Summaries of Simple History Videos 📚

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Who ruled Germany before Hitler? Weimar Republic (1918–1933) thumbnail
Who ruled Germany before Hitler? Weimar Republic (1918–1933)
Simple History
The 'Most Violent Prisoner in Britain' thumbnail
The 'Most Violent Prisoner in Britain'
Simple History
The Angels of Mons (WWI Legend) thumbnail
The Angels of Mons (WWI Legend)
Simple History
How did this Convict escape Prison using Miso Soup? (Strange Stories) thumbnail
How did this Convict escape Prison using Miso Soup? (Strange Stories)
Simple History
Sikh Bayonet Charge Hero - Wipe out at Bum La Pass thumbnail
Sikh Bayonet Charge Hero - Wipe out at Bum La Pass
Simple History
Scary History Compilation Series 1 thumbnail
Scary History Compilation Series 1
Simple History
UNSTOPPABLE Chinese Soldier who Blocked a Machine Gun with his Body - Korean War thumbnail
UNSTOPPABLE Chinese Soldier who Blocked a Machine Gun with his Body - Korean War
Simple History
Viking Myths you thought were true! thumbnail
Viking Myths you thought were true!
Simple History
An NVA soldier and his son hid in the jungle for 40 years thinking the Vietnam War was still ongoing thumbnail
An NVA soldier and his son hid in the jungle for 40 years thinking the Vietnam War was still ongoing
Simple History
Battle of Mirbat (9 SAS Soldiers VS 300 Adoo Guerrillas) thumbnail
Battle of Mirbat (9 SAS Soldiers VS 300 Adoo Guerrillas)
Simple History
Gun Loadouts used by the Worlds most Elite Units thumbnail
Gun Loadouts used by the Worlds most Elite Units
Simple History
The Russian Revolution (1917) thumbnail
The Russian Revolution (1917)
Simple History
The Bodies used as Landmarks on Mt. Everest thumbnail
The Bodies used as Landmarks on Mt. Everest
Simple History
Ridiculously Overpowered Weapons in History thumbnail
Ridiculously Overpowered Weapons in History
Simple History
Spartan Warriors began training at this age thumbnail
Spartan Warriors began training at this age
Simple History
Unique Bullets (Cross Section) thumbnail
Unique Bullets (Cross Section)
Simple History
M1 Abrams Main battle tank thumbnail
M1 Abrams Main battle tank
Simple History
The Truth of the Salem Witch Trials thumbnail
The Truth of the Salem Witch Trials
Simple History
What simple invention ended the Wild West? thumbnail
What simple invention ended the Wild West?
Simple History
Why were soldiers wearing American Revolutionary Uniforms in the American Civil War? thumbnail
Why were soldiers wearing American Revolutionary Uniforms in the American Civil War?
Simple History
History Mysteries YOU Can't Solve thumbnail
History Mysteries YOU Can't Solve
Simple History
Why did Soldiers use guns from home or captured weapons? thumbnail
Why did Soldiers use guns from home or captured weapons?
Simple History
Boy Soldiers (World War I) thumbnail
Boy Soldiers (World War I)
Simple History
Handheld Shields (World War I) thumbnail
Handheld Shields (World War I)
Simple History
The Dead Gunslinger Corpse used as a Movie Prop thumbnail
The Dead Gunslinger Corpse used as a Movie Prop
Simple History
The Unbelievable Lives of North Korea's Dictators thumbnail
The Unbelievable Lives of North Korea's Dictators
Simple History
The Green Beret who went on a one man Rampage to save his Comrades thumbnail
The Green Beret who went on a one man Rampage to save his Comrades
Simple History
“The Incredibly Stupid One” (Stories from The Vietnam War) thumbnail
“The Incredibly Stupid One” (Stories from The Vietnam War)
Simple History
Allied soldiers Crucified by Germans in WW1 thumbnail
Allied soldiers Crucified by Germans in WW1
Simple History
Real Life GTA Moments in History thumbnail
Real Life GTA Moments in History
Simple History
Weird Plague 'Cures'  (The Black Death) thumbnail
Weird Plague 'Cures' (The Black Death)
Simple History
U.S. Soldier who Fought NVA Troops while High on Marijuana (Stories from The Vietnam War) thumbnail
U.S. Soldier who Fought NVA Troops while High on Marijuana (Stories from The Vietnam War)
Simple History
The Berlin Wall (1961-1989) thumbnail
The Berlin Wall (1961-1989)
Simple History
Taking a Mortar to the leg, this Marine kept fighting thumbnail
Taking a Mortar to the leg, this Marine kept fighting
