Stephan Ango


"One of my rituals at the end of the year is asking myself these forty questions. This list is modified from a set of questions posted by coppermoss on Metafilter"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"I find it to be one of the most valuable exercises to reflect on what happened, good and bad, and how I hope the year ahead will shape up."
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"What is more interesting than each individual answer are the trends that emerge after years of answering the same questions"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"This is first and foremost a personal exercise, so make it a tradition you can enjoy for years to come. See also my 40 questions to ask yourself every decade."
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"What did you do this year that you’d never done before?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"What cities/states/countries did you visit?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"What was your biggest achievement of the year?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"What was your biggest failure?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"Where did most of your money go?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"What did you get really, really, really excited about?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"What was the best book you read?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"Which celebrity/public figure did you admire the most?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"What valuable life lesson did you learn this year?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"What political issue stirred you the most?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year
"Who was the best new person you met?"
Stephan Ango
40 questions to ask yourself every year

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