Byron Reese


"Goodreads’ new book-recommendation engine is based on technology acquired from Discovereads, an acquisition made in March."
Byron Reese
How Goodreads can monetize its business – Old GigaOm
"Today Goodreads derives its revenues by promoted book campaigns, where it works with major publishers to promote titles."
Byron Reese
How Goodreads can monetize its business – Old GigaOm
"The company today probably has a better idea of success indicators for books than anyone, with the exception of Amazon. This is data that could be utilized to understand how genres, characteristics, writers and other factors perform among certain reader sets."
Byron Reese
How Goodreads can monetize its business – Old GigaOm
"By combining a healthy margin for publishers and strong community loyalty, the company could become a true social commerce site."
Byron Reese
How Goodreads can monetize its business – Old GigaOm
"Today Goodreads offers a data API to leverage its information on third-party websites, but there is a huge potential monetization opportunity by bringing third parties into Goodreads itself, where it can offer applications, services and content offerings to Goodreads’ members, much as Facebook has done with its platform."
Byron Reese
How Goodreads can monetize its business – Old GigaOm
"The biggest problem for any prospective social network is scaling its community to a large-enough point that new businesses become a possibility."
Byron Reese
How Goodreads can monetize its business – Old GigaOm

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