Simple History
D-Day (1944) thumbnail
D-Day (1944)
Simple History
Life Under THE Most Evil Communist Regime - Khmer Rouge thumbnail
Life Under THE Most Evil Communist Regime - Khmer Rouge
Simple History
These Soldiers wore Bicorn hats in World War II thumbnail
These Soldiers wore Bicorn hats in World War II
Simple History
Savage War Crimes thumbnail
Savage War Crimes
Simple History
Brutal Moments of the Vietnam War thumbnail
Brutal Moments of the Vietnam War
Simple History
Medieval Weapons and Armor used in WW1 thumbnail
Medieval Weapons and Armor used in WW1
Simple History
Sea Kamikaze (WWII  Military Tactic) thumbnail
Sea Kamikaze (WWII Military Tactic)
Simple History
Attack of the Dead Men (Strange Stories) thumbnail
Attack of the Dead Men (Strange Stories)
Simple History
When Stalin Starved 4 Million Ukrainians thumbnail
When Stalin Starved 4 Million Ukrainians
Simple History
The Stolen Tank Rampage! (1995) thumbnail
The Stolen Tank Rampage! (1995)
Simple History
The 5 Largest Armies in the World thumbnail
The 5 Largest Armies in the World
Simple History
A Commando Revenge Mission, in Disguise as Women thumbnail
A Commando Revenge Mission, in Disguise as Women
Simple History
How the Mafia and U.S. Military Collaborated in WWII thumbnail
How the Mafia and U.S. Military Collaborated in WWII
Simple History
U.S Army CBRN-Last defense against Weapons of Mass Destruction thumbnail
U.S Army CBRN-Last defense against Weapons of Mass Destruction
Simple History
Fishing Boat VS N.Korean Submarine (South Korea 1998) thumbnail
Fishing Boat VS N.Korean Submarine (South Korea 1998)
Simple History
The Rules of war ALL Soldiers MUST OBEY thumbnail
The Rules of war ALL Soldiers MUST OBEY
Simple History
The Man Who Didn't Shoot Hitler (1918) thumbnail
The Man Who Didn't Shoot Hitler (1918)
Simple History
FP-45 Liberator (Throw away pistol) thumbnail
FP-45 Liberator (Throw away pistol)
Simple History
Weird Camouflage in History thumbnail
Weird Camouflage in History
Simple History
The Prisoners who Used Fake Heads to Escape Alcatraz thumbnail
The Prisoners who Used Fake Heads to Escape Alcatraz
Simple History
WWII Tanks: Sherman Tank thumbnail
WWII Tanks: Sherman Tank
Simple History
The Plague that made People Dance until they Dropped Dead thumbnail
The Plague that made People Dance until they Dropped Dead
Simple History
The Hindenburg Disaster (1937) thumbnail
The Hindenburg Disaster (1937)
Simple History
Shameless Copycat Guns in History thumbnail
Shameless Copycat Guns in History
Simple History
Hitler’s Personal Train: The Führersonderzug thumbnail
Hitler’s Personal Train: The Führersonderzug
Simple History
The Cannibal Escape (Strange Stories) thumbnail
The Cannibal Escape (Strange Stories)
Simple History
Hull-Down Position (Military Tactic) thumbnail
Hull-Down Position (Military Tactic)
Simple History
This Type of Bullet Caused an Entire Uprising! thumbnail
This Type of Bullet Caused an Entire Uprising!
Simple History
The MIAS Mini Tank (Strangest Tanks in History) thumbnail
The MIAS Mini Tank (Strangest Tanks in History)
Simple History
Convicts Recruited into the Russian Army thumbnail
Convicts Recruited into the Russian Army
Simple History
How to survive the Wild West (1800s) thumbnail
How to survive the Wild West (1800s)
Simple History
How did people try to ‘cure’ the Plague? (Flagellants) thumbnail
How did people try to ‘cure’ the Plague? (Flagellants)
Simple History
The 4 Great Inventions that changed the world (China) thumbnail
The 4 Great Inventions that changed the world (China)
Simple History
The Great Missouri Train Robbery (1874) thumbnail
The Great Missouri Train Robbery (1874)
Simple History
The 6 Year Old Red Army Lieutenant of WW2 (Youngest Soldier of the War) thumbnail
The 6 Year Old Red Army Lieutenant of WW2 (Youngest Soldier of the War)
Simple History
Forbidden Actions that are Illegal in War thumbnail
Forbidden Actions that are Illegal in War
Simple History
Scottish Black Watch (World War I) thumbnail
Scottish Black Watch (World War I)
Simple History
Tunnel Rats (The Vietnam war) thumbnail
Tunnel Rats (The Vietnam war)
Simple History
Why do the British salute differently to the Americans? thumbnail
Why do the British salute differently to the Americans?
