Notes from a Tech Journey | Santosh Janardhan | TEDxFruitvale Avenue Youth | Summary and Q&A

April 9, 2024
TEDx Talks
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Notes from a Tech Journey | Santosh Janardhan | TEDxFruitvale Avenue Youth


Climbing Kilimanjaro taught the speaker important life lessons, such as the value of diversity, the need to take risks, and the importance of finding joy in the journey.

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Questions & Answers

Q: How did SOS handle the demanding nature of his job?

SOS engaged in extreme activities like bungee jumping and mountain climbing to clear his mind and improve focus. This allowed him to find an outlet and relieve stress from his 24/7 job.

Q: What lessons did SOS learn from climbing Kilimanjaro?

Climbing Kilimanjaro taught SOS the value of teamwork and the need to have a diverse team. He also learned the importance of conflict resolution and finding joy in challenging situations.

Q: How did the diverse team contribute to the success of climbing Kilimanjaro?

Each team member had different skills and expertise, which allowed them to support and learn from one another. This diversity of thought and abilities helped them overcome challenges and achieve their goal.

Q: What advice does SOS give about navigating through life?

SOS emphasizes the importance of embracing diversity, taking risks, and finding joy in the journey. He encourages listeners to navigate through life, rather than focusing solely on reaching the center, and to remember that life is always a work in progress.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker, SOS, shares his background and experiences working for companies like PayPal, eBay, YouTube, and Google.

  • To cope with the demanding nature of his job, SOS engages in extreme activities like bungee jumping and mountain climbing to clear his mind and improve focus.

  • Climbing Kilimanjaro with a diverse team taught SOS the importance of teamwork, conflict resolution, and finding joy in challenging situations.

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