John C. Maxwell


"How DO we like to be treated?"
John C. Maxwell
The Right Thing 101
"1. We want to be valued."
John C. Maxwell
The Right Thing 101
"2. We want to be appreciated."
John C. Maxwell
The Right Thing 101
"Valuing others, not for what they can do but simply because they are human beings, is the foundation of ethics."
John C. Maxwell
The Right Thing 101
"3. We want to be trusted."
John C. Maxwell
The Right Thing 101
"The only way you can make a man trustworthy is by trusting him"
John C. Maxwell
The Right Thing 101
"4. We want to be respected."
John C. Maxwell
The Right Thing 101
"5. We want to be understood."
John C. Maxwell
The Right Thing 101
"6. We don’t want others to take advantage of us."
John C. Maxwell
The Right Thing 101

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