Simple History
Sloped armor: A simple feature that saved many lives thumbnail
Sloped armor: A simple feature that saved many lives
Simple History
The Ancient Greek Olympics (776 BC-393 AD) thumbnail
The Ancient Greek Olympics (776 BC-393 AD)
Simple History
Gross Jobs in History you're glad you don't have to do thumbnail
Gross Jobs in History you're glad you don't have to do
Simple History
Periscope Rifles (Weird Tech) thumbnail
Periscope Rifles (Weird Tech)
Simple History
The Rarest Guns of World War II thumbnail
The Rarest Guns of World War II
Simple History
Life Inside a WW2 Panther Tank (Cross Section) thumbnail
Life Inside a WW2 Panther Tank (Cross Section)
Simple History
Char 2C Super Heavy Tank (Behemoth) thumbnail
Char 2C Super Heavy Tank (Behemoth)
Simple History
Useless Overweight Tanks of WW2 thumbnail
Useless Overweight Tanks of WW2
Simple History
Vietcong Booby Traps thumbnail
Vietcong Booby Traps
Simple History
Goliath  (World War II Robot) thumbnail
Goliath (World War II Robot)
Simple History
Military Copycats who stole ideas from other countries thumbnail
Military Copycats who stole ideas from other countries
Simple History
Big Brain Prison Escapes thumbnail
Big Brain Prison Escapes
Simple History
The Hideous Habsburg Jaw thumbnail
The Hideous Habsburg Jaw
Simple History
The President who avoided being eaten by cannibals in WWII thumbnail
The President who avoided being eaten by cannibals in WWII
Simple History
The Worst Betrayals in History thumbnail
The Worst Betrayals in History
Simple History
The Roman Legionaries (Elite Heavy Infantryman) thumbnail
The Roman Legionaries (Elite Heavy Infantryman)
Simple History
The Italian invasion of Abyssinia (1935-36) thumbnail
The Italian invasion of Abyssinia (1935-36)
Simple History
Teenage Marine Jumps on 2 Grenades to save his Squad thumbnail
Teenage Marine Jumps on 2 Grenades to save his Squad
Simple History
Secret Cold War Gadgets thumbnail
Secret Cold War Gadgets
Simple History
Creeping Barrage (Military Tactic) thumbnail
Creeping Barrage (Military Tactic)
Simple History
The Americans that fought for Germany in World war II thumbnail
The Americans that fought for Germany in World war II
Simple History
Japan's Unlikely Allies in WW2 thumbnail
Japan's Unlikely Allies in WW2
Simple History
War for Profit: Private Militaries in History thumbnail
War for Profit: Private Militaries in History
Simple History
The Battle of the Bulge (1944-45) thumbnail
The Battle of the Bulge (1944-45)
Simple History
The US Marine who fought with a GUN made from 3 GUNS! thumbnail
The US Marine who fought with a GUN made from 3 GUNS!
Simple History
Terrible Moments from Each Generation thumbnail
Terrible Moments from Each Generation
Simple History
How Hygienic were People in the Past? thumbnail
How Hygienic were People in the Past?
Simple History
Mao's Little Red Book thumbnail
Mao's Little Red Book
Simple History
B-17 Ball Turret Gunner (Dangerous Jobs in History) thumbnail
B-17 Ball Turret Gunner (Dangerous Jobs in History)
Simple History
What Killed more People than WWI in 1918? thumbnail
What Killed more People than WWI in 1918?
Simple History
Medieval Punishments thumbnail
Medieval Punishments
Simple History
Punishments in the Congo Free State under Leopold II thumbnail
Punishments in the Congo Free State under Leopold II
Simple History
The Defense of Fort Vaux (1916, World War I) thumbnail
The Defense of Fort Vaux (1916, World War I)
Simple History
Thumbscrews (Horrible Punishments in History) thumbnail
Thumbscrews (Horrible Punishments in History)
Simple History
Panzer Crewman (World War II) thumbnail
Panzer Crewman (World War II)
Simple History
15 Improvised Weapons Inmates Built in Prison thumbnail
15 Improvised Weapons Inmates Built in Prison
Simple History
Worst MREs - Meals Rejected by Everyone thumbnail
Worst MREs - Meals Rejected by Everyone
Simple History
What was inside this tunnel, that killed 520 passengers? thumbnail
What was inside this tunnel, that killed 520 passengers?
