Ralph Ammer


"If we resist the use of labels and actually look at things — then we see a lot more! Our willingness to unlearn lets us discover the affluence of the present situation."
Ralph Ammer
Seeing vs. reading
"Because we are open to new sensations, we gather a lot more information to make new connections — new ideas. We get an intuitive grasp of the situation and recognise patterns."
Ralph Ammer
Seeing vs. reading
"Writing software or organising your creative project require a focused linear mindset."
Ralph Ammer
Seeing vs. reading
"The key to creativity is to alternate between those two thinking modes."
Ralph Ammer
Seeing vs. reading
"The basis of any creative activity is to be perceptive. The more you take in, the more ideas can occur in your mind."
Ralph Ammer
Seeing vs. reading
"We first clearly define a creative playground using logical verbal thinking."
Ralph Ammer
Seeing vs. reading
"After taking in a lot of information on a subject — in verbal reasonable thinking mode —we let it settle and allow our intuitive side to make new connections in the safety of our subconscious."
Ralph Ammer
Seeing vs. reading
"Intuitive thinking can be seduced or invited, it can hardly be forced."
Ralph Ammer
Seeing vs. reading
"Regular habits of intense focus can strengthen our verbal thinking."
Ralph Ammer
Seeing vs. reading
"Observational drawing on the other hand opens our eyes to the rich information available right here, right now."
Ralph Ammer
Seeing vs. reading

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