Dalton Mabery


"1. An unread library is as essential as a read one."
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"I like what Paul Graham says when asked if he’s read every book on his bookshelf: “No. I’ve read some of most of them and most of some of them.”"
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"2. If you like how someone thinks, ask them what books they've read."
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"Much like you don’t remember every meal you’ve ever eaten, still, they’ve made you who you are today. It is the same with books. So if you like how someone thinks, ask them what they’ve read."
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"3. ""Books record the deeds of those who once dared greatly, as well as those who dared too much, as a warning."" – Henry Kissinger"
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"4. Start a lot of books; finish a few of them."
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"“Life’s too short to read boring books,” we often say at Farnam Street. Just don’t do it."
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"5. ""Memorize stories. Highlight facts. Skip the fluff."" – Morgan Housel"
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"6. Read non-fiction in the morning and fiction before bed."
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"7. New books are made of old books."
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"""The ugly fact is books are made of books. The novel depends for its life on the novels that have been written,"" Cormac McCarthy said."
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well
"8. What books someone chooses not to read says more about them than what they read."
Dalton Mabery
8 Thoughts on Reading Well

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