Simple History
Drill Sergeant Training Techniques thumbnail
Drill Sergeant Training Techniques
Simple History
The Samurai thumbnail
The Samurai
Simple History
Spetsnaz (Soviet Afghanistan war) thumbnail
Spetsnaz (Soviet Afghanistan war)
Simple History
Korean People's Army Guards who Escaped North Korea thumbnail
Korean People's Army Guards who Escaped North Korea
Simple History
Weird Tanks in History thumbnail
Weird Tanks in History
Simple History
Nazi Rudolf Hess’s Mad Mission for Peace (Strange Stories of WWII) thumbnail
Nazi Rudolf Hess’s Mad Mission for Peace (Strange Stories of WWII)
Simple History
Strange Soldier Superstitions thumbnail
Strange Soldier Superstitions
Simple History
Salvo (Military Tactic) thumbnail
Salvo (Military Tactic)
Simple History
Most Obese, Tallest and Shortest Soldiers in War thumbnail
Most Obese, Tallest and Shortest Soldiers in War
Simple History
Strange Military Deaths thumbnail
Strange Military Deaths
Simple History
The Bullet that Started WWI thumbnail
The Bullet that Started WWI
Simple History
Battle for Pavlov's House (WWII) thumbnail
Battle for Pavlov's House (WWII)
Simple History
Weird Russian Weapons in History thumbnail
Weird Russian Weapons in History
Simple History
The GIANT Sioux Warrior of the Korean War thumbnail
The GIANT Sioux Warrior of the Korean War
Simple History
The WWII Japanese Soldier Who Didn’t Surrender Until 1974 thumbnail
The WWII Japanese Soldier Who Didn’t Surrender Until 1974
Simple History
Helmets in History thumbnail
Helmets in History
Simple History
Gurkha (World War II) thumbnail
Gurkha (World War II)
Simple History
Why were these 2 planes stuck together? (World War II) thumbnail
Why were these 2 planes stuck together? (World War II)
Simple History
The Mystery of the 9 Russian Hikers found Dead thumbnail
The Mystery of the 9 Russian Hikers found Dead
Simple History
How Tanks are Stolen in War thumbnail
How Tanks are Stolen in War
Simple History
Last Ditch Axis Weapons thumbnail
Last Ditch Axis Weapons
Simple History
T-14 Armata Tank: Russia’s New Threat? thumbnail
T-14 Armata Tank: Russia’s New Threat?
Simple History
Impossible Prison Escapes thumbnail
Impossible Prison Escapes
Simple History
The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) thumbnail
The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Simple History
Low I.Q. People Forced to Become Soldiers (Vietnam War) thumbnail
Low I.Q. People Forced to Become Soldiers (Vietnam War)
Simple History
The Most Terrifying Sounds in War thumbnail
The Most Terrifying Sounds in War
Simple History
The Monk that Burned Himself to Death (The Vietnam war) thumbnail
The Monk that Burned Himself to Death (The Vietnam war)
Simple History
Did the T-34 Tank Win WW2? thumbnail
Did the T-34 Tank Win WW2?
Simple History
How to Survive the Spanish Flu (1918-20) thumbnail
How to Survive the Spanish Flu (1918-20)
Simple History
Why was a Pig put on trial in Medieval Europe? (Strange History) thumbnail
Why was a Pig put on trial in Medieval Europe? (Strange History)
Simple History
Simo Häyhä 'The White Death'  (World’s Deadliest Sniper) thumbnail
Simo Häyhä 'The White Death' (World’s Deadliest Sniper)
Simple History
WWII Tanks: Tiger I - Heavy Tank thumbnail
WWII Tanks: Tiger I - Heavy Tank
Simple History
Overpowered Guns used to Cheat in Battle thumbnail
Overpowered Guns used to Cheat in Battle
Simple History
Sanitäter German medic  (World War II) thumbnail
Sanitäter German medic (World War II)
Simple History
F.B.I. Hostage Rescue Teams (Domestic Delta) thumbnail
F.B.I. Hostage Rescue Teams (Domestic Delta)
Simple History
Most Fearsome Warriors in History thumbnail
Most Fearsome Warriors in History
Simple History
The REBELLION that Destroyed Soviet Russia thumbnail
The REBELLION that Destroyed Soviet Russia
Simple History
Why you Must NOT Shoot Medics in War thumbnail
Why you Must NOT Shoot Medics in War
Simple History
Jobs in History Series #1 thumbnail
Jobs in History Series #1
Simple History
When a US Marine Survived a LIVE RPG in his Leg thumbnail
When a US Marine Survived a LIVE RPG in his Leg
Simple History
Press Gangs (Impressment) thumbnail
Press Gangs (Impressment)
Simple History
What is the FSB and why is it so Feared? thumbnail
What is the FSB and why is it so Feared?
Simple History
The Murders of Jack the Ripper thumbnail
The Murders of Jack the Ripper
Simple History
What Makes a Good Gun Design thumbnail
What Makes a Good Gun Design
Simple History
Bizarre and Mysterious: Deaths Throughout History thumbnail
Bizarre and Mysterious: Deaths Throughout History
Simple History
How do Soldiers Stay Clean in Battle? thumbnail
How do Soldiers Stay Clean in Battle?
Simple History
Life Inside a WWI A7V Tank (Cross Section) thumbnail
Life Inside a WWI A7V Tank (Cross Section)
Simple History
What Really caused 'Gulf War Syndrome'? thumbnail
What Really caused 'Gulf War Syndrome'?
