How To Make A Lasting Impression | Jeffery Keilholtz | TEDxRockville | Summary and Q&A

September 29, 2023
TEDx Talks
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How To Make A Lasting Impression | Jeffery Keilholtz | TEDxRockville

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This video discusses the power of creating lasting impressions in both personal and professional interactions. It emphasizes the importance of meaningful emotional surprise and shares three meaningful actions we can take in our everyday interactions to bolster our unseen reputation: listening empathetically, expressing vulnerability, and being authentic. The speaker highlights how Lasting Impressions are triggered by heightened sensation and emotional arousal, and how these impressions can significantly impact our relationships and opportunities.

Questions & Answers

Q: Why did Miss Connor's class become so popular?

Miss Connor's class became popular because she possessed a high level of social capital and had a hush quiet waiting list. This was mainly due to a remarkable act of selflessness that aroused curiosity and admiration among parents. She personally reached out to a little girl with anxiety, took her hand, and accompanied her onto the school bus, leaving a lasting impression on the girl and her parents.

Q: How does having a strong social network impact job opportunities?

According to CNBC, 70% of available jobs are never posted online and 75% of resumes are never read by a human being. The strength of our social network plays a significant role in securing job opportunities. About 80% of the jobs we will have are obtained through the ripple effect of our social connections. Therefore, creating enduring personal and lasting impressions is crucial in building and leveraging our social network.

Q: What triggers lasting impressions in our brain?

Lasting impressions are triggered by heightened sensation and emotional arousal, according to the National Library of Medicine. These impressions are like snapshots of our sensory DNA and are not primarily based on the words we say or the clothes we wear. Instead, people remember the emotions and how we physically engage with them. The element of surprise is also a significant factor in creating lasting impressions, as it forms a snapshot that stays glued to our senses.

Q: How does the peak end rule relate to lasting impressions?

The peak end rule suggests that we evaluate our experiences based on how they felt at their peak intensity and at the end. This means that the lasting value of a snapshot determines the overall value of an experience. Duration and time do not matter. For example, in a beach trip that lasted a week, people tend to remember the biggest wave or a heavy rainstorm that occurred, rather than the entire duration. Similarly, in interactions, the lasting impressions we create matter more than the length of the conversation.

Q: What can we do to create lasting impressions in our everyday interactions?

There are three meaningful things we can do to create lasting impressions in our everyday interactions. First, practicing empathetic listening, which involves reflecting back emotions and processing data and emotions simultaneously, creates a cognitive superpower of understanding. Second, expressing vulnerability can create lasting impressions as it conveys honesty and emotional intelligence. Lastly, authenticity is essential for creating lasting impressions, as it creates a genuine and powerful connection with others without self-interest as the driving force.

Q: How does vulnerability help in creating lasting impressions?

Vulnerability conveys honesty and emotional intelligence, which can contribute to creating lasting impressions. Even though expressing vulnerability comes with the risk of being hurt or rejected, it can also be our greatest asset. By sharing a personal story of vulnerability, the speaker mentions how it healed a fractured relationship and opened up a new chapter based on respect and trust. Being vulnerable can create that authentic and lasting connection with others.

Q: How does authenticity impact the creation of lasting impressions?

Authenticity is crucial for creating lasting impressions, and it can create oxytocin in the brain. Oxytocin is a chemical responsible for social bonding. In a world driven by self-interest, offering a natural and authentic connection without expecting personal benefits is incredibly powerful. The speaker mentions a personal anecdote where authenticity and genuine concern for another family member left a lasting impression and fostered a stronger relationship based on trust and respect.

Q: How many conversations do we have on average and how many are considered pointless?

On average, we have about 27 conversations per day, with each conversation lasting approximately 10 minutes. According to Boom Dialogue, approximately 43 out of those 10,000 annual conversations are considered pointless. The speaker highlights that every conversation, no matter how small or limited in time, has the potential to create a lasting impression if we offer meaningful emotional surprise.

Q: How does meaningful emotional surprise strengthen our unseen reputation?

Offering meaningful emotional surprise in our everyday interactions strengthens our unseen reputation. It provides enduring personal value to others, not only the people we interact with directly but also casual observers. This strengthens our unseen reputation, which is based on how we make people feel, and ultimately powers the potential of our personal ripple effect. By consistently offering value and surprise, we leave a lasting impression on others.

Q: How can last impressions be created in business and life?

Authentically creating lasting impressions is possible in every role and situation, whether it be in business or personal life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of offering more meaningful emotional surprise in every interaction. By doing so, we are more likely to be remembered, and our unseen reputation will be strengthened. The speaker encourages everyone to strive to be like Miss Connor, carrying out small idiosyncratic acts that make people feel inspired, uplifted, and deeply moved.


Creating lasting impressions through meaningful emotional surprise in our everyday interactions can have a powerful impact on our personal and professional lives. Lasting impressions are triggered by heightened sensation and emotional arousal, not just the words we say or the clothes we wear. By practicing empathetic listening, expressing vulnerability, and being authentic, we can create enduring personal value for others. These meaningful actions strengthen our unseen reputation and have the potential to leave a lasting impression on those we interact with. In a world driven by self-interest, offering genuine connections without expecting personal benefits sets us apart and fosters strong relationships based on trust and respect. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize making small idiosyncratic acts that inspire and uplift others in order to leave a lasting impression and create a positive ripple effect in our lives.

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