 😥 The templates provided in the content are a starting point and should be customized to fit different industries and target audiences.


in this video I'm going to walk you through and show you the exact code emails that I Ed to acquire over 200 paying clients for my agency North flow Consulting I'm going to walk you through the exact subject lines exactly how to open the email exactly how to piit your offer and present what you do and generate a call to action that encourages peopl... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How many subject lines were tested before finding the ones that worked?

The author tested nearly every subject line imaginable, sending over 100,000 unique cold emails to gym owners. They found that simple, vague, open-ended subject lines, along with questions and keywords related to the recipient's business, were the most effective.

Q: Are these templates suitable for all niches?

While the author applied these strategies specifically to the gym owner niche, they believe that the underlying principles can be applied to other major niches such as real estate or consulting. The templates can be customized to fit any niche by replacing relevant keywords and addressing specific pain points.

Q: How should one handle appointments and follow-ups in these cold email strategies?

The author suggests not directly asking for an appointment, but instead, requesting a phone number to initiate a call. They recommend following up consistently and reminding potential clients of the scheduled call to increase the chances of conversion.

Q: Do these strategies still work in today's market?

The author acknowledges that some of the strategies may no longer be as effective due to changes in the market and the perception of marketing agencies. However, they highlight that understanding the principles behind these templates can help adapt them for current client acquisition efforts.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The content provides ten proven templates for cold emails that have been successful in acquiring clients for the author's consulting agency.

  • The subject lines of the emails focus on personalization and avoiding sales language, while the templates emphasize the outcome and benefits for the recipient.

  • The author acknowledges that some strategies may be outdated and advises viewers to combine these templates with the principles discussed in another video on cold email strategies.

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