Shekar Ramaswamy


"Enter DeSo: the first blockchain custom built for social applications. But first, let’s back up."
Shekar Ramaswamy
coinsights 4: decentralized social part 1
"“Because only a handful of companies have access to the [data], only these companies can curate competitive feeds, build competitive new features, and monetize content – content that isn't even created by these companies in the first place.”"
Shekar Ramaswamy
coinsights 4: decentralized social part 1
"All data is stored publicly accessible on the blockchain, so that anyone can build a competitive social app without “building a billion-user data moat first.”"
Shekar Ramaswamy
coinsights 4: decentralized social part 1
"Instead, your friends list, profile picture, and tokens are instantly available, ultimately transferring the power of choice back to the users."
Shekar Ramaswamy
coinsights 4: decentralized social part 1
"DeSo’s goal is to kickstart social innovation by supporting “a new generation of applications that the entire world can build collaboratively.”"
Shekar Ramaswamy
coinsights 4: decentralized social part 1

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Glasp is a social web highlighter that people can highlight and organize quotes and thoughts from the web, and access other like-minded people’s learning.