Simple History
The Grey Ghost of WW2 - USS Enterprise thumbnail
The Grey Ghost of WW2 - USS Enterprise
Simple History
The F-35 Jet - NATO's Super Weapon thumbnail
The F-35 Jet - NATO's Super Weapon
Simple History
Air Force One thumbnail
Air Force One
Simple History
Operation Rolling Thunder  (1965 - 68) thumbnail
Operation Rolling Thunder (1965 - 68)
Simple History
The Iranian Embassy Siege (1980) Day 6 - The Assault thumbnail
The Iranian Embassy Siege (1980) Day 6 - The Assault
Simple History
The Man Who Survived TWO Tactical Nukes (Strange Stories of World War II) thumbnail
The Man Who Survived TWO Tactical Nukes (Strange Stories of World War II)
Simple History
Strange Famous Deaths in History thumbnail
Strange Famous Deaths in History
Simple History
Senegalese Tirailleurs  (World War II) thumbnail
Senegalese Tirailleurs (World War II)
Simple History
Strange Military Traditions thumbnail
Strange Military Traditions
Simple History
Bro does Beer Run for his Buddies in Vietnam War thumbnail
Bro does Beer Run for his Buddies in Vietnam War
Simple History
The Russian Sniper who killed 242 Enemy Soldiers thumbnail
The Russian Sniper who killed 242 Enemy Soldiers
Simple History
Rasputin, the man who wouldn't die (Strange Stories) thumbnail
Rasputin, the man who wouldn't die (Strange Stories)
Simple History
M1 Garand Rifle thumbnail
M1 Garand Rifle
Simple History
Tanks! Monsters of the battlefield! thumbnail
Tanks! Monsters of the battlefield!
Simple History
Rationing in WWII (British Homefront) thumbnail
Rationing in WWII (British Homefront)
Simple History
Imperial Japan's Lost Tiger Tank of WW2 thumbnail
Imperial Japan's Lost Tiger Tank of WW2
Simple History
[Censored Version] Iban Headhunters  (Malay Crisis, 1948-60) thumbnail
[Censored Version] Iban Headhunters (Malay Crisis, 1948-60)
Simple History
Secret Organisations of the West and East thumbnail
Secret Organisations of the West and East
Simple History
Weird laws in History thumbnail
Weird laws in History
Simple History
Nazi Germany's Secret UFO in WW2 thumbnail
Nazi Germany's Secret UFO in WW2
Simple History
The Unluckiest Cat EVER! thumbnail
The Unluckiest Cat EVER!
Simple History
The Irish Potato Famine (1845–1852) thumbnail
The Irish Potato Famine (1845–1852)
Simple History
Pope Urban II orders the First Crusade (1095) thumbnail
Pope Urban II orders the First Crusade (1095)
Simple History
ME 262 Jet Fighter thumbnail
ME 262 Jet Fighter
Simple History
Churchill's Plan to Start World War 3 Using German Troops thumbnail
Churchill's Plan to Start World War 3 Using German Troops
Simple History
St. Valentine's Day Massacre  (1929) thumbnail
St. Valentine's Day Massacre (1929)
Simple History
The Electrician who escaped the desert by turning his car into a motorbike thumbnail
The Electrician who escaped the desert by turning his car into a motorbike
Simple History
Carrier Pigeons (World War I) thumbnail
Carrier Pigeons (World War I)
Simple History
Strange Deaths in History (20th Century) thumbnail
Strange Deaths in History (20th Century)
Simple History
The French Resistance (World War II) thumbnail
The French Resistance (World War II)
Simple History
Inhumane Punishments in History thumbnail
Inhumane Punishments in History
Simple History
The Dentist who Fought an Entire BANZAI Charge Single-handedly (1 Man vs 98) thumbnail
The Dentist who Fought an Entire BANZAI Charge Single-handedly (1 Man vs 98)
Simple History
Where does Halloween come from? thumbnail
Where does Halloween come from?
