David Elikwu


"Don't wait to be happy."
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"Money isn't everything."
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"Your satisfaction won't be unlocked by people, status, money, or the magic of 'one day'. It's something you must intentionally carve out for yourself."
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"You don't need a title to be successful."
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"It's more important to be kind than intelligent."
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"You can't please everyone."
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"If you want to accelerate your career, never get caught doing exactly what people expect you to do."
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"Be yourself - most of the time"
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"You don't have to play fair"
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"Industriousness is your cheat code."
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable"
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"You're not as special as you think"
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"The real differentiators are resilience and grit"
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"There's no such thing as work-life balance"
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"You can't have it all. You have to make choices."
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"Don't take yourself too seriously"
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success
"Being a baller and having an awesome career is no excuse to treat people like crap."
David Elikwu
15 unconventional lessons about life, money, and success

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