Robert J. Shiller


"Keynes wrote that such decisions “can only be taken as a result of animal spirits.”"
Robert J. Shiller
getAbstract - compressed knowledge - animal-spirits-akerloff-e.pdf
"Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch once said he had little use for rationally analytical business plans and projections. He said major business decisions come “straight from the gut.”"
Robert J. Shiller
getAbstract - compressed knowledge - animal-spirits-akerloff-e.pdf
"Literary critics who analyze story patterns find that most of the world’s thousands of stories fit a few simple patterns."
Robert J. Shiller
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"Some research suggests that the success of strong marriages is attributable to the story a couple shapes with their relationship."
Robert J. Shiller
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"Political leaders may rise and fall on the basis of their ability to inspire followers with stories."
Robert J. Shiller
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"It does not allow for the possibility that the story itself may be the"
Robert J. Shiller
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"The confidence of a nation...tends to revolve around stories"
Robert J. Shiller
getAbstract - compressed knowledge - animal-spirits-akerloff-e.pdf
"It says people could get jobs if they took less pay, just as anyone who wants to sell a house usually can – by lowering the price."
Robert J. Shiller
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"In contrast, the efficiency wage theory says employers fear that people hired at lower wages may resent the perceived unfairness of their pay and, thus, undercut productivity."
Robert J. Shiller
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"the perceived unfairness of their pay and, thus, undercut productivity. That is, employers pay more than required – out of fairness."
Robert J. Shiller
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"Savings decisions depend on animal spirits. People early in their careers have difficulty imagining what they will want in retirement."
Robert J. Shiller
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"Animal spirits are hard at work in the markets. Toyota owes its success to Japanese animal spirits, and factors such as stories of identity, confidence and belonging."
Robert J. Shiller
getAbstract - compressed knowledge - animal-spirits-akerloff-e.pdf
"Minorities such as African-Americans and Native Americans have a very different story of America than whites do."
Robert J. Shiller
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"Whites depict America as a competitive, difficult place where they are individually responsible for their outcomes – because the system is basically fair."
Robert J. Shiller
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"African-Americans, however, tell a story of an unfair, white-run system. Because they see society as unfair, working within it poses psychological challenges. Affirmative action is an important way of dealing with the story of unfairness, since it shows that the majority population is trying to make the system fairer, and it gives minorities reason to believe they can achieve real change."
Robert J. Shiller
getAbstract - compressed knowledge - animal-spirits-akerloff-e.pdf

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