Avrohom Gottheil


"The evolution of AI, from being a data science experiment to an enterprise-scale transformation, travels through the maturity curve of AUTOMATION, AUTONOMOUS, and finally, ALLIANCE."
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future
"Classic AI helped businesses with automation and digitization to now be autonomous where they can take limited actions without human interventions."
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future
"And soon, it will be seen as a “partner” or ally to humans in business, as a full-fledged team member with complete ownership of the business function."
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future
"“The first generation of AI was mainly a rules-based driven paradigm that accelerated decisions made by humans through predictive analysis and insights."
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future
"“The third generation of AI is where we are headed. It is a new generation of fully autonomous intelligent devices that not only takes over many key human-centric business functions but it also works alongside us and conducts business with us in a collaborative environment."
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future
"Trading involves not just number crunching but also intuition and, most importantly, communication and understanding of the market chatter."
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future
"The Metaverse is going to play a big role in the third generation of AI, as it will be a key venue for communicating and interacting with autonomous AI."
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future
"As per — Gary Bhattacharjee, AI Practice Leader, Infosys, “To scale AI in a transformative enterprise, there are three THEATERS where the AI of the future would need to expand:"
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future
"Engineering — Scaling Mathematics through constant silicon innovation, including but not limited to techniques like Cloud-native designs, hyper-connectivity, uber-connectivity, Quantum Technology, and community-based coding (aka Open Source), as the best code comes from collaborative minds in the open-source community and not locked away in corporate silos."
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future
"Business — Re-imagine business to leverage AI to eliminate human business functions and create disruptive models. There is a term called fractured market, which means that a business can operate in multiple industries."
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future
"Wisdom — AI amplifies what we teach it. We should focus on teaching AI appropriately so we can amplify good learnings. Areas of amplification are in Labeling, Ethics, and Linguistics. We should also be responsible and create AI self-governance to prevent it from being used for malicious purposes.”"
Avrohom Gottheil
AI-powered businesses will rule the future

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