Simple History
U.S. B-17 Bomber Crewman (World War II) thumbnail
U.S. B-17 Bomber Crewman (World War II)
Simple History
The Great Plague of London (1665-66) thumbnail
The Great Plague of London (1665-66)
Simple History
An Interview with Napoleon - Documentary thumbnail
An Interview with Napoleon - Documentary
Simple History
The Secret Life under Kim Jong-il's North Korea thumbnail
The Secret Life under Kim Jong-il's North Korea
Simple History
Bill Gates co-founder of Microsoft (1955 -) thumbnail
Bill Gates co-founder of Microsoft (1955 -)
Simple History
Old WW1 Veterans who Kept Fighting in WW2 thumbnail
Old WW1 Veterans who Kept Fighting in WW2
Simple History
How the West Betrayed Czechoslovakia to Hitler (The Munich Agreement,1938) thumbnail
How the West Betrayed Czechoslovakia to Hitler (The Munich Agreement,1938)
Simple History
7.5 cm Pak 40 Anti-tank gun (World War II) thumbnail
7.5 cm Pak 40 Anti-tank gun (World War II)
Simple History
Chimney Sweep / Climbing Boy (Worst Jobs in History) thumbnail
Chimney Sweep / Climbing Boy (Worst Jobs in History)
Simple History
Axis Punishments of WW2 thumbnail
Axis Punishments of WW2
Simple History
Stolen Valor (Fake Soldiers) thumbnail
Stolen Valor (Fake Soldiers)
Simple History
The Soldier who threw himself onto a grenade (Heroic sacrifice) thumbnail
The Soldier who threw himself onto a grenade (Heroic sacrifice)
Simple History
Soldier's Mental Health After the War is Over thumbnail
Soldier's Mental Health After the War is Over
Simple History
Was This Britain's Vietnam War? - The Malayan Emergency thumbnail
Was This Britain's Vietnam War? - The Malayan Emergency
Simple History
Puritans (The Killjoys of History) thumbnail
Puritans (The Killjoys of History)
Simple History
Amazing Cross Sections- WW1 Trench, WW1 Tank and Lancaster Bomber Plane thumbnail
Amazing Cross Sections- WW1 Trench, WW1 Tank and Lancaster Bomber Plane
Simple History
Why were Korean Soldiers so Feared in the Vietnam War ? thumbnail
Why were Korean Soldiers so Feared in the Vietnam War ?
Simple History
The Bataan Death March (1942) thumbnail
The Bataan Death March (1942)
Simple History
The Space Shuttle thumbnail
The Space Shuttle
Simple History
The Forgotten Stalingrad of Asia (WWII) thumbnail
The Forgotten Stalingrad of Asia (WWII)
Simple History
Infantry Weapons of WWI thumbnail
Infantry Weapons of WWI
Simple History
Sentry Duty (World War I) thumbnail
Sentry Duty (World War I)
Simple History
Tank Silencer (Weird Tech) thumbnail
Tank Silencer (Weird Tech)
Simple History
Janissary (Elite Ottoman Infantry Unit) thumbnail
Janissary (Elite Ottoman Infantry Unit)
Simple History
Stupid Things that Bored Soldiers Do thumbnail
Stupid Things that Bored Soldiers Do
Simple History
Hitler's Evil Lair in the German Mountains (The Eagle's Nest) thumbnail
Hitler's Evil Lair in the German Mountains (The Eagle's Nest)
Simple History
English Longbowman (Medieval Archer) thumbnail
English Longbowman (Medieval Archer)
Simple History
The Man who Fought with a Longbow and a Sword in WWII thumbnail
The Man who Fought with a Longbow and a Sword in WWII
Simple History
WWII Factions: The Chinese Army thumbnail
WWII Factions: The Chinese Army
Simple History
Strange Features found on Tanks thumbnail
Strange Features found on Tanks
Simple History
Real One Man Armies thumbnail
Real One Man Armies
Simple History
Powerful Aircraft in History thumbnail
Powerful Aircraft in History
Simple History
Battle of Bunker Hill (The American Revolution) thumbnail
Battle of Bunker Hill (The American Revolution)
Simple History
De-Stalinization: The Secret speech (1956) thumbnail
De-Stalinization: The Secret speech (1956)
Simple History
Soviet Young Pioneers (1922-91) thumbnail
Soviet Young Pioneers (1922-91)
Simple History
The Georgians (Weird Fashion) thumbnail
The Georgians (Weird Fashion)
Simple History
How Brutal Were The British Prison Colonies? thumbnail
How Brutal Were The British Prison Colonies?
Simple History
WWII Factions: The Red Army thumbnail
WWII Factions: The Red Army
Simple History
The Great Emu War, 1932 (Weird Wars) thumbnail
The Great Emu War, 1932 (Weird Wars)
Simple History
Yuri Gagarin, First Human in Space (1961) thumbnail
Yuri Gagarin, First Human in Space (1961)
Simple History
Schwerer Gustav  - Rail Super Gun (Behemoth) thumbnail
Schwerer Gustav - Rail Super Gun (Behemoth)
Simple History
Dummy Tanks (Weird Tech WWII) thumbnail
Dummy Tanks (Weird Tech WWII)
Simple History
The Pilot who strapped Bazookas to his Plane (World War II) thumbnail
The Pilot who strapped Bazookas to his Plane (World War II)
Simple History
The Fighter Ace who Downed 11 planes in a Single Day thumbnail
The Fighter Ace who Downed 11 planes in a Single Day
Simple History
The PIAT (Anti-tank weapon) thumbnail
The PIAT (Anti-tank weapon)
Simple History
Life inside a M4 Sherman (Cross Section) thumbnail
Life inside a M4 Sherman (Cross Section)
Simple History
Who Would Have Replaced an Assassinated Hitler in 1943? thumbnail
Who Would Have Replaced an Assassinated Hitler in 1943?
