Megan Garber


"Wikipedia succeeded in part because, revolutionary as it was, it also felt familiar."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"One answer, which seems obvious only in retrospect: Wikipedia attracted contributors because it was built around a familiar product — the encyclopedia."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"They employ a particular — and, yet, universal — approach to organizing information."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"Wikipedia focused on substantive content development instead of technology."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"Wikipedia was the only project in the entire sample, Hill noted, that didn’t build its own technology."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"Wikipedia offered low transaction costs to participation, and it de-emphasized the social ownership of content."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"“You can come along and do a drive-by edit and never make a contribution again,”"
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"the fact that it’s difficult to tell who wrote an article, or who edited it — rather than discouraging contribution, as you might assume — actually encouraged contributions, Hill found. “Low textual ownership resulted in more collaboration,” he put it."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"that could well be because Wikipedia’s authorless structure lowers the pressure some might feel to contribute something stellar."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"Wikipedia “took advantage of marginal contributions,”"
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"If you want user contributions, build platforms that are familiar and easy."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"focus on helping users to understand what you want from them rather than on dazzling them."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"Though gamification — with incentives that encourage certain user behaviors, complete with individual rewards (badges! titles! mayors!) — certainly has a role to play in the new news ecosystem,"
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"the inverse of game dynamics can be a powerful force, as well."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?
"the value of platforms that invite rather than challenge — and the validity of contributions made for the collective good rather than the individual."
Megan Garber
The contribution conundrum: Why did Wikipedia succeed while other encyclopedias failed?

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