War for Profit: Private Militaries in History | Summary and Q&A

July 7, 2023
Simple History
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War for Profit: Private Militaries in History


Private militaries have existed since ancient times, with mercenaries fighting for riches rather than loyalty. Their role continues today with the emergence of private military companies (PMCs), providing legitimate services in conflict zones.

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Key Insights

  • ๐Ÿค‘ Private militaries have existed since ancient times, with mercenaries fighting for riches rather than loyalty.
  • ๐Ÿ™ƒ Medieval Italy was rife with mercenaries known as kundo tieri who switched sides based on opportunism.
  • ๐Ÿ–ค The black Army in Hungary was an effective and well-paid mercenary force that had no other profession than being soldiers.
  • ๐Ÿฆก Swiss Pikemen and German Landsknecht were highly valued mercenaries in Europe, with their rivalry resulting in the "bad War."
  • ๐Ÿคจ The East India Company raised and maintained its own armies to protect its trade interests in Asia.
  • ๐Ÿ”’ Private military companies (PMCs) emerged in the 1980s and 90s, providing security and other legitimate services in conflict zones.
  • โœŠ PMCs have been controversial, being used by Western powers to avoid direct military engagement and prosecution for criminal activities.


private militaries from the dawn of civilization National governments have taken on the responsibility for Waging War as a core part of their justification for rule for the most part the Warriors that make up these fighting forces do so out of the sense of loyalty to family community and Country there are some fighting forces however that exist out... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did mercenaries operate in ancient times?

In ancient times, mercenaries were hired by different factions based on who offered the highest pay. Loyalty and patriotism played little role, resulting in frequent switching of alliances for personal gain.

Q: How did private armies operate in medieval Italy?

In medieval Italy, bands of mercenaries known as kundo tieri would sell their services to the highest bidder, often switching sides based on opportunism. They were known for disorderly behavior and lacked loyalty or patriotism.

Q: How did the black Army in Hungary differ from conscripted soldiers?

The black Army, created by Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus, was a permanent standing mercenary force made up of soldiers who had no other profession than being soldiers. They were well paid and highly capable, unlike conscripts who had to leave their daily professions to join the army.

Q: How have private armies been used in modern times?

Private military companies (PMCs) have been used in modern times to provide security, train local militaries, and support vulnerable governments. They worked alongside regular soldiers in conflicts such as the American-led invasion of Iraq.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Throughout history, mercenaries have existed as Fighting Forces outside of government control, fighting for riches rather than loyalty or patriotism.

  • The ancient world saw Soldiers of Fortune plying their trade to the highest bidder, switching sides based on opportunism.

  • In the modern era, private military companies (PMCs) have emerged, providing security, training, and other services in conflict zones.

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