Simple History
RAF Fighter Pilot (World War II) thumbnail
RAF Fighter Pilot (World War II)
Simple History
The Rocket Launcher Scooter (Weird Tech) thumbnail
The Rocket Launcher Scooter (Weird Tech)
Simple History
Soldier who Defeated 32 Germans WITHOUT Bullets - Harlem Hell-fighters WW1 thumbnail
Soldier who Defeated 32 Germans WITHOUT Bullets - Harlem Hell-fighters WW1
Simple History
The German Officer who Died Saving the Enemy (WWII) thumbnail
The German Officer who Died Saving the Enemy (WWII)
Simple History
The President that Kept Reading a Speech after being Shot thumbnail
The President that Kept Reading a Speech after being Shot
Simple History
British Stereotypes of World War II ☕ thumbnail
British Stereotypes of World War II ☕
Simple History
Sniper Decoys: Fake Horse and other Dummies thumbnail
Sniper Decoys: Fake Horse and other Dummies
Simple History
Helmet Graffiti in the Vietnam War thumbnail
Helmet Graffiti in the Vietnam War
Simple History
Italian Infantry Weapons of WWII thumbnail
Italian Infantry Weapons of WWII
Simple History
Absurd Stories from the Afghanistan War thumbnail
Absurd Stories from the Afghanistan War
Simple History
Why YOU Wouldn't want to be the 10th Roman soldier! thumbnail
Why YOU Wouldn't want to be the 10th Roman soldier!
Simple History
SPP-1 Underwater Pistol (Cold War Tech) thumbnail
SPP-1 Underwater Pistol (Cold War Tech)
Simple History
WWI Tanks: A7V Tank thumbnail
WWI Tanks: A7V Tank
Simple History
Why Barbers have a Pole outside their Shop thumbnail
Why Barbers have a Pole outside their Shop
Simple History
Unique uses for Guns thumbnail
Unique uses for Guns
Simple History
How clean were Medieval  people? thumbnail
How clean were Medieval people?
Simple History
Cursed Guns in History thumbnail
Cursed Guns in History
Simple History
U-2 Incident (1960) thumbnail
U-2 Incident (1960)
Simple History
U-Boats (World War II) thumbnail
U-Boats (World War II)
Simple History
Savage Stanley of the Cruel Congo, Hero or zero? thumbnail
Savage Stanley of the Cruel Congo, Hero or zero?
Simple History
WW2 Japanese Pilot vs 182 Hawaiian Islanders thumbnail
WW2 Japanese Pilot vs 182 Hawaiian Islanders
Simple History
Leonardo da Vinci's Flying Machines thumbnail
Leonardo da Vinci's Flying Machines
Simple History
What do Soldiers Eat thumbnail
What do Soldiers Eat
Simple History
Deadly Teachers in History thumbnail
Deadly Teachers in History
Simple History
The Blitz (1940-41) thumbnail
The Blitz (1940-41)
Simple History
The Phalanx CIWS - The US Navy's deadly R2D2 thumbnail
The Phalanx CIWS - The US Navy's deadly R2D2
Simple History
The Aztec Ballgame where the Losers were Sacrificed thumbnail
The Aztec Ballgame where the Losers were Sacrificed
Simple History
WWII Factions: The Italian Army thumbnail
WWII Factions: The Italian Army
Simple History
Stahlhelm M1916 (World War I) thumbnail
Stahlhelm M1916 (World War I)
Simple History
The AC130 that Could Land in a Small Soccer Stadium thumbnail
The AC130 that Could Land in a Small Soccer Stadium
Simple History
The Soldier who fought in 3 Armies thumbnail
The Soldier who fought in 3 Armies
Simple History
King Leopold II & the Congo Free State (1885-1908) thumbnail
King Leopold II & the Congo Free State (1885-1908)
Simple History
Aztec Sacrifice thumbnail
Aztec Sacrifice
Simple History
WWI Tanks: FT-17 Light Tank thumbnail
WWI Tanks: FT-17 Light Tank
Simple History
Australian Penal Colonies thumbnail
Australian Penal Colonies
Simple History
The B-21, America's Ultimate WW3 Deterrent thumbnail
The B-21, America's Ultimate WW3 Deterrent
Simple History
Mutually Assured Destruction (Cold War -) thumbnail
Mutually Assured Destruction (Cold War -)
Simple History
WWII Factions:  The U.S. Army thumbnail
WWII Factions: The U.S. Army
Simple History
1 Million Subscribers Celebration thumbnail
1 Million Subscribers Celebration
Simple History
NATO (1949-) thumbnail
NATO (1949-)
Simple History
Who is Putin? thumbnail
Who is Putin?
