Nico Cerdeira


"it ultimately failed to understand what users wanted and needed in terms of social media."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google+ was not able to offer anything new and innovative enough to take over."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Buzz was another attempt by Google to compete with Twitter."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google was not providing anything new with Google Buzz, and the platform didn’t have any competitive advantage over Twitter."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Buzz published a user’s location whenever they posted something."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Offers was Google’s answer to Groupon and LivingSocial, when such “daily deals” coupon sites were taking cities by storm."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google’s Tango, formerly known as Project Tango, was an augmented reality platform for developers to build AR apps with."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Wave is one of the most abstract concepts Google has come up with over the years. It allowed users to collaborate on “waves,” live spaces on the internet, where they could share images, video clips, polls, and more. The platform was intended to be a futuristic form of email."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Video was Google’s own video hosting platform, similar to YouTube."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Answers had a pretty unique concept — it allowed users to ask any question they wanted and set a price they were willing to pay for the answer."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Glass came with a large price tag upon launch — $1,500, to be exact — and Google never really effectively marketed them."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Daydream was a virtual reality headset from Google that required users to insert their smartphone into the headset in order to use the phone’s display for a VR experience."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"oogle realized that a smartphone’s display is not powerful enough for a top-quality virtual reality experience"
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Health was a failed Google product intended to create a consolidated healthcare record that users could input information and data into to share with participating healthcare providers"
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Health was originally shut down because of privacy concerns related to HIPAA and lack of user adoption."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Lively was a web-based virtual environment along the lines of Second Life. Users could create avatars using pre-designed features and interact with one another in virtual rooms, which could be hosted on any website."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Knol, a play on the word “knowledge,” was Google’s attempt to dethrone Wikipedia as the king of user-written informational articles."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"It allowed people to stream videos from YouTube and music from Google Music directly to their TVs."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"The high cost and lack of compatibility with non-Google streaming platforms drew harsh criticisms, and Google discontinued the product before launching it."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google added support for Hangouts to Gmail in 2013, and Google Talk was gradually phased out in favor of the newer messaging and video meeting app."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Inbox by Gmail was an email client with added features that were unavailable in Gmail at the time. These included Smart Reply, snoozing, bundling, and other AI-based features that made Google’s Inbox smarter than the standard Gmail inbox."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google eventually rolled most of Inbox by Gmail’s features into Gmail itself, and discontinued Inbox for good in 2019."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Since Allo was tied to a user’s phone number, rather than an email or social media account, it was more akin to WhatsApp than other instant messaging services."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google ended up transferring many of its features over to its Messages app."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Goggles was a smartphone app designed to let users look up information by taking pictures of things."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Web Accelerator was a software product intended to speed up the load times of pages on the internet. It did this by caching information on Google, compressing data, prefetching content, and more."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Web Accelerator was full of bugs, including the inability to load YouTube videos."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Reader was a tool for aggregating RSS feeds from multiple sites. It had various features that allowed users to organize and view news and articles in different ways, including a folder-based view and an expanded view for scanning lots of items at once."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Reader had a loyal following, but Google decided to kill it as part of a larger “spring cleaning” operation. Google cited declining usage as the reason for shutting down Google Reader."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Play Edition phones were basically Android phones made by companies like Samsung and HTC, but available for purchase only through Google."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Bump was an iOS and Android app created by Bump Technologies that allowed smartphone users to quickly share photos and files by bumping their phones together."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Bump was actually a hugely successful app (it was listed as one of Time's ""50 Best Android Applications for 2013""), but Google bought Bump Technologies and shut down the app in 2014."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Desktop was a sidebar widget that users could install on their Linux, macOS, and Windows devices."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google Desktop naturally became obsolete since desktop operating systems started to incorporate these widgets as part of their default features."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google SMS search allowed cell phone users to text search queries to GOOGLE (the number 466453) to get information quickly without internet access."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google SMS Search is another Google product that naturally became obsolete as most smartphone users gained access to unlimited data and free WiFi became more widespread."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Dodgeball was a location-based social networking platform that allowed users to text their location to the service in order to get notified about which friends, family members, and other acquaintances were nearby."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Interestingly, Crowley went on to co-found Foursquare, which initially built on a lot of the concepts of Dodgeball."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"Google eventually integrated location check-ins to Google+ and decided to get rid of Google Latitude."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"A recurring trend is that many of Google’s failed products had good concepts, but poor timing, as there were already better alternatives out there, as in the case of Google Video."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"According to the website Killed by Google, Google has put an end to a total of 267 products. These include 51 apps, 195 services, and 21 pieces of hardware."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products
"One reason why so many Google projects get canceled is because there are just so many of them."
Nico Cerdeira
The 25 Biggest Failed Google Products

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