Max Olson


"Competitive advantage can be represented visually as 1 or more feedback loops. These create the advantage “flywheel” that maintain and grow a moat over time."
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"In the Economies of Scale flywheel above, the primary driver of more volume is low prices."
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"If prices are maintained or increase, scale will yield higher margins → more resources to spend on growth → more sales volume."
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"The Brand Habit flywheel exhibits the typical loop for habit-reinforcing association of a brand with a specific quality or job-to-be-done."
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"Another example of brand advantage is more of a social proof effect: Product has success → the cool kids want it → improved perception of product → …"
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"The most successful moats have multiple flywheels that feed off of each other’s momentum."
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"Friction and limiting factors"
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"In systems thinking, reinforcing feedback loops are almost always slowed by a balancing loop attached to it. Growth doesn’t continue unchecked, and flywheels always run into friction."
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"Switching costs & network effects — product quality slips as the incentives to improve aren’t strong when customers can’t leave → value of a competitive offering overcomes switching cost."
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"Direct network effects — any source of decreasing value to users, which could cause users to exit and turn the virtuous cycle into a vicious one."
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"Where are the sources of positive feedback?"
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels
"How do you get the flywheels moving? What strategies can help get inertia? (For example, “doing things that don’t scale.”)"
Max Olson
Advantage Flywheels

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