Richard Holmes


"Scope management is product management. And it’s often only with experience that you’ll learn how best to manage scope creep."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"Product managers and product teams will grapple with 3 broad types of scope: Must haves Nice to haves Feedback we haven’t thought about yet"
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"Feedback we haven’t thought about goes to the heart of why product teams bother to ship a first version in the first place."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"If you don’t ship sooner rather than later you’re postponing learning whatever it is you don’t yet know."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"Once you ship v1, you’ll get all kinds of valuable feedback you can use to shape later versions."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"Every day, product managers are tasked with parsing these types of questions and a lot of them involve assessing questions of scope."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"The goal here is to attempt to literally draw the boundaries of what represents a v1 iteration of whatever it is you’re building."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"Step 1 – plot out your must haves vs. nice to haves"
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"Working closely with the rest of the product team, try to decide what’s a must have vs. a nice to have for the first iteration."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"Step 2 – define the scope of v1"
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"Step 3 – revisit with feedback later"
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"As you continue to learn more and more from users, you can update your scope box model to demonstrate what you’ve learned after you shipped your first version."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"What additional value does increasing the scope actually add?"
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"2. Focus on the problem to solve"
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"Be specific about whether or not your v1 addresses the problem you’re trying to solve. If it does, perhaps that’s enough. If it does, but all of your competitors are also solving the same problem in exactly the same way, perhaps solving the problem alone isn’t enough."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"3. Revisit your strategy"
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"Your strategy, if it is indeed a strategy, should include clear decisions about your business. Who you’re targeting, what your differentiators are, what your brand values are and others."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"If it’s really, really important that you do things radically differently to your competitors for example, getting just the must haves in place might not be enough – even for a first iteration."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product
"The scope box model can be used to articulate what it is specifically that you’ve decided to include in v1 and why."
Richard Holmes
Scope Management is Product Management - Department of Product

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