Simple History
Spring Heeled Jack (Strange Stories) thumbnail
Spring Heeled Jack (Strange Stories)
Simple History
Russia's Assault on Ukraine thumbnail
Russia's Assault on Ukraine
Simple History
The Sports Hero Who Died a War Hero thumbnail
The Sports Hero Who Died a War Hero
Simple History
Drunkard's Cloak (Weird Punishments in History) thumbnail
Drunkard's Cloak (Weird Punishments in History)
Simple History
The Resistance fighter who taunted “I shoot better!” at her Execution thumbnail
The Resistance fighter who taunted “I shoot better!” at her Execution
Simple History
Most Unfair Wars in History thumbnail
Most Unfair Wars in History
Simple History
Improvised Samurai Weapons: the Kiseru (Pipe) thumbnail
Improvised Samurai Weapons: the Kiseru (Pipe)
Simple History
Censorship in Nazi Germany thumbnail
Censorship in Nazi Germany
Simple History
Sniper Shields (World War I) thumbnail
Sniper Shields (World War I)
Simple History
Who were the Richest Tycoons in America? thumbnail
Who were the Richest Tycoons in America?
Simple History
Watch Towers thumbnail
Watch Towers
Simple History
U.S. Infantry Weapons (Vietnam War) thumbnail
U.S. Infantry Weapons (Vietnam War)
Simple History
The Actress kidnapped by Kim Jong il and forced to make movies (Strange Stories) thumbnail
The Actress kidnapped by Kim Jong il and forced to make movies (Strange Stories)
Simple History
Who Killed William II? (Murder Mystery) thumbnail
Who Killed William II? (Murder Mystery)
Simple History
This U.S. Pilot shot Down an American plane and got the Kill, Why? thumbnail
This U.S. Pilot shot Down an American plane and got the Kill, Why?
Simple History
Erwin Rommel  - The Desert Fox thumbnail
Erwin Rommel - The Desert Fox
Simple History
Most Evil Dictators and What they Did thumbnail
Most Evil Dictators and What they Did
Simple History
How did an Entire Battalion Vanish into Thin Air? (World War I) thumbnail
How did an Entire Battalion Vanish into Thin Air? (World War I)
Simple History
Miserable History of Medicine thumbnail
Miserable History of Medicine
Simple History
The Paratrooper who fought with an Umbrella and a Bowler Hat thumbnail
The Paratrooper who fought with an Umbrella and a Bowler Hat
Simple History
The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Pompeii DISASTER (79 A.D.) thumbnail
The Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Pompeii DISASTER (79 A.D.)
Simple History
The Biscari Massacre, U.S. War Crime (World War II) thumbnail
The Biscari Massacre, U.S. War Crime (World War II)
Simple History
Weird Weapons of the Vietnam War thumbnail
Weird Weapons of the Vietnam War
Simple History
The Falklands War (1982) thumbnail
The Falklands War (1982)
Simple History
The British POW who returned to a German prison (Strange Stories) thumbnail
The British POW who returned to a German prison (Strange Stories)
Simple History
The London Beer Flood of 1814 (Strange Stories) thumbnail
The London Beer Flood of 1814 (Strange Stories)
Simple History
Life inside a WW2 KV-1 Tank (Cross section) thumbnail
Life inside a WW2 KV-1 Tank (Cross section)
Simple History
How a Lone US Sub Destroyed Japan's Most Important Ship in WW2 thumbnail
How a Lone US Sub Destroyed Japan's Most Important Ship in WW2
Simple History
WWII Factions:  The British Army thumbnail
WWII Factions: The British Army
Simple History
The Ratte - The Biggest Tank Ever Designed thumbnail
The Ratte - The Biggest Tank Ever Designed
Simple History
The Corinthian Helmet (Ancient Greece) thumbnail
The Corinthian Helmet (Ancient Greece)
Simple History
The Feared Korean Soldier: From KPOP to Spec Ops thumbnail
The Feared Korean Soldier: From KPOP to Spec Ops
Simple History
The Jewish Teenager who hid in the German Army (Strange Stories of WWII) thumbnail
The Jewish Teenager who hid in the German Army (Strange Stories of WWII)
Simple History
Obese Soldiers in War thumbnail
Obese Soldiers in War
Simple History
Trench Systems (Cross Section) thumbnail
Trench Systems (Cross Section)
Simple History
Life Inside the Vietcong Tunnels (Cross Section) thumbnail
Life Inside the Vietcong Tunnels (Cross Section)
Simple History
The Yakuza -  Mafia of Japan thumbnail
The Yakuza - Mafia of Japan
Simple History
The Volkswagen Beetle and its Dark origins thumbnail
The Volkswagen Beetle and its Dark origins
Simple History
The US Army & German Wehrmacht VS Waffen SS - Battle for Castle Itter 1945 thumbnail
The US Army & German Wehrmacht VS Waffen SS - Battle for Castle Itter 1945
Simple History
Soldier who Overdosed on Meth in Combat (Strange Stories of World War II) thumbnail
Soldier who Overdosed on Meth in Combat (Strange Stories of World War II)
Simple History
Gunslingers of the Wild West thumbnail
Gunslingers of the Wild West
Simple History

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